Citations count: 14
Chirkin V.E. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2015. – ¹ 3.
– 和。 12 - 40.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2015.3.16800 URL:
The article discusses the creation of integration regional international associations, which at times become not only international unions, but also acquire elements of certain public power, a particular public-legal form, and can create its regional supranational (“supra-state”) law. At this time it fully applies only to the European Union, but other integration unions can also follow this path (for example, the EAEU). Using the methods of political science, science of state, and comparative-legal methods of studying this new phenomenon, the author concludes that in the EU there is an incomplete public power sui generis, which is not a state power, but has elements of statehood, operates special supranational law, which takes precedence over the law of member-states, and changes the concept of state sovereignty. Its member-states retain state sovereignty, but self-restrict some of its elements. But all of this takes place only within certain framework: certain sovereign rights and government powers voluntarily transferred to the EU by the member-states.
Citations count: 4
Zakharov V.K., Golikova E.I. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2014. – ¹ 4.
– 和。 331 - 351.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.4.13566 URL:
本文致力于研究一个国家的繁荣与个人所得税税率表的累进性之间存在的依赖关系。 作者分析了这些因素并确定了它们对国家繁荣和繁荣的影响。 该研究包括对40个随机选择的国家进行分析。 考虑了以下因素对国家繁荣和繁荣的影响:人均国内生产总值;平均月薪;基尼系数;国债,然后是黄金在国际储备资产中的份额。 本文确定了国家繁荣指数功能依赖性对所得税率等级累进性指数和计算的相关系数的影响。 随着联合国使用的世界各国已知的繁荣指数,在文章中引入了新的所得税率规模累进指数。 在此基础上,作者介绍了新的综合区间社会和经济指数,即:多因素国家繁荣指数和多因素国家繁荣指数。 这些汇总指数是为40个主要世界国家计算的,作者设法找到了所有初始指数。 按繁荣和繁荣指数(2009-2012年)对世界国家评级的分析表明,俄罗斯和巴西的价值接近。 一般来说,在所有评级中,两个国家都位于相应指数值区间的较低小数部分(较低的第一部分和较低的第二部分)。 此外,还表明国家繁荣与个人收入税率规模累进性之间存在正线性趋势依赖关系。 此外,通过计算选择性相关系数,作者表明这种线性趋势依赖性在很大程度上是线性函数的。 俄罗斯采用的统一税率表对该国的繁荣产生了负面影响。
Citations count: 3
Chirkin V.E. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– 和。 28 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2015.1.14165 URL:
在比较外国和俄罗斯宪法的基础上,文章讨论了俄罗斯宪法的法律语言。 作者特别讨论了俄罗斯《宪法》所载的问题,即关于社会经济、社会、政治和精神生活的宪法规定。 然而,该条还提到了在1993年通过《宪法》期间纳入案文的《宪法》的一些缺点。 使用作者的主要方法是比较方法。 在研究过程中也使用了其他经典的法律方法。 该研究的新颖之处在于以比较方法研究俄罗斯宪法的价值。 作者提出了如何修改俄罗斯概念的想法,以符合当代内涵中使用的法律语言的现代标准。
Citations count: 3
Morkovkin D.E. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– 和。 41 - 47.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.1.26990 URL:
In modern conditions of global geopolitical instability and economic sanctions, the mechanism of state procurement and commodity interventions in Russia is not an effective tool for regulating the grain market. The subject of the research is the state policy in the field of development of agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation in order to develop proposals for improving the mechanisms of regulation of the grain market. The object of the study is the direction and mechanisms of agricultural policy of modern Russia.The study focuses on the analysis of the main shortcomings of the current mechanism of regulation of the Russian grain market, and offers a completely new alternative models to maintain the profitability of agricultural producers.The paper uses theoretical and empirical methods, in particular: literature review, logical, statistical and expert assessments, methods of empirical data collection, system analysis, description and processing of research results.The main results of the study are the following provisions. The author proposes the use of alternative models to maintain the level of income of agricultural producers in order to reduce the costs of the Federal budget and improve the efficiency of this mechanism, within the framework of which an effective institution can be created that regulates the grain market on the principles of public-private partnership – grain commodity-credit Corporation.
Citations count: 2
Subbotsky E. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– 和。 48 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2016.1.17387 URL:
In this work the author compares the research of conscious action in the context of the Vygotsky and Luria theory, and modern research on executive function. With few exceptions the modern research in the West conceptualizes the notion of “executive function” independently from its original meaning established by Vygotsky and Luria, and in an ever increasing manner is being viewed as a function, or directly governed by neuronal processes taking place in the brain, or as a complex, “context-free” cognitive construct. But such approach towards willful behavior is contradicted by empirically established facts: high dependency of the level of willfulness of behavior experienced from the content of instruction and from culture in which the research is conducted. The scientific novelty of this research is substantiated by the fact that this work is first to compare the approach of Vygotsky and Luria on conscious action with the modern concept of executive action based on experimental research and practical work with children.
Citations count: 2
Asadullaev I.K. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– 和。 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2016.1.18122 URL:
The subject of this research is the projection of new concepts of philosophy into the borderline area of philosophy and physics, and astrophysics. The dark matter and dark energy have lately produced controversial discussions, but overall leave behind the key – the impossibility of attempts to discover phenomena and essence of new area of objective reality. The first glance at this dilemma begs the division of the universe into types of matter, principally knowable, and into types of matter that remain unknowable (perhaps yet?). These types of matter in one case are expounded by Hegel as a world of universal connection and knowability, and in another case as Kant’s thing in itself. Among the main conclusions is the position on existence of new categories of participation and non-participation, existence of one definiteness of a visible universe, as opposed to other worlds that each have their own definiteness. Correlation of philosophy and physics and astrophysics leads to the hypothesis on the difference between objective reality of existence of the world by Kant’s principles, and the world by the principles of Hegel’s philosophy.
Citations count: 2
Nesterkin S. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– 和。 16 - 23.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.1.28385 URL:
In early 20th century part of the Buddhist Sangha started a process of revising its organization forms as well as its theoretical and practical heritage. Two essentially different movements existed in that sphere. They had different tasks and quite different approaches for solving those tasks. On the one hand, the activity of such Buryat enlightenment scholars as B. Baradin, Ts. Jamsarano as well as representatives of the clergy such as A. Dorjiev, Ch. Iroltuyev, Ganjurova-Gegen were part of the renewal processes in Buddhism that took place in many countries where it was spread. The renewal process was a reaction against the ideological and economic expansion of the colonialist countries and was designed to develop the ideological basis for preserving the national identity of the colonized nations. On the other hand, Lubsan Sandan Tsydenov and his followers had quite a different task: to reform Buddhism in order to enable it to develop in a new social and cultural environment – in the Western culture of Russia. Their task was not so much preserving the national identity as developing the Buddhist tradition in a new cultural environment, which also solved the question of identity in an indirect way.
Citations count: 2
Degterev D.A., Timashev G.V. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– 和。 9 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2020.2.31787 URL:
The key research focus of the article is the emergence and further development of multipolarity concept in International Relations academic discourse in the United States, Western Europe, Russia and China. Initially the term was rooted in Western IR school and was elaborated as an attempt to counter-balance USSR in the context of bipolar world. The article also covers the modern practice of using multipolarity discourse in Western international political science. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the concept of multipolarity in the Russian Federation and in the PRC in the post-bipolar world. Academic discourse of multipolarity is presented in close link to the practical dimension of the foreign policy concepts of the countries mentioned in the study. The re-emergence of multipolarity was closely associated with changes in the balance of power and an attempt to overestimate the role of superpowers in the world. The consistent development of the theoretical basis of the concept was carried out until the end of the Cold War in the framework of the Western school of IR. In Russian and Chinese studies, multipolarity mostly acts as an image of the desired world order. In recent years, a number of Western scholars have recognized the objective nature of a multipolar world and the need for strategic adaptation to its realities.
Citations count: 2
Philippov V.R. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– 和。 171 - 185.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2015.2.15408 URL:
Use of the comparative political analysis allowed the author to identify certain trends within France’s foreign policy towards Africa of the beginning of this millennium. Analysis of the geographic localization of the expeditions of the French armed forces into Africa confirms the fact that the Élysée Palace initiated the peacekeeping and humanitarian interventions within the territories of the sovereign nations of the Dark Continent whenever France faced a serious threat to their energy security. The threat to the interests of the French state corporation AREVA, which specializes in recovery and refinement of uranium ore, was always followed by operations of the special services and military interventions in Niger, Mali and the Central African Republic. The methodological basis for this research consisted of the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, and modeling. The author substantiates the opinion according to which the rapid escalation of the competitiveness and the African uranium markets, emergence of new players in these markets, first and foremost China, prompts France to resort to various forms of political and military pressure (from political assassinations and incitement of confessional and tribal conflicts to direct military intrusion) upon the political elites of their former colonies. A conclusion is made on the fact that it is the direct dependency of the French nuclear power plants, and therefore the whole French economy, upon the African uranium defines the main vector of the Africa policy of the Fifth Republic.
Citations count: 1
Filipović A. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– 和。 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2022.1.36731 URL:
The scale of the global COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. The COVID-19 vaccines have not only become an indispensable weapon for countering the pandemic, but also are the attribute of technological and scientific prestige of the countries that developed the vaccines. Although the term "vaccine diplomacy" is not new, it may have become much more relevant during the global pandemic. The goal of this research lies in the analysis of vaccine diplomacy of China, the European Union, and the Russia Federation with regards to the Republic of Serbia during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Description is given to the Serbia's participation in the own vaccine diplomacy on the global scale. The novelty of this research consists in comparative analysis of the efforts of "vaccine diplomacy" of the EU, China, and Russia towards Serbia. The research provides the latest results of the survey on the topic of Serbian citizens and their perceptions of foreign aid received during the COVID-19 pandemic. The conclusion is made that medical aid rendered by China and Russia to Serbia was well received by the Serbian government, government-aligned mass media, and society. However, the financial and medical aid provided by the European Union was neither significantly advertised by the media, nor changed the attitudes of Serbian society towards the EU. At the same time, the Serbian government has engaged in the own vaccine diplomacy in order to strengthen ties with the former allies of Yugoslavia from the Non-Aligned Movement.
Citations count: 1
Koptseva N.P., Reznikova K. —
Albert-Charles Lebourg的三幅画作和十九世纪后三分之一—二十世纪前三分之一印象派的哲学基础
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2014. – ¹ 1.
– 和。 78 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.1.10942 URL:
本文的研究对象是伟大的法国艺术家Albert-Charles Lebourg的艺术作品。 Albert-Charles Lebourg的绘画属于法国印象派的艺术方向。 作者对Albert-Charles Lebourg的作品进行了哲学和艺术历史分析:
1)"奥弗涅的雪"(原标题为"冬季Pont du Chateau的Allier桥")(1886);2)"塞纳河畔",1889;3)"鲁昂太阳射线中的两艘船",大约1900。 研究方法论有哲学和艺术历史分析,这是由俄罗斯哲学家和艺术史学家开发的:Danneel Pivovarov,Vladimir Zhukovsky,Natalia Koptseva。 描述艺术史方法的文章艺术作品。 作者用概念分析的方法来揭示法国印象派的哲学起源。 有人提出,印象派首次在欧洲艺术和知识实践中表现出一种新的范式,与克服一个人的内部和外部现实之间的差异有关,发现了表达主要和普遍完整性的艺术形式,在直接经验中给予,并将精神现实分为外部和内部维度。
对伟大的法国印象派画家阿尔伯特-查尔斯*勒布尔(Albert-Charles Lebourg)的三幅画作进行了批判性的艺术分析:"奥弗涅的雪","塞纳河畔","鲁昂太阳射线中的两艘船",这些画
阿尔贝-查尔斯Lebourg的三幅画的一个深刻的概念联系被发现,一方面,艺术佛教和艺术心理主义(作为邪教(流行)概念的欧洲知识生活在第一次世界大战前)。 结果表明,这位画家的印象派风景创造并传达了最强烈的视觉印象,不仅塑造了视觉现实,而且塑造了整体的心理物理现实,包括视觉感觉立即流动的过程,创造并支持了这种最强烈的印象。
Citations count: 1
Sokolovskiy K. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– 和。 21 - 28.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2017.3.23464 URL:
The rapid modernization of Kazakhstani society at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries became the cause for the unique “religious renaissance”. However, the spiritual resurgence emphasized the issues that Kazakhstan had not faced before. The article examines the peculiarities of the resurgence of religiosity in the Republic of Kazakhstan during the period of 1990-2000’s , attempts to analyze the reasons of extensive desecularization, unprecedented increase in the amount of followers of one or another confessions (including the new religious movements), as well as identify the challenges of statehood in this regard. The use of comparative method alongside the empirical and theoretical analysis, allows clarifying relatively to the phenomenon of high dynamic of the resurgence of religiosity, considering such incidents as the civic religiosity and construction of religiosity. The attention is also given to the problem of impact of the competent government authorities upon the confessions in the context of the declared separation of church and state, as well as measures taken by the government to establish the system of state-confessional relations that is able to counter the current challenges, under the circumstances of growing religiosity of population and broad polycultural field.
Citations count: 1
Mustapha M., Agyei S. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– 和。 1 - 5.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2022.2.36741 EDN: WXXVYU URL:
Information is now abundant so has it been polluted, thus this paper looked at how professional news production could be redefined to stay away from purveyors of misinformation but a safe space in this era. In order to achieve this, we examined three areas where information could be misappropriated through existing literature namely: headlines, online news editors and gatekeepers. We point out that headlines play a pivotal role in the information ecosystem where they can mislead the audience. This is done through the usage of catchy phrases to grab the attention of the audience. Further, we found out from the exciting research that some online news editors do not adhere to certain ethical standards and so they publish stories without verifying the veracity of the story. We noted that politicians have infiltrated the media space which has had a major negative impact on how the editor chooses his stories. The paper recommends that headlines should not only be written for the clickbait but they should be written so as not to mislead the audience while there should also be a limit on how political figures can influence the media agenda. Lastly, people who do not have a background in journalism to know the ethical implications of their news stories should be coached by an experienced journalist which would help minimise the information pollution we face today in this era of the internet and social media.
Citations count: 1
Danilova V.A. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– 和。 35 - 42.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2020.4.32894 URL:
The subject of this research is the ethnocultural lexicon in translation of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” into Portuguese language. The author views the term realia as a lexicon with ethnocultural semantics, characteristic to a specific language community. The research is aimed at the analysis of the means of conveying realia in two non-cognate languages, as well as in determination of ethnocultural differences of the lexemes signifying similar notions. The author believes that understanding and accurate interpretation of culturally marked lexicon are essential for translating foreign literature, studying and teaching foreign languages. Methods of the research are contextual and comparative analysis of the Russian realia in translation, which allowed determining the distinctions in cognition of text among the Russian and Portuguese native speakers. The novelty of this work is defined by reference to the only translation of the novel “Eugene Onegin” into Portuguese language that has not previously been an object of a linguoculturological study. The research revealed that realia may contain cultural component in the meaning of words and their connotation. As a result, the author indicates the differences of linguistic means of conveying realia in the Russian and Portuguese languages, and established the ways of conveying ethnocultural lexicon in translation of the novel, such as correlation, hypo-hyperonymic translation, adaptation, periphrastic translation, and calquing.
Citations count: 1
Karyakin V.V. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2014. – ¹ 3.
– 和。 261 - 270.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.3.12746 URL:
文章致力于通过间接行动策略和"操作混乱"技术来分析政治空间工具的格式,以便在后苏联空间和近东地区组织"有色革命"。 21世纪初的特点是,国家机构的稳定严重依赖于应用信息网络技术摧毁国家基础,使其能够在不使用武装部队的情况下以国家社会政治制度转变的方式解决政治问题,并仅通过对其人民的道德和心理状况的影响来破坏其经济潜力。 研究的方法学基础构成了系统的,结构功能的,比较历史的,比较政治的,地缘政治的,文化和文明的方法,分析的方法,综合,归纳,演绎,建模,观察。 全球化的主要特点是信息技术和社会网络的快速发展和分布,成为人们传播不同信息的有利环境,在经济和政治问题严重的国家发起抗议运动中发挥着重要作用。
Citations count: 1
Sychenko E.V. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2013. – ¹ 2.
– 和。 8 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2013.2.10274 URL:
这篇文章致力于强迫劳动的历史和在苏联俄罗斯工作的义务的实现。 工作责任被载入所有苏联宪法,因此成为这个时代的主题。 强调了三个主要时期:军事共产主义时期(1918-1921),战争时期,包括战前和战后时期(1940-1948),赫鲁晓夫解冻期间(1961-1965),我们将简要地谈谈古拉格的强迫劳动。 作者对官方文件、履行工作义务、统计资料、当代和苏联学者的研究进行了分析。 对俄罗斯强迫劳动的历史回顾使我们得出结论,工作义务(不仅是道德义务,而且有刑事或行政责任支持)是苏联劳动法的一个显着特征。 这个想法甚至在K.马克思和列宁的着作中产生于苏维埃国家之前,并且一直存在到苏联解体。 在这些年里,工作义务的执行情况因国家目前的需要和经济条件而有很大的不同。
Citations count: 1
Ozarnov R. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– 和。 63 - 75.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2021.2.33964 URL:
This article discusses the factors influencing the financial and economic cooperation of the countries with the developing marker within the framework of the three blocks – EAEU, BRICS, and SCO, by means of building the gravity model. The countries of the former Soviet Union are considered separately. The research covers the period from the Russian crisis of 2014 up to the present. The subject of this analysis is the financial and economic relations arising in the process of cooperation of the EAEU, SCO, and BRICS member-states with the developing market. The author explores the factors that impact the financial and economic cooperation of the countries with the developing market: depth and scale of foreign trade turnover, per capita GDP, market accessibility index, currency appreciation rate of the import and export country, distance between the countries, belonging of the country with the developing market to such associations as EAEU, BRICS, and SCO. The research is based on the general scientific methods of cognition such as analysis, synthesis, and comparison, presentation of tabular and graphical interpretation of statistics, time series, econometric modelling using the EViews software. The novelty of this article consists in determination of the factors influencing financial and economic cooperation of the countries with the developing market within the framework of the three blocks – EAEU, BRICS, and SCO by means of building the gravity model. The peculiarity of such model lies in the availability of the lagged exchange rates. The inclusion of the lag in the relative exchange rate of the export country rate let to exclusion of the data for 2014 from the sampling. Therefore, it is advisable to take into account the acquired results pertaining to Russia’s cooperation on the bilateral or multilateral basis within the framework of EAEU, BRICS, and SCO.
Citations count: 1
Karginova V.V. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– 和。 17 - 26.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2018.4.26978 URL:
The presence of phase transitions, not only quantitative but also qualitative changes, of the regional macroscopic indicators demonstrates the dysfunction, in particular, the growth of disunity and decrease in the permeability of the space. Consequently, phase transitions are a particular threat to the regional economic wellbeing. This work is aimed at justifying a special economic policy in the field of ensuring security in separate regions. The paper deals with introduction, relevance and scientific significance, statement of a problem and theoretical foundation; methods, results and conclusion are given. Within the framework of econophysics concepts, based on the entropy approach, a technique was proposed for determining the presence and nature of phase transitions. This methodology was tested on the data by Unified Interdepartmental Statistical Information System for the Russian regions. Four types of phase transitions have been identified, with instruments and institutions for ensuring economic security proposed for each one. The general requirements to the regional economic security system are formulated, particularly the need to move from extractive economic institutions to inclusive; sufficiency, but not redundancy of security measures. The findings have both, theoretical value for further research in the field of regional development, and practical: the recommendations can be useful for federal and regional authorities.
Citations count: 1
Krasikov V.I. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– 和。 44 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2016.4.21789 URL:
Religiousness is rooted in the mental nature of a human. Initially, the nonreligious belief forms from the complex of the original intentions in hum consciousness. This can be the source for religious belief, as well as other spiritual forms. Transformation of the original intentions into religious belief is justified by the peculiarities of initial alienation alongside the processes of personalization. As a result, emerges a special mental world and special ontology of religion. The author believes that the constant renewal of religions in form of continuous manifestation of the new cults and sects is a sustained historical process. Its intensity rapidly grows in the era of drastic changes as a sign of their profoundness. Religiogenesis is a mental symptom of the epochal revolutionary changes in people’s relation towards the environment, which signifies a global adjustment of their lifestyle. Such eras create the new values and behavior, which transcend the routine, and mobilize people towards the radical transformations of their life. They originate the revolutionary idealists, reformers, and Charismatics, as well as capture attention of large audience over the short time. The first of them is the “Axial Age” (K. Jaspers). Then, the outburst of religious Protestantism (XVI-XVII centuries). It can be called the “Second Axial Age”, which creates a new system of values of the radical individualism. Humanity enters the third era of the Axial Age in the second half of the XX century. Current events in the religious sphere represent the best proof of radicalism of what is taking place. The renewal of religiousness is the “laboratory” of the new feelings and values, and later leads to conceptualization of the other spiritual abilities of a human.
Citations count: 1
Borisova A.S. —
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– 和。 122 - 129.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2015.2.15594 URL:
The subject of this research is the competitive analysis of the approaches of the European Court of Human Rights, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), and Venice Commission towards the notion of “religious feelings” and the necessary level of its protection by the government. A special attention is given to the essence of the concept of religious feelings and whether or not it is possible to give a legal definition to this notion, which is the reason for an assessment of the comparability between Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on insulting the religious feelings of believers, with the European standards in the area od requirements for legal certainty. The main conclusion is that it is impossible to set a normative definition for “religious feelings”. The author justifies the need for a clear delineation of incitement of hate and intolerance by difference of religion, and insulting the feelings of believers, including blasphemy and sacrilege, as well as the reasonableness of decriminalization of “insult of religious feelings of believers”.
Citations count: 1
Bajrektarevic A. —
100年后的萨拉热窝欧洲:历史是否曾经在假期? (从第一次世界大战到www。 9/11还是11/9?)
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
– 2014. – ¹ 2.
– 和。 150 - 169.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.2.12495 URL:
大约20年前,最恶劣的种族灭绝事件发生在距离布鲁塞尔仅一小时的航班上。 那一次,与1914年不同的暗杀事件笼罩着萨拉热窝。 当大规模的欧洲无知将波斯尼亚(以及不同民族联盟–南斯拉夫)变成长达数年的屠宰场时,马斯特里赫特的梦想正在统一旧大陆的威斯特伐利亚世界。 二十年后的今天,大西洋欧洲是一个政治强国(拥有三个欧洲核大国中的两个,以及联合国安理会五个常任理事国中的两个,P-5),中欧是一个经济强国,俄罗斯语欧洲是一个能源强国,斯堪的纳维亚欧洲是其中之一,而东欧则不是其中之一。 难怪一旦出现严重的外部或内部安全挑战,真正的历史性欧洲的复合部分就会再次浮出水面。 以前在伊拉克(法国除外),现在与利比亚,苏丹,马里和叙利亚;中欧犹豫不决,大西洋欧洲急切,斯堪的纳维亚欧洲缺席,东欧正在bandwagoning,俄罗斯语欧洲正在反对。 欧洲是否改变了(在它自己的11/9之后),或者它只是变得更加自己?