Голечкова О.Ю..
«Великая Октябрьская революция все еще с нами»: итальянцы о юбилее 1917 года
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2021. № 1.
和。 10-25.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2021.1.33782 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=33782
This article analyzes an isolated case within the framework of trend of jubilee mania – recent centenary celebration of the Revolution of 1917 in Italy. The author believes that many historical events reappear on the horizon when assigned to play an important role in modern politics. The article describes how the Italians view the Revolution and how it helps to explain modern Russia. The research is carried out within the framework of methodology of public history. Having examined a wide variety of sources (online articles, articles in newspapers and magazines, scientific writings, information on the congresses and conferences, exhibitions, concerts, etc.), the author attempts to demonstrate how the Russian revolutions are reflected in the Italian public opinion. The conclusion is made that the Revolution plays an important role not only in modern Russia, in Italy as well. The latter believe that the Revolution is still present in their culture and politics, correlates with their own path of political history of the XX century, including the powerful Movement for the left that emerged in the country after the World War II. At the same time, Russia did not give due attention to celebration of the centennial anniversary, focusing rather on the victory over Hitler, since this event projects the glory of the Soviet Union onto the modern Russian Federation.
Trotsky, Stalin, Bolsheviks, Lenin, February Revolution, October Revolution, jubilee mania, politics of memory, Communism, propaganda
Лепнева М.Л..
Жизнь Вэньхай Фуцзюя: к вопросу о роли императоров Китая в поддержании "школьного сознания" буддийских монахов в XVIII веке
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2019. № 3.
和。 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.3.29718 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=29718
This paper revisits the concept of “school awareness”, which in the previous scholarship was mostly regarded as a product of penetration of Chinese patriarchal patterns into the Buddhist community against the background of loosened state control during the late Ming dynasty. Particular attention should be directed to the fact that such mindset of Buddhist monks existed even as late as the XVIII century, with one of the main examples here being Wenhai Fuju (1685-1765), who adopted a series of steps to promote the Qianhua lineage of Vinaya school of Chinese Buddhism. In order to explore his activities in detail, this paper synthesizes data form various sources producing a complete, chronologically arranged biography. The analysis of obtained results shows that the majority of Wenhai Fuju’s endeavors embodying his “school awareness” were in fact driven by the needs and opportunities of interaction with the Yongzheng (1723-1735) or Qianlong (1736-1795) emperors. This allows concluding that the official authorities expected and approved such desire for domination for a particular Buddhist school. Accordingly, it was the impact of imperial policy that could have kept up such “school awareness” in the XVIII century China.
Wenhai Fuju, Qianhua, Vinaya, Qianlong, Yongzheng, Qing, Buddhism, religion, China, school awareness
Васильева Е.А., Рубцова М.В., Волчкова Л.Т., Гашков С.А..
Социальные практики взаимодействия в системе государственного управления и планирования в Советской России: история возникновения и причины кризиса
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2019. № 1.
和。 1-15.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.1.27470 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=27470
The paper deals with the problem of the planning. The planning economy was indeed one of the most important achievements of the XX century. It allows avoiding such negative phenomena as unemployment and poverty. Nowadays the planning economy in Russia is rejected because after Gorbachev’s perestroika the leaders have decided to rely only on the market relations. They thought the reason for the economic collapse of the Soviet Union was the planning. The aim of the paper is to prove that the main error of the Soviet planning economy was not the planning itself, but the absence of interaction between the public management system and population. The text gives valuable information on the origins and development of the Soviet planning. The Soviet planning appeared in the difficult political and social context of the Civil War. From the beginning, the planning was developed by eminent scientists of their time. The political leaders used the planning in theire own aims; putting unrealizable tasks and using the economic failures to find and accuse the “enemies”. Conclusions are drawn about the necessity of the development of the planning system as a system of system of reconciling the needs of the people and the interests of public administration.
practice of management, planning, Soviet history, social needs, public administration, planning economy, social practices of interaction, social development, social transformation, social engineering
Нестеркин С.П..
Основные направления в обновленческом движении российского буддизма в начале XX в.
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2019. № 1.
和。 16-23.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.1.28385 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=28385
In early 20th century part of the Buddhist Sangha started a process of revising its organization forms as well as its theoretical and practical heritage. Two essentially different movements existed in that sphere. They had different tasks and quite different approaches for solving those tasks. On the one hand, the activity of such Buryat enlightenment scholars as B. Baradin, Ts. Jamsarano as well as representatives of the clergy such as A. Dorjiev, Ch. Iroltuyev, Ganjurova-Gegen were part of the renewal processes in Buddhism that took place in many countries where it was spread. The renewal process was a reaction against the ideological and economic expansion of the colonialist countries and was designed to develop the ideological basis for preserving the national identity of the colonized nations. On the other hand, Lubsan Sandan Tsydenov and his followers had quite a different task: to reform Buddhism in order to enable it to develop in a new social and cultural environment – in the Western culture of Russia. Their task was not so much preserving the national identity as developing the Buddhist tradition in a new cultural environment, which also solved the question of identity in an indirect way.
Buryat Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Sangha, Tantra, neobuddhism, renewal movement, Russian Buddhism, Dandaron, Tsydenov, Dorzhiev
Савельев Д.Л..
Система органов управления народным просвещением в Тюменской губернии в первые годы советской власти
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2017. № 1.
和。 15-27.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2017.1.22381 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=22381
The article is dedicated to examination of the processes of formation of the system of administration of public education and cultural-educational activity during the first years of the establishment of Soviet government in the Tyumen (Tobolsk) governorate, prior to its entry into the Ural Region in 1923. Based on the analysis of archive materials, the author determines and analyzes the features of formation and human resources of the provincial department of public education under the circumstances of civil war, as well as establishment of the system of soviets. The article gives assessment to the role of military revolutionary committee of Tyumen governorate alongside the provincial political and educational committee in the organization of public education. The scientific novelty is substantiated by introduction into the academic discourse of the archive materials that allow expanding the perception on the content of state building processes in the field of public education, as well as political agitation in the territory of Tyumen governorate. The author underlines that the development of organizational structures alongside the system of administration of public education in the region were under the influence of the circumstances of civil war and repetitive change of political power.
Tyumen province, Ministry of Education, Central Committee of the Republic for Political Education, department of education, Provincial revolutionary committee, revolutionary committee, Education department, civil war, military crisis, public education, council of public education
Golovina O.V..
The activities of the Russian Monarchist Union during World War І and the February Revolution: Historiographical Problems
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 3.
和。 207-217.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.3.65710 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65710
在历史科学发展的现代阶段,研究俄罗斯君主主义联盟作为二十世纪初俄罗斯帝国境内社会和政治进程的重要组成部分的活动并没有失去其意义。 因此,本研究的史学研究及其复杂的当前历史意义仍然具有相关性。 对第一次世界大战和二月资产阶级革命期间俄罗斯君主制联盟活动的史学研究的特殊意义是由对这个问题的认识不足决定的,这意味着它可以被归 该文章概述了1914–2月1917期间俄罗斯帝国俄罗斯君主主义联盟的历史学:研究关于这一主题的知识状态和相关问题的确定。 该研究基于历史研究的基本方法论原则:历史主义和客观性。 这些原则通过使用史学研究中采用的一些研究方法来体现:一般科学方法,一般历史科学方法和具体史学方法-特别是具体史学分析和史学综合的方法。 在研究结果的基础上,作者总结了以前对第一次世界大战和二月资产阶级革命期间俄罗斯君主制联盟活动的研究。 这就确定了研究上述政治协会的不足和值得商榷的问题,以及君主主义协会史学的主要趋势和倾向,这决定了1914年至1917年2月期间进一步研究俄罗斯君主主义联盟及其活动的任务和前景。
二月资产阶级革命, 国家杜马, 二月资产阶级革命, 俄罗斯右翼政党, 国家杜马, 保守的意识形态, 俄罗斯右翼政党, 黑百人, 保守的意识形态, 君主制联盟, 黑百人, 史学, 君主制联盟, 俄罗斯君主主义者, 史学, 第一次世界大战, 俄罗斯君主主义者, 俄罗斯政治史, 第一次世界大战, 俄罗斯政治史
K. Jorgic.
The Great War in Russian Memory
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 1.
和。 34-36.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.1.64156 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64156
《俄罗斯记忆中的伟大战争》,2011年印第安纳大学出版社出版的高度学术化的文化史书(第385页)。 作者需要在九年的时间里写这本书并回答这样一个问题:哪个角色在俄罗斯集体记忆中拥有伟大的战争以及它是如何表现的。 这项研究涉及苏联的文化史、性别史、宣传和战争表现等问题。 这本书的专业可用性增强了书目和详细的名称和术语登记册。 我强烈推荐俄罗斯记忆中的伟大战争给更广泛的读者。 这本书应该被翻译成许多语言,因为它出色地完成了我们在第一次世界大战期间对俄罗斯的了解,以及后来对苏联日常生活的了解。
历史, 历史, 书评, 书评, 文化史, 性别史, 文化史, 宣传活动, 性别史, 战争的表征, 宣传活动, 苏联, 战争的表征, 苏联, 伟大的战争, 伟大的战争, 日常生活, 日常生活, 集体记忆。, 集体记忆。
E.V. Sychenko.
The History of Forced Labour in Soviet Russia
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2013. № 2.
和。 8-18.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2013.2.63472 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63472
这篇文章致力于强迫劳动的历史和在苏联俄罗斯工作的义务的实现。 工作责任被载入所有苏联宪法,因此成为这个时代的主题。 强调了三个主要时期:军事共产主义时期(1918-1921),战争时期,包括战前和战后时期(1940-1948),赫鲁晓夫解冻时期(1961-1965),我们将简要地谈论古拉格的强迫劳动。 作者分析了官方文件,落实工作责任,统计数据,当代和苏联学者的研究。 对俄罗斯强迫劳动的历史回顾使我们得出结论,工作义务(不仅是道德义务,而且有刑事或行政责任支持)是苏联劳动法的一个显着特征。 这个想法甚至在K.马克思和列宁的着作中产生于苏维埃国家之前,并且一直存在到苏联解体。 在这些年里,工作义务的执行情况因国家目前的需要和经济条件而有很大的不同。
苏联历史, 强迫劳动, 劳工征兵, 古拉格, 劳工法, 寄生性;寄生性, 刑事责任, 动员, 适合工作, 工作的义务。
Spirova, E.M..
Why do we need history?
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2013. № 1.
和。 23-27.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2013.1.63068 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63068
过去的人之所以活着,是因为一种特殊的社会实践--社会记忆。 现代心理学充分证明,没有人能够独自对自己的社会行为和思维方式有足够的理解。 无论他多么真诚地试图成为自己的法官,他迟早都要诉诸别人的判断和解释。 这也适用于国家,忏悔社区,政治和意识形态运动的意识。 历史学家属于某种史学传统,无疑会影响他的研究性质。 在同样的程度上,历史学家的作品也受到他的个性的影响。 历史人类学的问题和方法经常被称为心理史。 这与法国编年史学派有关。 然而,思想的历史在历史知识体系中很难假装具有自主地位。 我们无法预见历史将如何反应,但社会心理学家有一个古老的观察,即社会转变始于没有人期望的形式和深度。 文艺复兴时期的人们认为历史始于他们,他们想象自己是先驱,因为他们知道他们正在复兴古代。 传统往往似乎无关紧要,一个古老时期的密码和荒谬的旧时代。 但在传统中,无限的社会经验被结晶。
哲学, 历史, 文化, 传统, 稳定性, 历史主义, 改革, 革命, 社会经验, 进步。