Sizov, A.A. (2023). 全球能源部门的第四次能源转型:俄罗斯的技术和能源主权. 政治与社会, 4, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.4.43485
这篇文章探讨了全球能源部门的现状,这是相当合理的第四次能源转型。 近年来,现代世界一直在全球能源危机的边缘摇摇欲坠。 有些自相矛盾的是,这种情况在很大程度上是由一些主要国家(主要是欧洲国家)旨在放弃碳和核能的政策引起的。 另一方面,利用太阳能和风能开发发电能力的投资加速增长被认为是克服危机和实现能源安全的一种方式。 与可再生能源的广泛使用相关的第四次能源转型,无论是从技术角度还是从进出口平衡的位置来看,都是俄罗斯经济面临的明确挑战。 该研究的主要结论是,与可再生能源的广泛使用相关的第四次能源转型,无论从技术角度还是从进出口平衡的位置来看,都是俄罗斯经济面临的明确挑战。 有了一个称职的能源政策,俄罗斯完全有机会以平衡和渐进的方式通过第四次能源转型阶段:不走极端的"绿色议程",在技术上与世界领先国家保持一致,将为国家经济提供廉价能源的任务与新的技术突破相结合,使该国能够保持经济稳定,即使在技术和经济生活方式发生全球变化的情况下也是如此。
能量转移, 可再生能源, 全球能源危机, 碳足迹, 能源投资, 能源主权, 技术主权, 发电结构, 国际能源署, 俄罗斯的水电潜力
Shugurov, M.V. (2023). 与俄罗斯在制裁下参与空间领域的国际科学和技术合作:结果和前景 . 政治与社会, 4, 14–35. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.4.69123
文章分析了欧洲和美国在空间合作领域实施的反俄制裁制度。 结果,太空卷入了地缘政治对抗,这在冷战期间没有观察到。 本文的目的是了解制裁制度在俄罗斯参与空间领域的国际科学和经济合作方面的特点和后果。 该条认为,国际合作空间领域的制裁制度的特点是具体的。 它包括用俄罗斯为退出一些国际科学和技术项目而采取的措施来补充西方的制裁。 对制裁的消极后果的研究给予了特别的关注,因为制裁使为了全人类的利益在空间领域取得重大突破所必需的努力的协同作用复杂化。 使用了分析和综合,抽象和概括的一般科学方法。 这使得有可能从各种经验数据转向关于对俄罗斯航天工业和空间科学的制裁制度的性质和模式的理论概括。 除此之外,还使用了比较方法,以及建模方法和预测方法。 这项研究的新颖之处在于,在"制裁–反制裁"束背景下对抗的事件分析是在科学和技术领域制裁理论的背景下建立的。 此外,西方制裁与俄罗斯参与国际合作有关的问题是在空间领域国际合作分裂的客观趋势的背景下显示的。 这项工作的主要结论是关于欧洲与俄罗斯断绝关系的激进主义的立场以及美国的谨慎态度。 事实证明,通过俄罗斯在空间领域的科学和技术隔离概念的棱镜来考虑目前的情况是一种夸张。 该研究表明,与俄罗斯航天工业以及与世界宇航员和空间科学有关的制裁和反制裁所造成的损害并不是灾难性的。 与此同时,目前的形势刺激了俄罗斯在国家和国际层面的积极科学和技术政策。
太空竞赛, 反俄制裁, 空间研究, 自给自足,自给自足, 俄罗斯的对策, 计划协作, 全球化, 国际合作, 比赛, 技术主权
Osipov, M.Y. (2023). 关于在法律领域的现代科学研究中使用跨学科方法的特点问题. 政治与社会, 4, 36–45. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.4.43798
The research subject of this article is the features and patterns of the use of an interdisciplinary approach to modern scientific research in the field of law. The relevance of this problem and the need to study the patterns of using an interdisciplinary approach in the field of law is because, on the one hand, it is becoming increasingly widespread in the legal sciences. On the other hand, the "inept" use of an interdisciplinary approach in the field of law can lead to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of scientific research in the legal sciences and lead to difficulties in assessing the significance of the obtained research results. The purpose of this work is to identify the patterns of using this approach based on the analysis of the features of the interdisciplinary approach in modern scientific research in the field of legal sciences and to propose ways to use it most effectively in modern scientific research in the field of jurisprudence. The scientific novelty of the conducted research is as follows. During the analysis of the features and patterns of the use of an interdisciplinary approach in modern legal science, it was found that not all researchers understand the features (specifics) of the use of an interdisciplinary approach in legal research. The specificity of using an interdisciplinary approach in legal research is that an interdisciplinary approach allows us to identify common patterns of formation, development and functioning of state-legal phenomena as a variety of social phenomena. Therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of using an interdisciplinary approach in modern scientific research in the field of legal sciences, it is better to conduct research on the purely legal side of state-legal phenomena within the framework of a disciplinary approach and traditional legal methods, an interdisciplinary approach, in our opinion, should play the role of a kind of philosophical basis that does not allow the absolutization of knowledge and assumes the need for dialogue in in order to conduct scientific research more productively.
usage, jurisprudence, problems, estimation, researches, effectiveness, patterns, interdisciplinary approach, right, philosophical basis
Egorov, S. (2023). 俄罗斯科学认证体系完整性的法律支持. 政治与社会, 4, 46–58. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.4.43802
This article is devoted to the issue of preserving the integrity of the Russian state system of scientific certification in the context of the growing diversity of regulatory and legal acts, as well as practices for awarding academic degrees. The recent expansion of the autonomy of a number of scientific and educational organizations raises a number of doubts, primarily related to the ability to ensure equal rights and opportunities for applicants for academic degrees in different parts of the system. This article provides a comparative analysis of state acts and regulatory acts of organizations that carry out procedures for the independent awarding of academic degrees. In the course of this study, three subsystems were identified that operate according to comparable rules but provide different rights and opportunities. The first subsystem is dissertation councils under the leadership of the Higher Attestation Commission and Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science. There, a place is occupied by special dissertation councils, in which the applicant avoids the publication of articles and the text of the dissertation, as well as other publicity requirements. The second subsystem is formed by scientific and educational organizations found on a special list. Similar norms and requirements apply within the framework of their local regulations, but there are also noticeable differences. These include reducing the number of dissertation councils, including candidates of sciences in them, the possibility of defending a candidate's thesis in the form of a scientific report, etc. The third subsystem includes spiritual education organizations awarding theological degrees. The ambiguity of the attitude toward such degrees remains at the federal legislation level. Theological degrees are recognized along with other academic degrees during state licensing and accreditation procedures, but their holders are not guaranteed mandatory surcharges, apostille affixing, etc. The analysis made it possible to identify indicators that are important for checking the integrity of the system and determining the direction of its improvement.
Doctor of Philosophy, theological degrees, scientific report, dissertation, higher education, dissertation council, state policy, scientific certification, academic degrees, PhD
Mikryukov, V.A. (2023). 法律实体实益拥有人的私人法律地位的类比限制 . 政治与社会, 4, 59–65. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.4.43804
The author reveals the inconsistency of judicial practice on the issue of the private legal status of beneficial owners (final beneficiaries, beneficiaries) of a legal entity: in cases of challenging decisions of general meetings of participants and transactions of such legal entities, courts without proper references to the legal basis tend to recognize the beneficiaries of the right to appropriate claims, and in disputes over their demands for information the activities of the corporate entities actually controlled by them are denied on the grounds of the lack of grounds for applying the analogy of the law, considering the silence of the legislator about the relevant protective instrument of the beneficiary qualified. Due to the absence of special rules on the presence or absence of analyzed protective capabilities of beneficial owners, the effectiveness of analogy as a traditional means of overcoming legal gaps has been tested. The prospects of the analogical introduction of the public-law concept of "beneficial owner" into the structure of the private-law status of legal entities are evaluated. The development of a formal approach based on the absence of a direct legal connection of the beneficiary with the organization controlled by them is not excluded. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop a unified judicial approach to the possibility of an analogical application of public-law rules on the figure of beneficial owners to private-law relations with their indirect participation before the legislative solution of the issue under study.
qualified silence of the legislator, legal gaps, subsidiary liability, conduit organization, beneficiary, indirect claim, analogy of the law, controlling person, final beneficiary, beneficial owner
Gorban, V.S., Gruzdev, V.S. (2023). 论"纯粹"法学学说的多样性. 政治与社会, 4, 66–74. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.4.43813
The subject of this study is one of the largest epistemological problems in the history of political and legal thought, as well as the modern theory of the state and the law. We are talking about the attempts of the authors of various historical periods, at least over the past two centuries, to construct a model of the study of the law as a "pure" phenomenon or call for the "purity" of the methods of its cognition. There is a strong opinion in modern legal literature that the "pure doctrine of law" is the creative result of the Austrian lawyer Hans Kelsen. His teaching is often a variant of logical positivism, in which an interpretive model of the law was created, in which one subject corresponds to a special and only method—legal—and all the others were declared superfluous. In fact, in the history of legal thought, attempts have been made more than once to write "pure" doctrines about law long before Kelsen. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the analysis and illumination of new facets of political and legal thought history that previously remained completely unexplored in both domestic and foreign political and legal thought. This article analyzes well-known and previously unknown scientists and thinkers who have developed original concepts of the "pure doctrine of law." In this regard, Kelsen's teaching is justifiably considered one of the many variants of this kind of thought, the uniqueness of which is connected only with the idea of interpretation as a philosophical paradigm, which allowed him to combine well-known legal concepts and techniques within the framework of the methodological doctrine of the law.
logical positivism, Stammler, pure law, legal epistemology, neo-Kantianism, normativism, Kelsen, history of legal thought, Picard, Mehmel
Goncharov, V.V. (2023). 俄罗斯联邦联邦司法当局作为公共控制的对象. 政治与社会, 4, 75–86. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.4.69194
本文致力于联邦司法当局作为俄罗斯联邦公共控制对象的公法分析。 提交人证实了公共控制机构在保障民主宪法原则的实施、保护和保护以及俄罗斯公民参与管理国家事务的制度中的作用和地位。 值得注意的是,由于这个俄罗斯民间社会研究所,该国公民以及公共协会和其他众多非政府非营利组织有机会参与组织和实施措施,以监测公共当局的活动,行为和决定以及公共控制的其他对象。 这一情况决定了这一科学研究课题的特殊相关性、科学性和现实意义。 在本文中,使用了一些科学研究方法,特别是:比较法;历史法;形式逻辑;统计;社会学,以及其他一些方法。 该文件审查了法院在俄罗斯联邦联邦当局系统中的地位。 本文正式阐述和审查了与组织和实施公共控制俄罗斯司法当局活动有关的主要专题问题。 提交人证实了解决这些问题的一系列措施,包括:巩固《俄罗斯联邦宪法》中的公共控制制度;制定与俄罗斯司法当局有关的具体形式、方法和类型的公共控制措施;在刑事和行政立法中制定和巩固旨在打击公共控制主体代表合法活动的行动的法律责任措施;利用苏联和外国民间社会控制公共权力机构(包括司法机构)运作的积极经验。
联邦, 器官, 司法权, 俄罗斯联邦, 设施, 公共管制, 民主, 最高法院, 宪法法院, 仲裁法庭