Потехина А.Е., Квашнина Т.И..
Особенности народного песенного творчества Китая на примере мелодий северной провинции Хэбэй и южной провинции Гуйчжоу
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2022. № 1.
和。 51-58.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2022.1.35691 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=35691
This article examines the melodies of the northern province of Hebei and the southern province of Guizhou as an example for considering the features of Chinese folk songwriting. This work can serve as a reference material for those who study culture, in particular the musical art of China, as well as the translation of Chinese folk art materials. The author focuses on the influence of cultural and social features of the development of society on the folk art of China, and notes that it is very diverse. The first song of Hebei is called "Little cabbage" and tells the sad story of a little girl who lost her mother. The second song "Sun is shining on Baiyan" first appeared in the southern province of Guizhou and depicts the development of the relationship between a man and a woman through symbols and images. This article is first to provides commented translations of the two Chinese folk songs in Russian and English. Based on the analysis of the melodies and lyrics of "Little cabbage" and "Sun is shining on Baiyan", the author draws the following conclusions: natural and socio-cultural realities strongly influence the tunes of songs; symbolism and the use of metaphors are a specific feature of the Chinese folk songwriting; folk songs, as well as musical art overall in China, are built on a pentatonic scale; Chinese folk songs are characterized by unison singing.
Sociocultural influence, Natural influence, Metaphorical nature, Symbolism, Pentatonic scale, Guizhou, Hebei, China, Folk songs, Unison singing
Охлопкова Д.К..
К вопросу развития научно-познавательного спелеологического туризма в Республике Саха (Якутия)
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2021. № 1.
和。 42-48.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2021.1.31300 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=31300
The article describes a new kind of educational and extreme tourism – speleotourism. The author examines the question of organization and development of speleological tourism in Yakutia from scientific-educational perspective of studying the geographical peculiarities of the region – rupestral and runic-like inscriptions, as well as offers the methods and mechanisms for the development of this type of tourism, which is a promising direction of inbound and outbound tourism in Yakutia and attracts a large number of tourists-researchers. The article employs the methods of recreational zoning, SWOT-analysis, field observations, comparative-geographical method, analysis of the documents and fund materials of the institutions and organizations, as well as literary sources. The scientific novelty of this work lies in providing the analysis of development of speleological tourism in the Sakha Republic, determination of geographical peculiarities of its development, and formulation of recommendations for the advancement of this type of tourism in the region. Tourist routs, composed with consideration of geographical objects, contribute to protection of the environment, cultivate the sense of harmony with nature in a person, awareness of its fragility and vulnerability, forms environmental responsibility and culture.
tourism, historical monuments, geological objects, rock inscriptions, cultural monuments, speleological tourism, speleotourism, speleological tours, tourist route, recreational activity
Жигальцова Т.В..
Картографирование эмоций жителей пожилого возраста небольшого сельского поселения Евро-арктической зоны России
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2020. № 3.
和。 28-42.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2020.3.33698 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=33698
Recent urban studies give particular attention to the concept of place attachment. A modern settlement, first and foremost, represents a space that is emotionally comfortable for the local residents. The goal of this research consists in the analysis of emotional attachment and/or rejection to specific places in a small rural locality of Komsomolsky of Velsky District of the Arkhangelsk Region, situated in the Euro-Arctic Zone of Russia, and formed in the middle of the XX century as a place deprived of a long and rich history and traditions. The research results are based on the survey conducted among 40 residents of the locality aged 50 years and older. It demonstrated that the residents experienced various emotions of joy, interest, comfort, sorrow, pride, anxiety, shame, and disgust towards public places in the locality. At the same time, a single place (for example, a hospital, an abandoned school, gym, etc.) may incorporate both positive and negative emotions. The detected emotions were placed on a physical map and revealed the diversity of emotional perceptions of residents, with concentration of emotions in the center and suburbs of the locality. The interactive map is presented on the Internet resource http://emogeography.com/emotional-maps.html. The map exceeded the geographical boundaries of the locality and included several kilometers of the neighboring area. The research has vast implications for the improvement of emotional well-being of the residents of small rural settlements. Some recommendations on the reconstruction of center of the locality and engagement of population into social and cultural events are given.
emotional attachment, elderly population, emotopia, mapping, euro-arctic zone, rural community, emotional geography, emotional rejection, interactive map, anonymous survey
Хрипкова Е.А..
Репрезентация образа Господа в мозаике аббата Теодульфа в Жерминьи-де-Пре
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2017. № 4.
和。 47-55.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2017.4.25015 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=25015
The research subject is the representation of the image of the Lord in the iconographic program of the apse mosaic of the oratory of abbot Theodulf at Germigny-des-Prés. The research object is the iconographic program of the apse of the oratory at Germigny-des-Prés. The author of the program, abbot Theodulf, was the abbot of Fleury-sur-Loire, a poet, a theologian and the closest fellow of Charles the Great. His aniconic ideas played an important role in defining the way of representing the Divine Presence within the space of the church he had built. Based on the method of iconographic analysis, the author analyzes the Old Testament images of Theodulf’s mosaic and compares them with the Holy Writ. The article considers the modern ideas about the disputable iconographic program of the apse mosaic of the oratory and offers another variant of interpreting Theodulf’s program that supplements the existing interpretations. The author shows that the unseen by a human eye Glory of the Lord surrounded by cherubs is the key object of the program and a part of the composition, which symbolically means also the beginning of the Eucharistic canon.
interpretation, cherubs, apse, the Arc of the Covenant, iconographic program, oratory, Theodulf, Germigny-des-Prés, mosaic, the Carolingian era
I.K. Asadullaev.
Totem the Donkey. A hypothesis About Unification of Aryan Clans and Tribes is Confirmed?
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2013. № 2.
和。 102-113.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2013.2.63481 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63481
最古老的图腾驴出现在人类的最早阶段,并被古代伊朗人民所使用,他们可能是通过其他部族和部落的工会的方式,在几千年前,在拥有驴崇拜的阿维斯塔之前,将他们的神图腾驴的概念和名字传给他们。 正是这些部族和部落承认了伊朗人民祖先的名字—Aryas。 稳定术语"khar"(驴)的不可忽视和各种差异获得了神圣的含义。 语音学和语义学不可能有一个偶然的双重巧合:aryas,Kharu Artovskiy,Khaara Berezaiti,kharsang,khargush,Kharris,charisma,Kharri Krishna,Kharon和Kharits,Kharishchandra,Khovar,Khuroson,Khorazm,Khurshed,Khvarna,Kharob,Akhura Mazda和Ankhra-Manyu等人的意思是超人,神圣,巨大,超自然。 这一假设由Sarianidi V.I.进行的Margian文明中驴的帝王埋葬的考古发掘证实。
图腾, 卡拉Berezaiti, 布哈拉, 霍罗格, 卡里-克里希纳, 卡里卡拉, 赫瓦纳, Khurshed, 卡里什钱德拉, 阿里安