PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal
Gnilov B.G.
// PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal.
2015. ¹ 1.
P. 34-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-613X.2015.1.40178 URL: https://aurora-journals.com/library_read_article.php?id=40178
Sergei Rachmaninoff’s personal stylized rhythmic formula
Gnilov Boris Gennad'evich
Doctor of History
119330, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Mosfil'movskaya Ulitsa, 31, kv. 68, of. Grabengasse
Other publications by this author |
DOI: 10.7256/2453-613X.2015.1.40178
1. Andreyev, N.V. Proshchal’nye “Tantsy” Sergeya Rahmaninova: v poiskakh nerazgadannykh smyslov [The Departing “Dances” of Sergei Rachmaninoff: in Search for Unsolved Meanings] // Aktualnye problem kultury, iskusstva i khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya: sbornik nauchnykh traktatov [Relevant Issues of Culture, Art and Artistic Education: a Compilation of Scholarly Treatises] / Editor-in-Chief: B.P. Khavtorin; Compiler and Scholarly Editor: V.A. Loginova. – Orenburg: Orenburg State L. and M. Rostropovich Institute for the Artst. Issue 9. – 2011 – p.186-197.
2. Bryantseva, V. S.V. Rahmaninov [Sergei Rachmaninoff]. – Moscow: Sovetsky kompozitor, 1976.
3. Grekova, T.N., Nagibina N.L. Skryabin i Rahmaninov: dva psihotipa – dva stilya [Scriabin and Rachmaninoff: Two Psychological Types – Two Styles // Psihologia i iskusstvoznanie. Issledovaniye tvorchestvo i tvorcheskoy lichnosti: material mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii (Psychology and Art Studies. Research of Art Works and the Artistic Personality. Materials of an International Conference) / Moscow Institute for Psychoanalysis; International Institute of Differential Psychology. – Moscow, Berlin, 2012. – p. 35-45.
4. Keldysh, Yu. Rahmaninov i yego vremya [Rachmaninoff and His Time] – Moscow, 1973.
5. Mikheyeva, M.V. Arhiv S.V. Rahmaninova v Peterburge kak istochnik izucheniya tvorchestva i biografii kompozitora [Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Archive in St. Petersburg as a Source for Study of the Composer’s Music and Biography]. – Ivanovka: Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Museum-Mansion “Ivanovka,” 2012.
6. Nikitin, B.S. Sergei Rahmaninov: dve zhizni [Sergei Rachmaninoff: Two Lives] – Moscow: Klassika-XXI, 2009.
7. Prudnikova, O.A. Etyudy-kartiny v tvorchestve S.V. Rahmaninova [The Etudes-Tableaux in the Musical Legacy of Sergei Rachmaninoff] // Kultura-iskusstvo-obrazovanie: vektory preobrazovaniya (materialy 34-oy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii professorsko-prepodavatel’skogo sostava akademii, Chelyabinsk, 8 fevralya 2013) [Culture-Art-Education: Vectors of Transformation (Materials from the 34th Scholarly-Practical Conference of the Faculty Members and Professors of the Academy) – Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and the Arts, 2013. – p. 301–306.
8. Rakhimova, D.A, Orientalizm v muzyke S.V. Rahmaninova [Oriental Exoticism in the Music of Sergei Rachmaninoff] Thesis for Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Arts / Russian State Pedagogical A.I. Herzen University. – St. Petersburg, 2011.
9. Samsonova, T.P. Filosof I.A, Ilyin i kompozitor S.V. Rahmaninov: sovremenniki predrevolyutsionnoy Rossii [Philosopher Ivan Ilyin and Composer Sergei Rachmaninoff: Contemporaries in Pre-Revolutionary Russia] // 17th Tsarskoye Selo Conference: Materials from the International Scholarly Conference on April 23-24, 2013. / General Editor of V.N. Skvortsov. – St. Petersburg Leningrad State A.S. Pushkin University, 2013. – Vol. I. – p. 247–251.
10. Sokolova, G. Poetika simfonicheskogo tvorchestva S. Rahmaninova v yazykovoy sisteme simvolizma [The Poetics of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Music in the Lingual System of Symbolism] // Tvorchestvo i intellect: interaktivny kontekst (materialy 39-oy nauchno-tvorcheskoy konferentsii aspirantov i studentov, 6-22 aprelya, 2010) [Creativity and Intellect: an Interactive Context (Materials from the 38th Scholarly-Creative Conference of Students and Post-Graduate Students, April 6-22, 2010) / Edited by S.V. Solovyova. – Samara: Samara State Academyfor Culture and the Arts, 2012. – p. 266–271.
11. Khannanov, I.D. Muzyka Sergeya Rahmaninova: sem’ muzykal’no-teoreticheskikh etyudov. – Moscow: Kompozitor, 2011.
12. Khizhnyakova, A.A. Novaya khudozhestvennaya ideya v “Simfonicheskikh tantsakh” S.V. Rahmaninova i A.Ya. Eshpaya [The New Artistic Idea in the “Symphonic Dances” by Sergei Rachmaninoff and Andrei Eshpai] // Aktual’nye problemy kultury, iskusstva i khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Relevant Problems of Culture, Art and Artistic Education: a Compilation of Scholarly Works / Editor-in-Chief B.P. Khavtorin; Compiler and Scholarly Editor V.A. Loginova. – Orenburg: Orenburg State L. and M. Rostropovich Institute for the Arts. – Issue 9. – 2011. – p. 171–174.
13. D’Antoni C.A. Dinamica rappresentativa del ‘suono-parola’ – La ‘drammaturgia compressa’ delle Romanze di Rachmaninov. – Roma, 2009.
14. Harrison M. Rachmaninoff: Life, Works, Recordings. – London; New York: Continuum, cop. 2005.