Mustapha M., Agyei S..
Эпоха информационного загрязнения: новое определение производства новостей в Нигерии
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2022. № 2.
和。 1-5.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2022.2.36741 EDN: WXXVYU URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=36741
Information is now abundant so has it been polluted, thus this paper looked at how professional news production could be redefined to stay away from purveyors of misinformation but a safe space in this era. In order to achieve this, we examined three areas where information could be misappropriated through existing literature namely: headlines, online news editors and gatekeepers. We point out that headlines play a pivotal role in the information ecosystem where they can mislead the audience. This is done through the usage of catchy phrases to grab the attention of the audience. Further, we found out from the exciting research that some online news editors do not adhere to certain ethical standards and so they publish stories without verifying the veracity of the story. We noted that politicians have infiltrated the media space which has had a major negative impact on how the editor chooses his stories. The paper recommends that headlines should not only be written for the clickbait but they should be written so as not to mislead the audience while there should also be a limit on how political figures can influence the media agenda. Lastly, people who do not have a background in journalism to know the ethical implications of their news stories should be coached by an experienced journalist which would help minimise the information pollution we face today in this era of the internet and social media.
News production, new media, information pollution, misinformation, digital technology, agenda-settings, clickbait, headlines, Nigeria, gatekeeping
Хаджилябринос К., Тил Д..
Обнаружение будущего: роль искусств в устранении временных благоприятных экологических рисков
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2018. № 4.
和。 27-37.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2018.4.27790 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=27790
Risk perception research conducted over the past twenty years has revealed that risk perception is characterized by a dual process in which rational-analytic thinking is preceded by and, ultimately, shaped by experiential-affective response. Neuroscience research has further shown that all decision-making processes are based on an integration of affective and analytic responses. Perceiving and, more importantly, acting to mitigate risks is based on an individual’s visualization of the consequences of his or her action. People react to temporally distant risks only on the basis of their current experience, which allows them to visualize these risks. In risks with which there is no experience, such as the risks from global climate change, there is little to generate affective response and, as a result, risk perception is typically inadequate. A solution to the problem of perception of temporally distant environmental risks emerges when we understand that risk perception requires engagement of the experiential response system and that this system translates reality into images, metaphors, and, ultimately, narratives. The arts, including literature, the performing arts, visual arts, etc. are humanity’s primary means for creating affective meaning in both the present and future. This paper describes how the arts can explore and, therefore, discover the future, driving a process of effective risk perception and response to temporally distant environmental risks.
Arts, science, technology, Science, technology, society, Arts and risk perception, Risk perception, Arts in risk communcation, Science communication, Risk communication, affect and decisionmaking, decisionmaking, risk and decisionmaking
Nikoforov A.A..
Capabilities and limitations of protest mobilization through the social networks
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 4.
和。 360-369.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.4.66012 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66012
这项研究的主题是基于互联网的社交网络对抗议动员过程的出现,动态和特异性的影响。 这项研究的对象是革命进程和大规模反政府运动过程中的群众动员。 作者在对俄罗斯流行的社交网络VK的用户行为进行研究的基础上,探讨了通过俄罗斯社交网络进行政治动员的可能性。 特别关注群众抗议活动自发发生的问题,以及"阿拉伯之春"事件的现代动态和政治学背景下"占领"运动的出现。 研究的实证部分是使用描述性方法和对VK用户媒体行为的统计分析进行。 理论分析依赖于媒体和传播研究领域,社会运动和冲突政治领域的现代研究成果。 这项研究的主要结论是,首先肯定了社会网络VK对青年参与俄罗斯大规模抗议活动的影响有限;其次,社会网络在典型政治冲突中对抗议动员过程的一般补充作用。 另一方面,所进行的分析使我们能够证实,在出现违反公众意识的特殊事件的情况下,社会网络对大规模抗议活动的动态产生质量影响的可能性,在这种情况下,"新媒体"工具能够迅速同步地方需求,改变其规模,并使广泛的社会群体参与抗议信息和社会反对派文化。 这项研究的新颖之处在于驳斥了社会网络对青年内部理想政治观念的大规模抗议形成的极高影响的论点。 或者,该分析的结果允许定义关于大规模抗议的原因和动态特征的研究的未来方向。
抗议, 抗议, 动员, 动员, 资料, 资料, 社交网络, 社交网络, VK的, VK的, 青年, 青年, 社会运动, 社会运动, 冲突政治, 冲突政治, 阿拉伯之春, 阿拉伯之春, 革命, 革命
W. Teymouri, B. Biglari.
Tourism: an Appropriate Model to Educate World Citizenship
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2013. № 2.
和。 91-101.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2013.2.63480 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63480
旅游业使人类不同群体之间以"目的地"的名义在环境中以主人和游客的形式进行直接的文化互动成为可能。 事实上,游客和接待社区暂时体验到一种共同的公民生活。 他们生活在一起,同时学习彼此的文化。 他们注意到他们的文化和价值观存在差异和共同的东西,但他们学会尊重彼此的规则,规范和习俗。 本文试图简要研究全球化世界和世界公民的特点,同时强调旅游业作为学习世界公民所需技能和应用教义的适当工具和机会的独特作用和重要性。
全球化的世界, 旅游业, 教育, 世界公民身份, 目的地, 全球化, 文化, 公民生活, 社会活动, 社会。