Красиков В.И..
Антропологический контекст порока
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2021. № 1.
和。 1-9.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2021.1.34231 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=34231
This study is conducted this within the theoretical framework of philosophical anthropology and existential problems in modern philosophy. The discourse of philosophical anthropology seeks to decipher the basic codes of the biosocial nature of man in its formative influence on his consciousness and behavior. On the contrary, existential analysis tries to determine the conditions for successful resistance to the influence on the consciousness of numerous interventionists and the possibility of the formation of reasonable autonomy. Thus, this study seeks to find an acceptable balance in the use of methodological tools of philosophical anthropology and existential analysis in solving the problem of the mutual influence of bodily, social passions and consciousness. The article is devoted to an explanation of meanings of such human phenomenon as vice. The author strives to uncover the etymological and anthropological implication of this human given. He believes that the notions of "vice" and "virtue" are socially conditional. The nature of our desires is primary. Vice and virtue are flickering areas of the socially significant in these desires. They are contoured on intuitive-semantic quality and marked with labels of words. If the ego, the spirit lose their sovereignty then psychic and physiological element, biological fury come forth making of a human-being their prisoner. The harmony between two levels of existence in the human-being always is relative and transient. The author convinces that we should tolerably understand the nature of this human attribute and therefore we can humanize it.
social-symbolic passions, organic passions, virtue, vice, body and mind, existential problems, philosophical anthropology, self-esteem, self-awareness, self-control
Литвякова Л.А..
Эрос Платона
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2020. № 3.
和。 1-4.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2020.3.29239 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=29239
This article gives a remarkable interpretation of the concept of “Eros” proposed by ancient philosophy. Special attention is turned to Plato’s theory of Eros. The author reviews the theoretical aspect of Eros within the system of the general world order from the perspective of philosophical teachings. The mythology of Eros is being traced. Plato’s writings “Feast", "Liquide", "Phaedrus” are subjected to analysis. The article reveals the ambivalence of Eros as lyrics and epos as cosmos, as well as understanding of the creative Eros. The essence of Eros is presented as the foundation of comprehension of life, an indispensable attribute of human existence and its nature. The research employs general philosophical methods, such as the historical and analytical, which allow giving a broader perspective on the topic. The uniqueness of this study consists in disclosure of the concept of Eros as it is viewed by ancient philosophy, and namely by Plato, as the founder of the concept of Eros. The article provides the most comprehensive definition of Eros as a way to understand being and the fundamentals of human existence.
eternity, truth, beauty, being, good, ancient philosophy, ethics, Eros, mind, morality
Гашков С.А..
Субъект и история: размышления Касториадиса о современности в контексте его философской полемики (Хайдеггер, Рикер, Хабермас)
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2020. № 2.
和。 1-8.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2020.2.32392 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=32392
The subject of this research is the historical-philosophical and polemical context of the reasoning on history of the French philosopher of Greek descent Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997). The philosopher structures a complex polemical model that sharply responses to all attempts to determine society, being, history, and human. Even the recognized philosophical figures of the XX century, such as M. Heidegger, P. Ricoeur, J. Haberma, who have no biased attitude on philosophical knowledge, appear to be subject to critical analysis. The author applied intertextual, hermeneutic and dialogical methods leaning on the texts of the aforementioned authors, as well as the data of modern critical literature. The scientific novelty consists in attraction of the relatively unknown to the Russian audience historical-philosophical material, and an attempt to reproduce the polemics and debates that were held in French intellectual environment of the late XX century. At the same time, the author did not follow the goals of historical and biobibliographical description, but rather return to the origins of the philosophy and history and revival of philosophical reasoning on history based on the researched material, demonstration of complicated, aporetic, heterogeneous and heuristic nature of the relation between philosophy, social disciplines and humanities. The author concludes that we cannot speak of the poststructuralist philosophy of history; the work of Castoriadis mostly represents philosophical criticism of theoretical grounds of social disciplines and humanities, although in the context of philosophical thought, it acquires an independent scientific meaning. The author ubderlines that Castoriadis polemicized Heidegger's thought, especially in regard of Ancient Greek civilization; the limits of Castoriadis' thought, such as radical atheism, social monadism, refusal to think communication; the advantages of Castoriadis' thought of history, his multiculturalism, his claim to restore genuine philosophy and democracy, criticism of determinism, scientism, cultural egoism.
history of philosophy, polemics, history, subject, Habermas, Ricoeur, Heidegger, Castoriadis, philosophy of history, creation
Жолков С.Ю..
Философские проблемы прагматических теорий: генезис и архитектоника, 2
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2019. № 2.
和。 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.2.26975 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=26975
The subject of this research is the real pragmatics, in other words, purposeful activity of social subjects (individuals, human associations). Real pragmatics overall, in unity and cohesion of the natural and human realms is the subject of pragmatic theories. In practical terms, the actual tasks for analysis and management of large systems and their systemic analysis in unity of natural scientific and socio-humanitarian component is the real need. The article determines the requirements to information base and architectonics of the pragmatic theory, essential for building a trustworthy scientific theory of real pragmatics. The comparative analysis with the construct of “theoretical knowledge” proposed by V. S. Stepin is conducted. The general laws and requirements to architectonics of veritable and substantive components of pragmatic theories are formulated. The conducted comparative analysis demonstrates that the pattern of structuring the fundamental and conclusive pragmatic theories is fully compatible with the construct of (post-nonclassical) “theoretical knowledge” of V. S. Stepin. The author also notes that the proposed by V. S. Stepin pattern of theoretical knowledge is based not only the comprehensively studied physical theories, but also the mathematical theories.
terms and (logic) formulae, dogmatic foundations, rational oundations, basis of a theory, ideal objects, concepts and constructs, information base, critical analysis of information, conceptual analysis, architectonics of pragmatic theories
Гашков С.А..
Корнелиус Касториадис реформирует философию истории
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2019. № 2.
和。 14-22.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2019.2.27604 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=27604
The subject of this research is the philosophical heritage of the prominent Greek-French philosopher, economist, and psychoanalyst Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997). The author gives particular attention to the plots of his works related to the problem of such philosophical interpretation of the historical process, in which context a human does not manifest as an alienated subject, but rather a conscious, creative being. Along the way, the philosopher faces Marxism, Sartre’s existentialism, and structuralism of Lévi-Strauss, subjecting them to critical analysis and defending similar principles, kindred to the Greek democratic traditions. Hi critically repels scientism, naturalism, individualism, Eurocentrism, functionalism, positivism and determinism, which in his opinion, obscure the true content of all three methods. The author explored a number of theses and texts of Castoriadis, in comparison with the texts of some representatives of Marxism (Plekhanov, Lenin), existentialism (Sartre), and structuralism (Lévi-Strauss, Althusser, Foucault). Leaning on the study of the evolution of French postwar thought, the author draws the independent conclusions on Castoriadis’ methodology. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt to portray Castoriadis as a unique reformer of the philosophy of history. The philosopher manifests not only as a consecutive critic of Marxism, existentialism and structuralism, but also as an independent thinker, who revived the dwindling interest towards the philosophy of history. It is underlined that the works of Castoriadis represent a cycle of studies on the philosophy of history; and in the center of the living historical process is collective creativity, the “magma” of social reality and social imaginary.
functionalism, Marxism, structuralism, existentialism, determinism, indeterminism, philosophy of history, Castoriadis, reform of science, role of individuals
Воронов В.М..
Экзистенциальные основания человеческой идентичности в эпоху Постава (на основании критики и развития идей М. Хайдеггера)
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2018. № 4.
和。 1-8.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2018.4.27050 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=27050
The article analyses the idea of existential bases of human identity in the context of technological challenges of modernity. Its temporality, ecstaticity, and connection of an individual being with being of Others are viewed as identity bases. Attention is paid to the existential meanings of mortality and temporality of the Other, expressed in ontological moods of pain and anxiety. These moods are defined as bases of authenticity in various socio-cultural identifications. The specifics of modernity are defined in line with M. Heidegger’s philosophy of technology, i.e. in domination of a particular way of being of humans – Gestell. Anthropological risks and challenges of modernity are shown as a possible en-framed attitude towards any self-identifications. In terms of theory and methods, the article is based on a criticism and development of M. Heidegger's ideas related to the project of existential analytics and philosophy of technology. The novelty of this research consists in an attempt to apply M. Heidegger’s theory and methods of philosophy to human identity, making it possible to view it from an existential standpoint and including an ontological view of the moods, not just related to one’s own mortality, but also mortality of the Other.
the Other, anxiety, pain, ecstasy, temporality, existence, self-identification, identity, Gestell, en-framed identity
Климков О.С..
Русская средневековая мысль и византийский исихазм
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2018. № 4.
和。 9-16.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2018.4.27599 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=27599
The object of this research is the influence of the Byzantine Hesychasm upon the formation and development of Russian medieval thought. The works of Simeon New Theologian and Gregory of Sinai made a significant contribution to the development of this spiritual movement, as well as to the further systematization and conceptual understanding of this doctrine in Byzantium and medieval Russia, influencing the formation of its religious-ritual and philosophical-theological culture. The main representatives of the Russian religious thought of this era are Nilus of Sora, Artemy Troitsky and Maximus the Greek. The author uses the historical-analytical and phenomenological methods, resorting, if necessary, to the method of comparative analysis and historical-philosophical reconstruction. The following are the main points of this research: a review of the ups and downs of "smart doing" in Russia; analysis of the continuity of Byzantine and Russian thought; a study of the spiritual specifics of the Russian Middle Ages; study of the problem of religious freedom and “self-rule” of a person; revealing the significance of the reception of Hesychastic ideas in Russian medieval thought.
Nil Sorsky, Gregory Sinait, orthodoxy, silence, asceticism, hesychasm, palamism, sinaitism, russian philosophy, knowledge of God
Жолков С.Ю..
Философские проблемы прагматических теорий: генезис и архитектоника, 1
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2018. № 3.
和。 1-11.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2018.3.26974 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=26974
The subject of this research is the real pragmatics, i.e. the goal-oriented activity of social subjects (individuals, human associations). The real pragmatics overall, in unity and interaction of the natural and humanitarian worlds, is an object of pragmatic theories. In the practical aspect, the actual goals of the analysis and management of complex systems and their systemic analysis in the combined natural science and socio-humanitarian component are in high demand. The article determines the requirements for the information base and architectonics of the pragmatic theory necessary for structuring a trustworthy scientific theory of real pragmatics. A comparative analysis with construction of “theoretic knowledge” offered by V. S. Stepin is conducted. The author formulates the general laws and requirements for the architectonics of the components of authentic and informative pragmatic theories. As a result of a careful comparative analysis, the author is first to demonstrate that the scheme of structuring substantial and provable pragmatic theories is fully compatible with the construct of the (post-nonclassical) “theoretical knowledge” of V. S. Stepin. The author also underlines that the proposed by V. S. Steping scheme of theoretical knowledge derives from not only the meticulously examined physical theories, but also the mathematical theories.
critical analysis of information, information base, concepts and constructs, ideal objects, basis of a theory, rational oundations, dogmatic foundations, terms and (logic) formulae, conceptual analysis, architectonics of pragmatic theories
Климков О.С..
Проблема богопознания в мышлении Григория Паламы
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2018. № 1.
和。 1-8.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2018.1.25828 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=25828
The object of this research is one of the most significant and topical problems of the hesychast polemic that took place in Byzantium of XIV century, namely the development and comprehension of the Orthodox theory of the knowledge of God in the concept of its chief representative Gregory Palamas. The subject of this research is a concrete historical discussion, which has formed and settled his views upon the role and place of philosophical knowledge within the religious doctrine of hesychasm. The author also examines the views of Palama’s opponent Varlaam, whose doctrine contains the features of intellectualism of ancient philosophy. Using the phenomenological-analytical method, the author studies the problem of Palamite gnoseology. The fundamental for Palama difference between the essence and energy of the mind as well as his teaching on theosis are subjected to analysis. The author underlines the close link between the gnoseological and anthropological problematic, as the possibility of the knowledge of God is put in direct relation to the means of human existence, which includes not only its intellectual and emotional spheres, but the corporeal practices as well. An observation is made on the dominance of existential approach over existential metaphysics in Palama’s concept.
mysticism, theosis, orthodoxy, silence, asceticism, knowledge of God, palamism, hesychasm, gnoseology, Gregory Palamas
Борисов С.В..
Как практиковать философию в мире повседневности
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2017. № 1.
和。 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2017.1.22276 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=22276
This article is intended for those who would like to learn how to practice philosophy in everyday life to improve its quality, to make effective decisions, to establish communication skills, ability to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. Philosophical practice, philosophizing can be different. However, an effective guide for those who wish to take advantage of this form of practice, is not a “school” academic tradition, but philosophical issues from everyday life. The problem lies in the ability to raise these issues at the level of philosophical reflection and contemplation. Philosophical practice can be integrated into the everyday way of life and philosophizing can have practical significance. Philosophizing can carry out therapeutic function (psychological component) or developmental function (intellectual component); these functions complement each other.
Gerd Achenbach, Karl Jaspers, philosophical counseling, self-knowledge, Socratic dialogue, existentialism, philosophizing, philosiphical practice, Oscar Benifier, Ran Lahav
Даниленко Д.В..
Роль либеральных ценностей в секуляризации
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2016. № 2.
和。 1-17.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2016.2.19011 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=19011
This article explores the role played by the liberal values within political secularization (secularization of political power), as well as secularization on individual level (erosion of the observation of religious practices, values, and beliefs). The role of socioeconomic and political factors in secularization – such as capitalism, advancements of sciences, and Reformation – is reconsidered in relation to the role of liberal values. The existing concepts of secularization are reinterpreted to integrate the factor of human rights and liberal values into this process. Historical and philosophical approaches to the subject of the study allow the author to discover substantial contradictions within social assignment of religion and liberal values, and to draw a conclusion that liberal values have played a crucial role in secularization.
capitalism, democracy, human rights, right to education, fundamental rights and freedoms, liberalism, secularization, freedom of religion, religion, law
Асадуллаев И.К..
Не априорное знание, а знание-вера, мир по Канту и мир по Гегелю
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2016. № 1.
和。 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2016.1.18122 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=18122
The subject of this research is the projection of new concepts of philosophy into the borderline area of philosophy and physics, and astrophysics. The dark matter and dark energy have lately produced controversial discussions, but overall leave behind the key – the impossibility of attempts to discover phenomena and essence of new area of objective reality. The first glance at this dilemma begs the division of the universe into types of matter, principally knowable, and into types of matter that remain unknowable (perhaps yet?). These types of matter in one case are expounded by Hegel as a world of universal connection and knowability, and in another case as Kant’s thing in itself. Among the main conclusions is the position on existence of new categories of participation and non-participation, existence of one definiteness of a visible universe, as opposed to other worlds that each have their own definiteness. Correlation of philosophy and physics and astrophysics leads to the hypothesis on the difference between objective reality of existence of the world by Kant’s principles, and the world by the principles of Hegel’s philosophy.
Category, Light matter, Dark matter, Dialectics, Hegel, Kant, World, Faith, Knowledge, A priori
Фаритов В.Т..
Philosophy of transgression: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Friedrich Nietzsche
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2015. № 4.
和。 36-67.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2015.4.16671 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=16671
The subject of this research is the conception of the philosophy of transgression in the teachings of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Friedrich Nietzsche. The author examines the fine concepts of Hegel’s philosophy such as spirit, otherness, sublation, and negation, and carries out the explication of transgression as the ontological content of these phenomena. The article presents a comparative analysis of the works of Hegel and teachings of Nietzsche in the area of establishment of the philosophical paradigm of transgression. A special attention is given to the issues of death of God in the philosophy of Hegel and Nietzsche. The research employs the methodological principles of deconstruction, comparative philosophy, as well as methods of ontology and history of philosophy. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the explication of transgression as the key aspect in the Hegel’s and Nietzsche’s teachings. Author’s special contribution consists in conducting a comparative analysis of transgression in Hegel’s philosophy with the main sections of Nietzsche’s teaching (such as Dionysian origin, overman (Übermensch), and death of God).
superman, Death of God, withdrawal, spirit, Nietzsche, Hegel, transgression, dialectics, otherness, self
Гуревич П.С., Руднева Е.Г..
Апофатический проект человека
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2015. № 4.
和。 68-97.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2015.4.16971 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=16971
The article deals with the apophatic interpretation of man that has taken shape in modern Western literature as negation of all known attributes and properties of Adam’s offspring. The main proposition of new apophaticism, according to the authors, is disappointment in man. He is no longer considered as a measure of all things, as a creature endowed with reason and morality, as an exponent of humanistic consciousness. Human characteristics acquire a negative arrangement. Man is the focus of sinful thoughts, cruel desires, nearly the whole anatomy of destructiveness. Man’s essence is found in his striving for death. In this context, there is a need for comprehension of this tradition, which, as appears, to a considerable extent is inherent in European philosophy in some form or another.The authors are guided by philosophical-anthropological approaches to interpretation of human nature. They use the methodology of classical and postmodernist philosophy.The novelty of the work is in description of the apophatic image of man that has taken shape in modern philosophical anthropology. Conceptions of F. Nietzsche, G. Bataille and other authors are analyzed. The notion of human nature and human integrity is discussed. Human integrity is not rejected by modern philosophical anthropology, neither is it postulated as a preset anthropological property. It is acquired through the incoherence, fragmentariness of human existence. As is shown, the failure of the enlightening model of the ideal man in European culture has caused an irresistible interest to negative, pathological traits in human nature.The authors come to the conclusion that the apophatic project of man has permitted to reveal many real problems of current human existence. At the same time, it turned out that man has an inherent secret desire to rid himself of the idea of his existence, of his essence. The very reproduction of man as a human being is being ousted by machines, clones, prostheses. J. Baudrillard in this context writes about the end of anthropology, which is surreptitiously withdrawn by machines and new technologies.
philosophy, human, human nature, the integrity of the person, human project, atavism, apophatics, human being, the phenomena of life, divinity
Даниленко Д.В..
Why Russians are so different?
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2015. № 4.
和。 1-35.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2015.4.17642 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=17642
The author attempts to answer the question “Why Russians are so different?” form the sociopolitical and economic points of view. He advances the idea that the major role in formation of peculiarities of Russians’ identity was played by some cultural aspects of the pre-Communist era, but also the political institutions influence of the Soviet Union. The author compares distinctive traits of Russians’ identity with those of the people of developed countries. The author considers such topics of Russians’ cultural identity as: destruction of social capital under the Soviet Union and its influence upon the current social conditions; causes of the problems with establishment of democratic institutions, as well as protection of human rights; historical background of the economic development and influence of the legacy of the Communist regime upon current economic conditions.
mentality, identity, Russia, Russian, features, policy, sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, history
Danilenko D.V.
Humanism, Punishment and Surveillance. Criticism of M. Foucault’s “Surveiller et punir”
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2015. № 1.
和。 7-27.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2015.1.66331 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66331
本文致力于对现代国家监视、惩罚的起源以及更普遍的现代刑法演变的哲学研究。 它作为本文作者和Michel Foucault之间的讨论而呈现。 它提出了这样一个观点,即在过去300年里,人道主义在软化国家制裁的惩罚和发展国家监督方面发挥了重要作用。 本文论述了现代国家的历史渊源及其与个人关系的演变;政府职能的演变;刑法的演变;以及人权和自由。 它包含了对福柯对现代刑法体系演变和他的监视概念的分析的批判。
惩罚, 惩罚, 国家(政府)职能, 国家(政府)职能, 刑法, 刑法, 现代法律, 现代法律, 米歇尔*福柯, 米歇尔*福柯, 社会哲学, 社会哲学, 监察工作, 人文主义, 监察工作, 人文主义, 人权, 人权, 自由。, 自由。
Ursul A.D. .
Global Research and Evolutionary Approach
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 4.
和。 290-296.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.4.66005 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66005
这篇文章探讨了科学全球化的密集和明亮表达的过程,这是在人类活动的许多领域展开的全球革命变革的一个组成部分。 这些变化反映了集中研究全球过程和系统的现代科学的全球发展趋势以及与之相关的协同现象-全球发展。 所研究的跨学科研究的这种趋势导致了一种特定形式的科学知识,这被称为全球知识。 这种类型的知识从其行星完整性和进化意义的角度反映了地球上存在的所有全球过程和系统。 特别注意全球研究中使用的方法和方法;即进化和跨学科的方法,以及那些与全球研究主题领域的地理和时间跨度有关的方法和方法。 还试图实施综合-跨学科的科学方法和概念,以便预测新的全球科学方向的出现。 在全球研究中使用进化方法,最近由本文作者提出,提供了确定新的科学方向的能力,如古地球生物学,未来地球生物学,宇宙生物学和其他一些科学搜索领域。 在全球研究中使用进化方法表明,将根据全球(普遍)进化论的思想和原则更有效地研究它们。 预计全球研究将出现一个新的进化阶段,并将注意力集中在全球发展上。
科学, 全球化, 科学, 全球研究, 全球研究, 全球知识, 全球发展, 全球知识, 全球流程, 进化, 全球发展, 全球流程, 进化全球学, 进化, 进化方法, 进化全球学, 未来全球生物学。, 进化方法, 未来全球生物学。
Asadullaev I.K.
New (physical) picture of the world? - Part 2. Expansion of similarity as a category of philosophy, Universal Law and Universal Form of Matter in Motion
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 3.
和。 200-206.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.3.65709 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65709
作者认为,随着相似性的扩大,某些物体将其他物体变成它们的相似之处。 它表现在空间和时间。 相似性的扩展发生在事物,现象的稳定过程中,当物体保持其相似度时。 此外,当发生第二级膨胀时存在膨胀密度-不同尺度的均匀性。 它是宗教,共产主义,民主等等的扩张。 作者强调对next的关注。 然而,在一个真正的民主国家,每个人都有权拒绝成为他人的肖像。 但不是在尊重民主的法律和人类的生活方式。 一个人在行使民主的法律和人类规则时必须像其他人一样。 该条涉及这样的主题:"任何人都无权强迫他人与他相像,除非它通过暴力或种族灭绝制度危及安全"。 运动的均匀性是一个最重要的运动形式的问题与其他形式相反-不断产生的创新,多样性和差异。 均匀运动至少有三个"袖子":相似性的扩展,作为物质和不变性的普遍属性的反射,在哲学上被认为是在各种系统,过渡和维度中保持均匀。 相似性的扩展有多种形式:社会传染,法西斯主义或极权主义等。 在二十世纪发展起来的反射理论中,我们遇到了其他人对某些现象或多或少的被动反射,这就是为什么研究人员试图具体地将反射的活性物质确定为 它没有纳入反思的概念。 反思的概念最初没有创造和"侵略"的想法,必须在理论上加以补充。 研究方法有:辩证法、唯物主义、结构主义、比较法、系统与有机法、功能法、认知中的克隆法、归纳与演绎法、倒等级法、终极事件决定过程而个体现象影响关键因素时。 问题的新颖性在于首次引入了相似性扩展的概念并被视为一种普遍的范畴、普遍的存在规律和运动中的物质的普遍形式作者得出结论,问题的新颖性 文章首次描述了基于主体和人的相似性的联盟和关联的逻辑。 当这些物体和现象的群落出现时,它也发生在自然界中。 有一个基本的存在法则,反映了现象创造类似于它的系统或继续自己的相似性的基本承诺。 科学认识了许多研究现象相似性,身份与差异关系,复制与差异的学者。 然而,在这方面,相似性运动在空间和时间中展开,在各种范围和深度中,相似性扩展的概念毫无疑问必须通过识别特定的规律和关系来找到数学,天体物理学,换句话说,自然科学方面。 接下来是作者的主要论文。 扩大相似性的概念更充分地揭示了民主进程的基本方面,并确定了极端主义和原教旨主义的具体性质,换句话说,它们的"血腥突变",不论其政治色彩如何。 佐丹奴布鲁诺最生动和无私地捍卫了认知宇宙学原理,这个概念是由相似性的膨胀决定的-整个无限的,尚未被更好地认知的宇宙与我们看到的宇宙 相似性的扩展表现为认知方法和决定论原理。
相似性的扩展, 普遍主义, 民主, 相似性的扩展, 民主, 极权主义, 原教旨主义, 普遍法律, 极权主义, 联盟的逻辑, 人文主义, 原教旨主义, 统一制度, 法西斯主义, 普遍法律, 联盟的逻辑, 人文主义, 统一制度, 法西斯主义
Gurevich P.S..
The cybernaut as a symbol of the global world
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 2.
和。 98-108.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.2.65223 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65223
作者讨论了现代全球化的人类学方面。 他表明,对全球过程的理解需要对人性问题的分析。 试图创造一个广义的人的形象,这将是一个新生世界的象征。 另一方面,作者批评了人的去人性化,去人性化的项目。 哲学人类学的传统问题,如"人是造物主还是创造物?","谁或什么是现代世界的demiurge?"、"人体真的是人类识别的依据吗?","人性是否能够极端开放和无限转化?",再次证明是热门话题。 作者运用哲学人类学的方法来分析这些问题。 他表明,这种哲学趋势在其存在的几十年里,已经改进了对人类哲学理解问题的方法,并建立在这些原始传统的基础上。 这种方法的新颖性不仅与重塑人类的神秘传统的恢复有关,而且与对整个欧洲人格"重建"经验的批判性思考有关。 文章从关键位置对"改造人"的技术项目进行了评估,提出了合理处理问题及其基本基础的论点。
全球世界, 男人, 赛伯纳特, 身份认同, 转型, 大自然, 遗传学, 哲学, 哲学人类学, 符号。
Ponomarenko E.V..
Legal development in the context of the humanization of the Russian legal system
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 2.
和。 109-114.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.2.65224 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65224
本研究的主题是法律发展。 文章从个体人类和整个社会对人文主义的法律思想的发展来讨论法律的发展。 法律发展包括由法律调解的智力和意志性质的人类行为,旨在转变人类活动要素(社会现实)。 我们正在通过人权和社会来谈论人性化(灵性和福利的转变);建立一个法律体系,其中心是一个人,他的权利和自由。 法律发展是由权利调解的智力和意志行动,目的是使法律制度转变和人性化,证实一个人的价值,一个人的权利和自由在法律制度中。 研究方法是在普世价值、自然权利和人民自由的背景下进行理性和批判性思维。 其新颖之处在于将人文主义思想转化为法律,将个人、社会和国家转化为个人和社会对人类发展的法律思想。 在法律上,人文主义的思想是作为"权利"和"人"等概念比例的逐渐变化而形成的。 这个想法在于法律的"人性化",建立这样一个以人民,他们的权利和自由为重点的法律制度。
发展, 法律发展, 现代法律制度, 人权, 人类价值观, 法律制度的人性化, 人与权利, 作为价值的权利, 正确的价值观, 理性和批判性思维
Asadullaev I.К.
New physical picture of the world? – Part 1. Redshift galaxies should fluctuate. Universal homeostasis. The absurdity of the basic question of philosophy
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 2.
和。 115-122.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.2.65225 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65225
所提出的方法是试图显着更新世界的新的物理和哲学观点,主要是天体物理学。 关键是认识到理想是物质的属性,以及物质。 理想是客观现实,有时是主观形式,但不是物质现实。 物质的定义不仅是由于与物质有关,而且是由于物质作为物质属性之一是确定存在的事实。 与此同时,理想作为一个确定的存在是没有定义的. 本文提出将体内平衡视为一种普遍现象。 应该指出的是,在自然界中没有完美的线条或歪斜的动作。 真实物体在直线上的运动总是受到环境的影响,例如由于物体与其他物体的关联以及内部运动。 每一个动作都是独一无二的,不可重复的,有它自己的逻辑,而这个逻辑是理想的,必不可少的,自然的。 这同样适用于地球,太阳,星系等。 这是受普遍动态平衡的原则。 动态平衡作为一个动态平衡总是一个偏差-卷土重来。 所有的东西和对象,从一个偏差有时在相反的方向转移,现在又回到了理想的位置。 没有理想的稳定性,只有动态平衡-动力可持续性。 但不是物质上的,物质上的平衡是偏差的本质-复出。 动态平衡的理想涵盖了材料作为一个整体的所有条件,与之一致和不一致。 对象在普遍稳态过程中所寻求的理想轨迹或位置不仅是认知者的意识事实,而且是客观和真实的。 辩证法、唯物主义、结构主义、比较方法、系统与有机方法、功能方法、认知中的克隆方法、归纳与演绎方法、倒等级方法,当最终事件决定过程而个别现象影响关键因素时。 比喻地说,宇宙由于普遍的稳态膨胀和震动作为果冻。 星系移动得越远,膨胀率越大,振荡越强。 任何真正的运动–惯性或加速-都是均匀不均匀的(材料–理想)。 星系越远,横向和纵向的振荡幅度越大。 飞行星系的纵向振荡发生在加速波中:现在更快的离开,现在更慢的加速。 从某种意义上说,它类似于混蛋。 我们认为,可以仔细检查多普勒效应红移(颜色)的振荡(颜色)。 我们相信它将可用于实践科学。 我们可以相信宇宙的每一个普遍规律自诞生之日起就在那里。 因此,科学面临检测红移振荡的问题。 快速后退的星系在一个后退的理想平衡点周围振荡. 星系是有形的,作为一个可用的存在,并提出一个不均匀的加速度飞离彼此。 因此,我们可以假设平衡的理想振荡点服从星系理想运动均匀加速的某种全局定律。 因此得出结论:多普勒效应应该在稳态-非稳态运动–红移振荡的背景下解决。
动态平衡, 动态平衡, 数学, 数学, 荒谬, 荒谬, 哲学, 哲学, 体内平衡, 体内平衡, 通用, 通用, 星系, 星系, 新的物理图片, 新的物理图片, 多普勒效应, 多普勒效应, 红移振荡。, 红移振荡。
I.K. Asadullaev, M.I. Ilolov.
Contra Descartes. Antecedents and Universality of Faith and Reason
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 1.
和。 4-8.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.1.64153 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64153
在这篇文章中,我们试图证明信仰和理性的最初一致性,这种一致性不能在没有另一个的情况下存在。 信仰不能没有理性的感知,理性是建立在信仰之上的。 我们认为信仰不仅是一种宗教,而且更广泛地说,是人类的普遍信仰。 它不仅涉及对上帝,古兰经,圣经或其他类型的神圣脚本的信仰,而且还涉及对理想的信仰,人与人之间的信仰,国家之间的信仰,对未来的信仰等。 首先,我们专注于人类和人类生活中这些现象的主要普遍性,有限的一致性。 这被认为是很大的;然而,我们感兴趣的是,没有理性的信仰和没有信仰的理性是不可能存在的。当主观主义者伯克利说只有感觉存在,而不是物体时,他对此是积极的,他相信他的主要认知。 同样,辩证唯物主义者在对世界和客体的客观存在提出主张时,对自己的初级认知有绝对的信念。 为了证明这一点,他们使用实践作为他们所说内容真实性的标准。 在他们的主要认知中,他们也相信,尽管是绝对的,这一判断的真实性。 基于对自我的信仰的主要认知,可以是明显的,或潜在的,或以绝对保证的形式不明显的。 也就是说,信仰,对自我的信任,甚至在我们自己的怀疑中,都是人类的主要认知。 错误的自我,我们自己的感觉和判断是基于主要的信任-对这种态度的正确性的信念。 当笛卡尔说:"cogito ergo sum"–"我认为因此我是",从这个新科学的时代开始,在"cogito"(思考)之后,人们认为第一个可靠的认知(信仰和思想的行为)主要是他对思想的真实性,信 通常这是不承认的。 对思想真实性的信念,作为思想的初始行为,在思维过程之前或在同一时间发生。 然而,如果信仰认知是并发的,它仍然在物质上,如果不是在时间上。 这种逻辑首先是由伊本*西纳(Avicenna)在另一个方面引入的。
信仰, Contra笛卡尔, 原因, 信仰, 哲学, 原因, 哲学, 神学, 神学, 理性主义, 通用, 理性主义, 小学部, 通用, 科学, 小学部, 宗教。, 科学, 宗教。
Nikolsky S.A..
Lev Tolstoy: a Russian view of the world and man in it
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 1.
和。 9-24.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.1.64154 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64154
文章的主题是分析俄罗斯作家列夫*托尔斯泰作品中的人类学主题,并给出俄罗斯世界观的特征。 列夫*托尔斯泰的作品给了研究者一个独特的机会来了解俄罗斯的世界观。 穆日克伯爵是一位天才艺术家,孜孜不倦的工作者和对生命意义的探索者,他给后代留下了无数丰富的观察、思想、艺术主题和图像。 由于它们的深度和多样性,它们早已成为并继续成为哲学分析的主题。 文章讨论了托尔斯泰考察的俄罗斯世界观的一些重要含义和价值观。 首先,in是人类生命冠冕的意义(更准确地说–寻找意义)。 作者在他的整个创作生涯中研究了死亡和俄罗斯人民对死亡的态度的主题。 作者采用俄罗斯作家文本的解释学分析方法。 世俗和神学思想指的是对死亡恐惧的评价进行了比较。 这篇文章的新颖之处在于寻找能反对死亡的东西。 托尔斯泰发现,对死亡的恐惧可以通过爱作为上帝的最充分表现来克服,于是他转向分析,然后考虑到这种人类感觉的另一面,投入了许多伟大的哲学和艺术作品来考察激情。 罪与悔改、人类和社会生活中的犯罪与惩罚、道德和法律正义是托尔斯泰创作的另一个世界观组成部分。 思想家的创造性搜索尚未完成。 但这个过程就是他留给反思后代的最宝贵的遗产。
文学作品, 哲学, 恐惧, 死亡, 生活, 世界观, 罪案, 悔改, 法律, 正义。
Yu.M. Reznik.
The metaphysics of man: images of being
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2014. № 1.
和。 25-33.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.1.64155 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64155
研究的主题是在现代philos-ophy中形成的人类形象。 作者从这样一个假设出发,即人的形象可能被视为两个维度:"人"(人的主观性)和"超人"或元物理,表现在他存在的各个层面,即表面(可能存在,被看到)和表面(有条件的存在或被看到,伪存在与真实存在不同)、客观本质(什么)和主观本质(whoness)。 形而上学的形象本身修复了与超越-牙科世界的关系-真实-本质,被区分为真实性(自我存在)和oth-erness(其他存在)。 在他的研究中,作者以存在现象的方法论为指导。 从这个角度来看,他提供了他对人类存在现象的解释--以"表面"和"表面"、"什么"和"whoness"、真实性和其他性的概念来表达。 这部作品的新颖之处在于揭示了人类的形而上学维度,它隐藏在适当的"人"--人的主观性的层次后面,其特点是思维、自由、创造力和反身性。 在潜在的层面上,人的形象是用可能的和有条件的存在来表达的。 然而,这些只是主要观点的方法。 在人类中还有另一个基本层面,它表达了他/她的形而上学本质-其他-存在。
人类, 主观性, 思考, 自由, 创造力, 反身性,反身性, [医]假象, 似乎, 潜在水平, 形而上学的形象。
R. M. Aleynik .
Apology Tolerance in the Contemporary Philosophy of Human
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2013. № 2.
和。 4-7.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2013.2.63471 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63471
宽容-被动的耐心,态度,另一个作为一个体面的人。 这是一种故意抑制拒绝的感觉,对对方的举止和习惯的看法。 教会、政治和科学生活的变化决定了对它的呼吁。 研究了为宽容这一重要问题辩护的几个哲学立场的本质和有效性:最重要的是,J.Locke和P.Bayle在XVII中所说的宽容;多元文化主义及其命运项目中宽容的体现;文化中心主义和自然主义概念。 对后现代解构工程作为导致教条主义和不容忍的思维模式的批评者进行了分析,对宽容作为不同文化基础的平等概念工程和价值体系的解释也进行了分析。 不同的信仰系统无法沟通,因为它们被锁定。 根据德里达对E.Levinas的说法,20世纪暴力的根源起源于哲学-不尊重对方,以及对个人和个人的概括的统治。 宽容是必要的,因为它是反对狂热主义,宗派主义和威权主义的美德(A.Comte-Sponville)。 自然主义项目提出只将人类视为生物生命的一种形式,不应将文化与生物、自然和野性对立。 当人类感觉作为生活世界的一部分时,他不再是侵略性的? 而且他更能够进行对话和互动。
宽容, 宽容, 当代哲学, 当代哲学, 人类, 人类, 后现代主义, 后现代主义, 实践人文主义, 实践人文主义, 新自然主义, 文化, 新自然主义, 文化, 狂热主义, 宗派主义, 狂热主义, 威权主义。, 宗派主义, 威权主义。
Gurevich, P. S..
The phenomenon of spirit in philosophical understanding of man
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2013. № 1.
和。 4-842.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2013.1.63065 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63065
人们普遍认为,哲学人类学是一个关于文化起源、历史和内容的知识领域。 这种说法只是部分正确。 文化是某种存在方式的示范。 许多人类学家和文化科学家并没有为自己设定任务,即找出为什么人是他的样子,他的存在现实是什么,其中表现出他确定的独创性。 将人的整个问题简化为对文化的描述意味着无视这个问题的主要方面:是什么决定了人的文化本质? 哲学人类学的完整性使它有别于在一个特定方面研究人类的其他学科。 哲学人类学家希望至少掌握一个人的生活整体性,他的具体"我"。 哲学人类学比格式塔心理学更果断地发现人的配置和行为是不可能分裂和归根结底的。 灵性无疑是人类的基本存在。 哲学人类学中的"精神"概念有着悠久而奇特的历史。 自古以来,自由,反思,精神被认为是人的基本素质。 精神是人的最高能力,允许他成为设定意义,个人自决,有意识地转变现实的主题。 我们,人,是目前的存在,一般的意识和精神,这是在我们自己和我们所创造,所做和思想的所有可理解的关系的思想驱动整体性。
男人, 文化, 哲学人类学, 人的存在, 男人, 精神, 文化, 存在, 人的存在, 意义, 精神, 存在, 意义, 整体性, 整体性, 普赛克, 普赛克, 记忆。, 记忆。
Asadullaev, I.K..
The Eight Challenge of the Millennium? Part 1. Emptiness is matter. The hypothesis of incompleteness of the principle of conservation of mass and energy
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2013. № 1.
和。 9-16.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2013.1.63066 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63066
本文试图展示质量和能量守恒原理的不完整性,其基础是假设认识到两种新的科学类型的物质--命题的存在和感知的存在,其基础是空虚不是虚无(无),而是"某种"类型的物质。 该假设也来自不同类型物质的相互转变:物质,领域和空间,在严格定义的条件下相互转变。 我们期望承认空虚是一种物质,对许多科学产生深远的影响。 首先,它在自然科学唯物主义方面"合法化",即对大规模和能源短缺的思想赋予合法性。 然而,这并不意味着将某种东西转变为虚无,通过扩展保护原则,我们坚持同样的立场,即物质不会消失,而是从一种类型转变为另一种—空虚。 物质对空虚的认识带来了关于星系,黑洞,恒星和恒星物质从空间(空虚)出现的基本结论。 在星系中心出现物质的假设得到了另一个间接的确认.
能源, 质量,质量, 保育原则, 重要事项, 星系, 空虚, 什么都没有, 假设, 感知能力, 有主张。
Asadullaev, I.K..
Eight Challenge of the Millennium? Part 2. «Exhalation» of Black Holes as Transition from Light Matter into Conditions of Non-Participation of Dark Matter (On the new philosophical categories of participation and non-participation)
// SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志.
2013. № 1.
和。 17-22.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2013.1.63067 URL: https://cn.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63067
在上一篇文章中,空虚(空间)被认为是一种物质状态,其中其他物质被转化—物质和领域。 在本文中,我们将物质和场(微观世界、宏观世界和巨型世界)视为存在于我们的世界中。 不存在于我们的世界是存在于另一个世界,例如,"暗物质和暗能量。"这意味着,可能,黑洞的"呼气"是以不参与的形式将我们的光宇宙的存在和确定性转变为不存在。 然而,这种不存在是"暗物质和暗能量"的一种存在形式,它不参与"光物质"的过程。"在光物质和暗物质之间存在以万有引力形式相互作用的"窗口"。 然而,有可能还有另一个"窗口"—光宇宙的物质场转变为不存在,即暗物质和暗能量的存在。 暗物质是一种不参与光物质的状态-也就是说,与我们的光宇宙。 反之亦然。 "暗物质和暗能量"的存在,在我们的世界中是不存在的,通过一个空虚的物质场的诞生,在我们的光宇宙中转化为存在。 这意味着,通过"呼气"的黑洞有一个永久缩小的密度的光物质,这在同一时间增加的出现的光物质/物质领域的中心的星系或通过其他手段。 我们希望这可以在轻物质中观察到—也就是说,在我们的宇宙中。 我们光宇宙的质量和能量同时在增长和缩小。 我们希望通过科学可以观察到这一点observation.To 在这个宇宙中成为一个现象意味着与它的独特性统一-作为表现和它的独特性的一部分。 这个世界上的每一件事都在与其他事物互动,接触和脱离接触。 这是所有事物彼此的普遍参与-在彼此的过程中。 这个世界的独特性在其无限多样的表现形式中,只是以这种方式,而不是任何其他方式,另一种独特性可能是虚无,这个世界的不存在。 这种独特性的统一在于,这个世界上的每一件事物,每一个物体都可能与任何其他事物接触。
类别:, 黑洞, 参与, 类别:, nonparticipation碌录潞陆, 参与, nonparticipation碌录潞陆, "暗物质", "暗物质", 空虚, 空虚, 物质, 物质, 存在, 存在, 不存在, 不存在, 星系, 重要。, 星系, 重要。