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PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal

Ýñòåòèêà «íîâîé ðîìàíòèêè» â ìóçûêàëüíîé êóëüòóðå âòîðîé ïîëîâèíû XX âåêà

Lebedeva Elena Gennadievna

PhD in Cultural Studies

109444, Russia, g. Moscow, per. Tashkentskii, 5

Other publications by this author








1. Tsentr gumanitarnykh tekhnologii. Gumanitarnye tekhnologii i razvitie cheloveka ekspertno-analiticheskii portal: url: http://gtmarket.ru/personnels/gi-ernest-debor/info
2. Gi Debor. Obshchestvo spektaklya / La Societe du spectacle. M. Logos. 2000. 184 s.
3. Aleksandr TARASOV. Situatsionistskii internatsional. 23–24 avgusta 1998. «Khudozhestvennyi zhurnal», ¹ 24: url: http://saint-juste.narod.ru/situat.htm
4. Ruhlmann, William Malcolm McLaren. Allmusic. http://www.allmusic.com.
5. Vermorel, Fred; Vermorel, Dzhudi. Sex Pistols — Istoriya iznutri. SPb.: Amfora, 1994. 93 s.
6. The Situationist International Text Library/ url: http://library.nothingness.org/articles/SI/all/
7. Kokarev, Andrei. Pank-rok ot A do Ya. SPb.: Amfora, 1992. 46 s.
8. Burning Britain: The Historyof UK Punk 1980—1984 (Ian Glasper)1.
9. ADAM & THE ANTS CØMMUNITY ØUTPOST: url: http://www.adamandtheants.org
10. Ruhlmann, William Malcolm McLaren. Allmusic. http://www.allmusic.com
11. Kozlov Aleksei. Rok: istoki i razvitie. Iskusstvo i Dizain.ID: 82308
12. Post-Subcultural Reader. Oxford-NY, 2003. P.6
13. LitMir – elektronnaya biblioteka: Aleksei Kozlov. Rok. S. 47. url: http://www.litmir.net/br/?b=82308&p=47
14. Akvarium Radio:url: http://www.aquarium.ru/misc/aerostat/aerostat343.html
15. Diskoistoriya: url: http://discohistory.narod.ru/content/history_of_new_romantics/history_of_new_romantics.html
16. NEO80: Analiticheskii portal 80-kh godov XX veka: url: http://neo80.ru/culture/new_romantics
17. Lefebre H. Everyday Life in the Modern world. L., 1971
18. Hebdidge, D. Subculture. The meaning of Style. L.-NY, 1981. R.17
19. Hall S. Deviancy, Politics and the media. – In: Deviance and Social Control. Ed. P.Rock. L., 1974
20. s Music Genres.New Romantics url: http://www.pure80spop.co.uk/romantics.htm
21. Vremya Z. Zhurnal dlya intellektual'noi elity obshchestva. url: http://www.ytime.com.ua/ru/26/4534
22. News Blog. This is the news. url: http://www.eternalart.ru/visage/
23. Jason Ankeny. The Human League. url: http://www.allmusic.com/artist/the-human-league-mn0000895443
24. The New Romantics. www.pure80spop.co.uk.
25. Rozanov V.V. Religiya. Filosofiya. Kul'tura. Avtorskii sbornik. M.: Respublika, 1992. 400 s.
26. Danuser, Hermann. 1991. "Postmodernes Musikdenken—Lösung oder Flucht?". In Neue Musik im politischen Wandel: fünf Kongressbeiträge und drei Seminarberichte, edited by Hermann Danuser, 56–66. Mainz & New York: Schott.
27. Yinger J. Contrculture and subculture. – In: American Sociological Review, No.25, 1960. P.625.
28. Il'in, I. P. Postmodernizm ot istokov do kontsa stoletiya: evolyutsiya nauchnogo mifa. – M.: Intrada. 1998. – 256 s
29. The Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought. L., 1989. P. 824
30. Misha Verbitskii. Antikopirait. Kniga pervaya: Situatsionizm, psikhodeliya, kopirait. url: http://imperium.lenin.ru/LENIN/32/C/c1.html
31. Pogontseva D.V. Predstavleniya o telesnoi krasote v sovremennoi kul'ture // NB: Psikhologiya i psikhotekhnika.-2013.-8.-C. 71-79. DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.8.10582. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/psp/article_10582.html
32. Lyudi. url: http://www.peoples.ru/art/music/pop/boy/
33. Kroche Benedetto. Antologiya sochinenii po filosofii. Istoriya, ekonomika, pravo, etika, poeziya. Sb-k rabot. Per. S. Mal'tsevoi. SPb. «Pnevma». 1999. 480 s.
34. S.S. Sevast'yanova Drakula v myuzikle — zakonomernyi etap razvitiya vampirnoi subkul'tury // Filosofiya i kul'tura.-2013.-3.-C. 382-392. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2013.03.11.