Чеглаков А.Д..
Особенности эмоционального воздействия и терапевтические свойства деревянных скульптур
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2022. № 4.
和。 8-13.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2022.4.35991 EDN: GPYWMG URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=35991
The article examines the ability of wooden sculptures and objects to influence the psycho-emotional state of a person. The author emphasizes that the gradually widening gap between man and nature, expressed in the large-scale and rapid development of big cities and the transition of a natural factor in them to the background, gives rise to a completely new problematic research and an applied field, requiring the creation of operational mechanisms for relieving the growing tension in a situation of alienation from nature. It is said that one of the latest achievements of the European scientific community is the allocation of this issue as a nature deficit disorder, as well as the first steps that appear in an attempt to resolve this issue in the frame of natural therapies – special ways of human interaction with nature. The article traces and analyzes the possibility of using wooden sculpture as one of the tools for stabilizing the psychoemotional and physical state of a person through interaction with natural material with a rather concise and natural forms. Thus, the development of wooden sculptures and their inclusion in training, educational and rehabilitation programs allows us to talk about the properties of wooden sculpture as an affordable and effective tool of therapy.
a metropolis, an art therapy, an ecotherapy, a wooden sculpture, artistic woodworking, a nature deficit disorder, works of art, environmental psychology, arts and crafts, an urban space
Андреева Е.Ю., Клешнина М.О..
Концепция эмоционального выгорания на работе в условиях пандемии Covid-19
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2022. № 2.
和。 6-13.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2022.2.37009 EDN: WZQFLT URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=37009
The pandemic and its consequences, such as isolation, strongly affect our everyday life. Even more work falls upon employees’ shoulders, with less opportunities of and that indicates an increased level of stress that they face nowadays. There is a connection between the increased number of emotionally burned-out workers and the isolation that COVID-19 causes. Thus, the subject of the present study is various factors that have a direct impact on the emotional state of young professionals and university students, as well as the possible consequences of emotional burnout. The article contains a detailed analysis of emotional and professional burnouts, as well as the consequences of the pandemic, which had a serious effect on the most vulnerable group — people employed in the field of intellectual work. They faced insurmountable stress at work/school even before COVID. In recent years, the situation has become even more serious: more and more people consider themselves to be emotionally burned out, and many think the pandemic is the cause. As part of this work, a survey called ''The Symptoms of the Job Burnout Questionnaire'' was conducted among students and young professionals of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The results of this survey, as well as effective methods of dealing with burnout during the pandemic, are detailed in the main part of the study.
psychology, emotions, emotional burnout, stress, professional burnout, COVID-19 pandemic, emotional exhaustion, sleep disorders, change in personality, young specialists
Томюк О.Н..
Творчество через призму бессознательного в концепции психоанализа З. Фрейда
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2020. № 3.
和。 20-27.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2020.3.32937 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=32937
The modernizing global world with new socio-cultural practices actualizes the study of creativity as a constitutive phenomenon of human personality in the context of challenges of the modern era. The object of this research is creativity as a cultural phenomenon, while the subject is creativity in the S. Freud's concept of psychoanalysis. In the era of transformations and uncertainty, when the role of creativity is growing, the ideas of S. Freud acquire special significance. The article considers the unconscious in the context of social, in conjunction with social factors and as the key position in creativity. The theoretical and methodological framework us comprised of the cultural-historical and comparative methods. Systemic approach allowed considering the phenomenon of creativity as a system in the assembly of elements. The author also applies the methods of analogy, analysis, comparison, generalization. Sublimation mechanism, discovered by Freud, is viewed in the context of creativity, as a method for redirection of energy displaced into the field of the unconscious by social factors, into the sphere of creativity. The concept of psychoanalysis serves as the methodological basis for explaination of creativity as a complex process of cumulation of conscious and unconscious.
constructive behavioral model, regulatory principle, pleasure principle, irrational, unconscious, conscious, psychoanalytic method, creativity, sublimation, impulse of creativity
Чеснокова О.Б., Субботский Е.В., Мартиросова Ю.В..
PTSI: Тестирование социального интеллекта детей посредством игры
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2020. № 1.
和。 36-49.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2020.1.32281 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=32281
This article presents the play-based test on social intelligence (PTSI) in preschool and elementary school children. The advantage of this method over traditionally employed methods is that it does not rely on the mature symbolic function. Preschool and elementary school children find it difficult to adequately react to questionnaires that require interpretation of pictures. In contrast, PTSI employs a simple play situation, easily accessible to 6-12 years old children. This situation allows a sensitive assessment of degrees of social intelligence in children while engaging them individually in an exciting play. The situation requires the participant to find the best strategy for solving a problem, report information to a partner, while making this information inaccessible to strangers and avoiding direct deception at the same time. Complemented by an external assessment of social intelligence, this test can be a useful diagnostic tool for determining strengths and weaknesses in children’s resolution of interpersonal problematic situations, including conflict of interests.
social interactions, understanding minds, play-based test, communication, conflict of interests, social intelligence, child development, decision making, theory of mind, game
Лыкова О.В..
Паралингвистические индикаторы неискренности в речи (на материале русского языка)
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2018. № 4.
和。 38-48.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2018.4.26875 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=26875
The article provides an overview of prosodic and acoustic indicators of deception. The research was conducted based on frequency spectrum analysis of 108 speech fragments, which had been obtained by segmenting the 12-hour long audio recording. Although modeled deception situations are proven to give accurate results in deception detection, the experiment is not a modeled deception situation, which allows greater accuracy by considering involuntary changes in the subject's voice caused by their genuine emotions, such as fear of being exposed. Frequency spectrum analysis of speech fragments showed an increase in pitch frequency of the subject’s speech during deception, compared to their speech in the absence of psychological stress. Data on such markers of deception as response latency changes, rising tone, laughter and filled pauses were also obtained. The cross-cultural study of prosodic and acoustic indicators of deception based on the Russian language is currently of interest, as it allows comparing the obtained results both, with those of foreign researchers, and those gained in modeled deception detection experiments.
frequency spectrum analysis, pitch frequency, insincerity, lie detection, deception detection, deception, lies, paralinguistics, speech analysis, voice analysis
Крючков К.С..
Герменевтика любви: новый фундамент для психологической и социальной практики
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2018. № 3.
和。 35-45.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2018.3.25563 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=25563
This article analyzes and compares two analytical approaches actively advanced in the school of America hermeneutic psychology and clinical social psychology: “hermeneutics of love” and “hermeneutics of suspicion”. The author examines the hermeneutics as not only a narrow practice of interpretation of texts, but as a foundation for thinking and professional worldview, including for psychological work. Hermeneutics of suspicion serves as the foundation for many research and therapeutic practices. At the same time, hermeneutics of love is the basis for psychological practices, developing within the framework of hermeneutic psychotherapy, including client-centric psychotherapy of Carl Rogers and its branches. This work is completely theoretical. The author claims that the hermeneutics of love may not only be an approach towards interpretation and understanding of text, but also the ethical and epistemological basis for social practices. Moreover, it can serve as the foundation for practices pertaining to interaction with people and communicative practices, and not just for psychological practice.
Epistemology, Onthology, Ethics, Ground for practice, Hermeneutics of suspicion, Hermeneutics of love, Hermeneutics, Grounds for understanding, Basis for practice, Art of interpretation
Певнева И.В..
Психолингвистическое сравнительное исследование вербального поведения в ситуации конфликта русских и американцев
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2018. № 3.
和。 46-53.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2018.3.26284 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=26284
The subject of this research is the verbal behavior of the representatives of the Russian and American linguistic culture considered within the framework of the basic behavioral strategies in a conflict-generating communication. The phenomenon of conflict and the problem of misunderstanding mostly manifest in all areas of social and interethnic relations. Verbal communication implies a strategic process, which helps a speaker to select the language resources for its realization. Reference to the strategy contributes to the accomplishment of goals and tasks of the dialogue participants, making the communication process either successful or leading to a communicative conflict. The object of this research is the natural communication. The scientific novelty consists in carrying out a multifaceted cross-cultural examination of the impact of ethnocultural, gender and other traits of the participants of communication upon the choice of the verbal communication means in a conflict. The results of the work can be valuable or the participants of international academic exchange (students and educators), as well as those whose activity relates to the work in a polycultural Russian-American space.
strategies, verbal aggression, Americans, Russians, verbal behavior, communication, conflict, gender, cooperation, confrontation
Субботский Е.В..
Искусство как окно в сверхъестественное
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2018. № 1.
和。 21-35.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2018.1.20774 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=20774
This article analyzes the artworks by the founder of “metaphysical realism”, Italian artist Giorgio de Chirico, and the Belgian surrealist artist Rene Magritte in the context of paleoanthropological studies of the origin of art and psychological studies on magical thinking. These studies suggest that art originated from the belief of early humans in that next to the ordinary earthly world there exists a magical supernatural world, in which dwell the souls of the dead people and animals. In order to visualize and represent this magical world, humans created special objects – drawings, sculpture, architecture, and abstract signs and symbols. In the course of history, the belief in the magical world was replaced by official monotheistic religions, and in many modern individuals – by the belief in science. The sense of the magical was transformed into the sense of the aesthetical, and the means of visualizing the supernatural in the form of rock paintings and figurines carved from bone and stone – into modern art. Yet recent studies on magical thinking have shown that in modern urban inhabitants the belief in magic did not cease to exist, but descended into the subconscious. Although our conscious mind denies the existence of magic, our subconscious mind still believes in that beyond the known world lies the invisible world of the supernatural. It is the laws of magic, and not laws of science that rule this invisible world. De Chirico’s and Magritte’s paintings are the “wormholes” that give modern rational people access to their hidden belief in the world of the supernatural, the existence of which is denied by the modern science.
aesthetic, surrealism, metaphysical realism, origins of art, Rene Magritte, Giorgio de Chirico, magical thinking, subconscious, Palaeolithic art, rationality
Субботский Е.В..
Чудеса по закону. Магическая подкладка физической вселенной
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2017. № 4.
和。 22-40.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2017.4.20949 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=20949
The paper analyses a psychological phenomenon, which indicates that certain structures of magical thinking, such as “participation” and “mind over matter”, leaked into the concepts of modern physics and cosmology. Recent psychological experiments have shown that modern rational adults subconsciously believe in the supernatural. At the same time, philosophical and psychological studies have found that there exists a deeply rooted link between magical and scientific types of thinking. Magical thinking operates at the level of the subconscious through symbolic images, where it generates draft “theories in the making”; scientific thinking filters these draft theories and selects those, which are in concord with “objective reality”. Criteria used for this selection are empirical verification via experiments and compliance of a theory with the general context of available knowledge. As physical science stepped over from the observable world into the micro- and mega-worlds, empirical verification of certain theoretical ideas through experiments became impossible. There remaining criterion - compliance with the general context of knowledge - is a lot “softer”, than empirical verification. This “softening” of the borderline between magical and scientific thinking resulted in that a subconscious belief of modern people in the supernatural filtered through into the very “heart” of physics – its theories about the origin and structure of the universe.
Parallel universes, Participation, Anthropic principle, Belief in the supernatural, Subconscious, Copenhagen interpretation, Quantum non-locality, Scientific thinking, Magical thinking, Physics and psychology
Ерзин А.И., Семенова Т.С..
Стигма как фактор психогенной депрессии у подростков с гомосексуальностью и бисексуальностью
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2017. № 4.
和。 41-46.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2017.4.25081 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=25081
Adolescence as a period of establishment of sexual identity can be called one of the most complex stages of personality development, entailed with multiple difficulties emerging in such areas as interpersonal interaction and self-conception. Due to the fact that in many modern countries, including Russia, social values and views to this day pathologize and criminalize deviant sexual attraction, teenagers with the diffuse gender identity along with those who consciously refer themselves to homo-and bisexuals, are often forced to face incomprehension, rejection, discrimination, as well as overt bullying by the social environment. According to the literature data, the majority of such teenagers undergo stigmatization that naturally leads to such negative consequences as psychogenic depressions, anxiety and other stress disorders; rapidly increases the risk of autoagressive and suicidal behavior, narcotization and alcoholization, as well as victimization. The goal of this work consists in studying the role of stigma in emergence and manifestation of psychogenic depression among adolescents with homo- and bisexuality. Examinations were conducted on 70 teenagers with homosexual and bisexual orientation aged 12-16. Psychodiagnostic tool contained the Kinsey Scale, developed by the authors brief survey for evaluating the perceived stigma, as well as the Beck Depression Inventory. The results demonstrated that 90% of the examined teenagers were to stigmatization because of their sexual orientation. At the same time, as the analysis has shown, stigmatization plays a significant role in emergence of depression disorders of psychogenic nature among the aforementioned population group. The authors believe that the result of this research can be implemented in further development/modification of the models of psychotherapy and psychosocial support for adolescents suffering from neurotic and affective disorders, substantiated by stigmatization and discrimination due to hatred towards the persons with genderqueer identity.
Discrimination, Depression, Stress Disorder, Adolescents, Sexual Orientation, Homosexuality, Bisexuality, Stigmatization, Bullying, Structural equation modeling
Субботский Е.В..
Притяжение вечности: Надежда на бессмертие как вера в сверхъестественное
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2017. № 3.
和。 41-61.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2017.3.21222 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21222
This article examines the psychological phenomenon of the hope for immortality of an individual consciousness (soul) of a person and humanity in the context of the most recent experimental research of magical thinking. The universe exists million times longer than humanity, thus it irrelevant to make any forecasts with regards to the fate of humanity, Earth, and universe outside the boundaries of several millennia. Then why do the renowned scholars or even research organizations examine the questions that seemingly do not carry practical sense, such as the future of Earth and universe thousands and billons years from now, study of objects that exists in hundreds of millions light years from our galaxy, fate of humanity over the cosmic time intervals of million years? Possible answer lies in the contemporary research of magical thinking and psychology. These studies demonstrated that the belief in supernatural is common not only to children and superstitious people, but also the majority of educated adults who consider themselves as non-believers in magic or god. This implicit belief feeds our hope for immortality of a person’s mind. The scientific novelty consists in the following: (1) For the first time the phenomenon of hope for immortality of human soul is discussed in the context of recent experimental studies on magical thinking; (2) the forms, in which the hope for immortality is endued in science, quasi-scientific literature and philosophy, are being analyzed; (3) the article is first to examine the problems of human individual consciousness in the context of recent memory theories. The author concludes that despite the incommensurability of time scales of existence of the universe and humanity, the extensive financial resources are spent on the research of problems associated with the origin of the universe, future of Earth and humanity in millions and billions years from now, and objects that are situated on the edge of the observable universe. Psychological studies of recent decades demonstrated a modern educated individual, while consciously denying faith in magic or in god, subconsciously maintains the belief in supernatural. The data from particle physics and cosmology supports an ancient hypothesis of the unbreakable link between the universe and human consciousness, but does not guarantee the immortality of consciousness. Despite the lack of reliable evidence, the subconscious faith of a modern individual does exist, as well as originates the phenomenon of hope for immortality of consciousness of human and humanity.
Platonism, memory, participation, anthropic principle, hope for immortality, magical thinking, belief in supernatural, anamnesis theory, morphogenetic field, paranormal phenomena
Смолина Т.Л., Мельникова А.А..
Автостереотипы россиян: психологическое исследование
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2017. № 3.
和。 62-70.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2017.3.24378 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=24378
The subject of this article is the national auto-stereotypes of Russians. Perestroika and the subsequent social transformation significantly influenced the collective representation, touching upon the system of ethnic identity, the structure of which includes the ethnic auto-stereotypes. The need for examine the direction of transformation of the Russian ethnic stereotype defined the subject of this article. The authors conduct a theoretical and empirical analysis of the semantic content of auto-stereotypes of the Russians. The empirical study contained the two methods of collecting information: projective drawing and survey. The scientific novelty is first and foremost determined by the combination of methods, which allowed examining not only the conscious auto-stereotypical representations, but also the unconscious that are difficult to verbalize. The acquired result confirmed the appropriateness of such approach, having demonstrated the considerable variations between the conscious and unconscious auto-stereotypes of the Russians. While according to the data from surveys the respondents describe their countrymen as positive overall, the processing of projective drawings illustrate that the unconscious auto-stereotypes of the Russian rather have an extensive number of negative connotations.
self-identification of Russians, ethnic self-identification, national self-identification, ethnic mentality, mentality, conscious auto-stereotypes, unconscious auto-stereotypes, examination of auto-stereotypes, auto-stereotypes of Russians, auto-stereotypes
Субботский Е.В..
Игры со сверхъестественным: Магическая реальность в обыденной жизни
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2017. № 2.
和。 38-55.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2017.2.22892 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=22892
The paper discusses the following issues: What is magical reality? What domains of modern life does magical reality penetrate? Why is magical reality important for many people today? What psychological consequences does the engagement with magical reality entail? In ancient times and in the Middle Ages people’s access to magical reality was controlled by religion or practices alternative to religion – witchcraft, astrology and alchemy. In the time of Renaissance art and literature joined forces with religion. In the XIX and XX centuries new ways of contacting magical reality emerged – cinema, the spiritualist movement and parapsychology. Finally, in the end of the XX and in the beginning of the XXI centuries there appeared interactive computer games and the internet. Psychological studies have shown that in modern people the belief in magical reality didn’t vanish, but descended into subconscious. This hidden belief permeates many domains of modern life – economics, politics, medicine, morality, education, entertainment and theories of modern physics and astronomy. Why do children become addicted to computer games? Why do rational people, when faced with choices in economics, often follow the laws of magic rather than common logic? How does it come about that educated people follow political ideas which contradict the people’s own interests? Why does the placebo effect exist? Where do suicidal terrorists take their courage to commit actions of self-destruction? How is it possible that some people go for moral choices and sacrifice their private interests even when there is no surveillance? Why do some scientists call the work of the brain magical? How was it possible that the whole universe once filled the volume smaller than a grain of sand? Answers to these and other questions are hidden in the subconscious belief of modern people in the supernatural. The rapid advance of interactive electronic devices makes the imaginary world of the supernatural more accessible, and the effect of this magical world on a variety of domains of the modern life grows.
participation, magic of medicine, magical reality, magic of the brain, magic of morality, magic of politics, magic of economics, belief in the supernatural, magical thinking, wonderland
Сюдфелд П., Ранк Д., Халливэлл Д., Бакли Н..
Психосоциальные аспекты космических полетов и старения
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2017. № 2.
和。 56-72.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2017.2.23203 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=23203
This article is dedicated to the examination of application of the research on aging, particularly, in the area of geriatric psychology for resolution of the tasks that space psychology is faced with. This refers to legitimate distribution of the results of analysis of psychosocial aspects of people in retirement homes in the areas, associated with examination of astronauts’ behavior that are placed in the confinement of spacecraft during a long-duration flight. Special attention is given to determination of similarity between the stressogenic factors and psychological responses of both groups. The work demonstrates that despite the formal differences between the groups, the psychosocial aspects of existence in confined environment of the older people and astronauts (specificities of the surrounding environment, stress factors, types of psychological responses, methods of reducing the stressogenic influence of the environment, building up resistance to stress, etc.), are considerably similar. The results acquired in the area of geriatric psychology and sociology can play an important role in forecasting space behavior, due to the fact that it allows identifying the yet uncounted psychological risks, which mostly likely will emerge with the increasing endurance of spaceflights, as well as suggest practical preventative measures.
Stressors, Isolated Environment, Geriatric psychology, Long-duration spaceflight, Psychological reaction, Aging, Space psychology, ISS, Sleep deprivation, Depression
Субботский Е.В..
Сознание как взгляд в сверхъестественное
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2017. № 1.
和。 55-74.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2017.1.21374 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21374
The hypothesis is analysed according to which consciousness is the ability to simultaneously live in two types of reality: perceived everyday reality and invisible magical reality. At some point around 100 thousands years ago, humans became aware of the inevitability of personal death and developed the idea of afterlife – the reality in which spirits of dead ancestors dwell. They also discovered that the spirits have unusual properties: they are invisible, immortal, can read people’s minds and feed on smoke from burning sacrificed animals. Due to these discoveries humans became able to look at their everyday world from another perspective and were surprised that their world was designed very differently from the world of ancestral spirits. That was the moment when consciousness as we know it was born: the ability to view the everyday reality “out of the box”, from the perspective of gods. This ability of reflection gave rise to new forms of behaviour: Executively controlled action and moral behaviour. Around 30 thousand years ago people developed the way to tangibly represent the invisible world of spirits through signs and symbols, such as cave paintings or figurines made from stone and bone. At the same time, or shortly afterwards, people started using symbolic means for utilitarian purposes, for example, for memorising the number of killed animals or manufactured items of clothes. Eventually, symbolic reality gives birth to written language and mathematics. But the emergence of consciousness, along with achievements, also created psychological problems. The main of these problems was keeping everyday and magical realities apart. In order to make this possible, humans developed a new psychological mechanism: the “effort of realities distinguishing” (ERD).” It took millennia for the ERD to achieve the level of perfection it has in modern humans. Like the heartbeat, the ERD in modern humans is automatized and subconscious. Disturbances of the RDE reveal themselves in such forms as hallucinations or religious radicalism. Recent psychological studies showed that the early humans’ belief in the supernatural lives on in the subconscious of modern rational people.
symbolic thinking, participation, magical thinking, magical reality, supernatural, consciuosness, imagination, consciousness disturbed, hallucinations, witchcraft
Субботский Е.В..
Религия и вера в сверхъестественное
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2016. № 4.
和。 24-43.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2016.4.21498 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21498
This article examines the following questions: why do people believe in God if there is no proof; is it possible to live without faith; where is the correlation between religious faith, belief in science, and belief in magic in the consciousness of modern people. The conclusion is made that the belief in the supernatural world occurs as a result of emergence of the cognitive abilities in primeval human (such as powerful imagination) and deep grieving over the death of a congener. The souls of the ancestors, who populated the mystical world, became the first gods. Religion has gradually separated from magic, but retained its connection to magic trough belief in the supernatural. The psychological experiments of the recent decades demonstrated that despite the joint efforts of the official religion and science to uproot the belief in magic from modern Western society, the belief in the supernatural remained on the subconscious level. Presence of phenomena that cannot be explained by science confirms that belief in the supernatural is not strictly atavistic remnants of the human psychology of past historical eras, but has certain empirical foundation. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the following: religious belief is examined in the context of modern experimental research of magic though for the first time; a new claim is made on the agreement between science and official religion in the fight against magic. Among the main conclusions are the following: religion historically and psychologically emanates from earlier human belief in magic; having separated from magic, religion begins to view magic as an adversary in the struggle from human conscience; religion becomes antagonistic towards magic and views it as manifestation of dark forces.
spirits of the dead, participation, illusion of control, mysticism, miracles, paranormal phenomena, magic thought, religious beliefs, changed states of consciousness, parapsychology
Субботский Е.В..
Барьер для роботов. Субъективная реальность как магический феномен
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2016. № 3.
和。 44-63.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2016.3.21104 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=21104
The paper discusses problems that arise regarding the relationships between the brain and subjective experience. Can robots create in humans a full-scale illusion of subjective experience? Can a person tell the difference between simulated consciousness and authentic subjective experience? What is better: to enjoy life in the world of illusions, or to live the life of hardships in the world of true reality? The analysis has shown that even if the computer technologies in the future became incommensurably more powerful than the technologies of today, we can’t expect that people with the help of computers, not to mention computers in their own right, would be able to create an authentic copy of human subjective experiences. The reason is that subjective experience is a magical phenomenon. This phenomenon is not determined by physical causes, cannot be logically deduced from more general premises, and therefore, cannot be simulated on a full-scale. The altered states of consciousness such as hallucinations or virtual reality are imitations and not authentic subjective experiences. A person immersed in these altered states of the mind is aware, during the altered states of shortly after, that they are nothing but illusions. Neuroscience and cybernetics will be creating increasingly complex interfaces between machines and subjective reality of consciousness, but the gap between simulations of mental processes and authentic subjective experience will never be bridged.
double-consciousness, brain mechanisms, authentic subjective experience, magical thinking, simulated subjective experience, computer models, subjective experience, consciousness, free will, physical reality
Субботский Е.В..
Подход Выготского-Лурии к изучению “Сознательного Действия” и современные исследования “Исполнительской Функции”
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2016. № 1.
和。 48-74.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2016.1.17387 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=17387
In this work the author compares the research of conscious action in the context of the Vygotsky and Luria theory, and modern research on executive function. With few exceptions the modern research in the West conceptualizes the notion of “executive function” independently from its original meaning established by Vygotsky and Luria, and in an ever increasing manner is being viewed as a function, or directly governed by neuronal processes taking place in the brain, or as a complex, “context-free” cognitive construct. But such approach towards willful behavior is contradicted by empirically established facts: high dependency of the level of willfulness of behavior experienced from the content of instruction and from culture in which the research is conducted. The scientific novelty of this research is substantiated by the fact that this work is first to compare the approach of Vygotsky and Luria on conscious action with the modern concept of executive action based on experimental research and practical work with children.
Style of communication, Comparative analysis, Speech, Creativity, Willful behavior, Child development, Executive function, Conscious action, Luria, Vygotsky
Субботский Е.В..
Невозможные феномены как медиаторы когнитивного развития и обучения
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2015. № 4.
和。 156-173.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2015.4.17369 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=17369
The manuscript assesses the role of impossible phenomena (entities and events) as psychological tools for enhancing cognitive functioning. In three studies, participants were exposed to films containing either impossible or contrasting possible phenomena, and then tested on creativity, the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality, and the ability to memorize commercial brands placed within films. In all of the studies, participants (British 4-, 6- and 8-year-old children, adolescents and adults) showed a significantly better improvement in the aforementioned abilities after watching the film with impossible phenomena than after watching the film with contrasting possible phenomena. For the first time the images of impossible (fantasy) phenomena is being viewed as the means to affect cognitive abilities (thoughts, perception, and memory) for the purpose of optimizing cognitive functionality. The results are discussed in terms of possible applications of impossible phenomena in a classroom.
cognitive functioning, memory, perception, creative thinking, magical effects, impossible phenomena, training, alternative textbooks, impossible objects, advertising
Aron I.S..
The social situation of development of a modern teenager
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 2.
和。 178-182.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.2.65231 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65231
研究对象是在文化和历史心理学对儿童心理发展动态的概念性规定的基础上,检测现代青少年发展社会状况的典型年龄,社会文化和个人特征。 维果茨基"发展的社会状况"概念的方法论和实用价值得到了证实。 在对国内心理学家研究的分析的基础上,针对确定发展社会状况的实质结构,作者指定了发展社会状况的客观和主观组成部分。 在这方面,突出了社会发展状况中确定与环境影响有关的人格活动程度的主观组成部分的特殊作用。 提出了对社会环境的理论分析结果,以及对现代青少年发展社会状况的主观方面的分析结果。 值得注意的是,青少年发展社会状况的主要典型年龄特征是渴望加入成年人和年龄的外部世界,以及对这个世界的规范和价值观的行为取向。 现代青少年发展社会状况的社会文化特征是由许多因素的影响引起的,主要是消极因素。 青少年发展的个别因素也经常具有负面的心理内容。 作者通过对没有父母支持的青少年、行为不正常的青少年和有禀赋迹象的青少年的社会发展状况进行内容分析的例子证实了这一点。 得出了需要优化现代青少年发展社会状况的结论。
文化与历史心理学, 发展的社会状况, 发展来源, 青少年, 年龄-典型特征, 社会文化变迁, "风险群体"的青少年, 孤儿青少年, 离经叛道的青少年, 赋的青少年。
A.A. Paramonova.
The Psychoanalytic Discourse in Russia about a Child Growing up in the Second Decade of the Twentieth century (Celebrating the Centennial of the Child Psychoanalysis Establishment in Russia)
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 1.
和。 63-77.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.1.64160 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64160
1. 俄罗斯二十世纪初的精神分析思想在广泛的专业人员中传播;俄罗斯医生,教师和心理学家使用弗洛伊德及其追随者的精神分析概念对儿童进行系统调查,以研究他们的早期心理发育和社会化过程。2. 在研究俄罗斯精神分析学家如M.Wolf,I.D.Ermakov,V.F.Schmidt,S.Spielrein等的基础上了解孩子的心理生活。 与维果茨基的文化历史理论思想并不矛盾。 重点转向儿童的宪法发展研究是平衡的分析家对他们社会化所必需的环境创造的理解,以及对教师和教育工作者的实际建议。 3. 俄罗斯分析家关于儿童发展的许多想法都预料到了西方的想法,但它们被20世纪20年代俄罗斯发展的历史条件所打断。 20世纪20年代和30年代俄罗斯的社会和文化条件阻止了精神分析思想的进一步发展,因为现实的迫切需求:国家的社会状况危机,必须为儿童和教师制定快速有效的心理帮助手段,缺乏该领域所需数量的专家,大量儿童和其他问题。5. 20世纪20年代俄罗斯精神分析学家思想在儿童领域的恢复和解释对现代研究人员来说很重要。 在这些材料的基础上,他们了解了关于儿童的国内心理学知识的历史发展路径的独特性以及儿童发展领域的精神分析思想引入现代心理学知识流
儿童的心理生活, 精神分析思想, 社会化, 教师, 教育者, 社会状况, 文化条件, 精神分析思想, 儿童, 俄罗斯。