Vronskaya, M.V., Isaev, M.A. (2023). COVID-19期间的俄罗斯电子商务市场:法律法规和趋势 . 政治与社会, 2, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.2.43808
The subject of this paper’s research is the peculiarities of legal regulation and development of the e-commerce market during the COVID-19 pandemic. The author examines in detail the concept of "e-commerce," which is understood as an economic sphere that combines trade and financial transactions that are carried out through contactless interaction of the parties involved. The article also analyzes the system of legal regulation of the e-commerce market and identifies trends for further improvement. Particular attention is paid to the impact of the pandemic on civil law turnover, resulting in the e-commerce market becoming the dominant commodity exchange in the Russian Federation. The study provides statistics on commodity exchange on online platforms for 2021–2022, which has grown significantly compared to previous years. The author’s main conclusions are that the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the processes of digitalization in all spheres of public life, as a result of which trade and financial transactions, for the most part, began to be carried out via the Internet and laid the foundation of the digital economy; to date, electronic commerce has become predominant, but is not devoid of shortcomings of legal regulation; trends of strengthening digital transformation are aimed at delineating the legal status and responsibility of participants in trade ("marketplace," "online store," etc.), expanding the list of types of digital assets and determining their legal regime (account, etc.).
marketplace, aggregator owner, digital rights, civil relations, digital transformation, e-commerce, COVID-19, civil law turnover, digital economy, digital assets
Embulaeva, N., Shapovalov, A., Sluchevskii, V.G. (2023). 改变公共当局的形成和活动的某些原则. 政治与社会, 2, 12–18. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.2.43812
The focus of this study is public relations pertaining to the implementation of specific principles governing the establishment and operation of public authorities at various levels. The analysis centers on the principle of electing officials for legislative bodies at the state and local self-governance levels, as well as the heads of Russian Federation regions. The author explores the transformation of principles guiding the actions of public authorities by examining the interplay between public and private interests within the structures of power. Special attention is given to the principles of upholding citizen trust in state actions, the preservation of individuals, and the accountability of authorities to voters (including the institution of recalling elected officials). The study's key findings propose the incorporation of educational qualifications for officials in federal and regional government bodies into legislation. It is deemed appropriate to establish a requirement of higher education for individuals seeking positions such as state leaders, regional heads, and legislative deputies. Additionally, mechanisms for recalling all elected officials should be established in legislation, enabling the population to remove dishonest officials who fail to uphold the trust placed in them. Given demographic challenges, it is also advisable to enshrine the principle of safeguarding the well-being of individuals in the activities of public authorities.
deputy, responsibility, assignability, electability, principle, public authority, government agency, representative body, feedback, legitimacy
Ditsevich, Y.B., Yurkovskii, A.V. (2023). 关于俄罗斯联邦和中华人民共和国国家环境政策的形成和现代化的具体问题 . 政治与社会, 2, 19–28. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.2.43807
This article discusses aspects of solving environmental protection problems and outlines issues characterizing the interaction between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. An assessment is given on the adoption of legislation for both states and joint coordinated measures aimed at reducing and eliminating negative trends associated with environmental degradation in Russia and China. The features of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China's influence on state environmental policies on environmental issues are described. The analysis of the state of legality in enforcing environmental legislation and the effectiveness of legal means used in implementing prosecutorial supervision in this area is carried out. Empirical, statistical, and scientific information is provided on how the prosecutor's offices of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China participate in the formation of methods and tools of national environmental policies that are of a state nature and carry out their activities mainly in legal forms using complex mechanisms of legal regulation. The proposed article compares the concepts of sustainable development in force in Russia and the People's Republic of China based on generally recognized environmental standards by the international community, which have been ratified in the legislation of the countries under consideration, and analyzes the problems and areas of improvement of Russian and Chinese environmental legislation.
prosecutor's supervision, prosecutorial response measures, cooperation, exchange of experience, environmental legislation, activities of environmental authorities, environmental policy, People's Republic of China, Russian Federation, environment
Berezkina, E. (2023). 利用社交网络塑造2019年俄罗斯CEC的形象. 政治与社会, 2, 29–37. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.2.43797
This article is devoted to the analysis of the content of state organizations' social networks with the example of the CEC of Russia and an attempt to conduct a scientific study of the current tools offered by social networks for building a communicative connection ("power-citizen") and the formation of the image of a state organization. The subject of the study was the CEC of Russia’s communication strategy and presence on selected social networks. An analysis of the actors influencing its creation and implementation was carried out, as well as a study of the audience (target and real) for which information is produced and the formats of interaction with it. When writing the work, the author used the method of content analysis and Integrum monitoring systems to collect statistical information about the reactions of Russian Internet users to the activities of the CEC of Russia. Due to the development of social media algorithms and the increase in their users, there is a request for research describing current processes and changes in society. The specificity of modern society is that there is a formal erasure of borders and simplification of interaction between the state and the citizen, while it is implied that this process is mutually beneficial. The authorities are gaining new tools to influence citizens and new opportunities to form a positive image. Citizens have received a channel to express opinions and direct dialogue with the authorities, especially with regard to expressing dissatisfaction with the government's response to society’s social and political demands.
social network, political perception, look, political image, self-presentation, CEC of Russia, mass consciousness, mass communications, content analysis, public participation
Gorban, V.S., Gruzdev, V.S. (2023). V.S.Nersesyants的哲学和法律遗产. 政治与社会, 2, 38–44. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0684.2023.2.43810
This article analyzes the legal views of one of the most interesting and original philosophers of the law from the last quarter of the twentieth century to the beginning of the twenty-first century and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, V.S. Nersesyants. His legal ideas are rooted in ancient philosophy and German idealistic philosophy. Therefore, comparing his legal views with those of the Hegelian philosophy of law, taking into account both Nersesyants' dissertations, is traditional for contemporary connoisseurs of the theory of law. However, as the experience of a more detailed and in-depth analysis shows, interesting points of similarity of his ideas are also connected with other representatives of the German intellectual and philosophical culture of thinking about law. It is the understanding of the nature of the successive and new aspects in Nersesyants' system of legal views that can serve as the basis for the development of his legal views in modern topical and prospective studies. The scientific novelty of the conducted research of Nersesyants's philosophical and legal heritage consists of some significant clarifications of the nature of his ideas, clarifying their connection with the ideas of Hegelian philosophy and the teachings of I. Kant, I. Fichte, G. Mehmel, as well as the later ideas of the neo-Kantian lawyer R. Stammler. At the same time, comparing Nersesyants' legal views and the interpretation of the law in G. Mehmel's Pure Doctrine of Law allows us to present Nersesyants' theory of law as an original version of this doctrine. The article also points to the inexplicability of the concept of justice in Nersesyants' philosophy of law and promising studies of social theory as a prerequisite for the socio-practical doctrine of civilization.
legal libertarianism, civilism, law and legislative act, legal neo-Kantianism, german idealistic philosophy, justice, concept of law, Nersesyants, history of legal thought, dialectics of the legal form