Filipović, A. (2022). 以塞尔维亚共和国为例,在COVID-19大流行期间进行疫苗外交. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 1, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2022.1.36731
The scale of the global COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. The COVID-19 vaccines have not only become an indispensable weapon for countering the pandemic, but also are the attribute of technological and scientific prestige of the countries that developed the vaccines. Although the term "vaccine diplomacy" is not new, it may have become much more relevant during the global pandemic. The goal of this research lies in the analysis of vaccine diplomacy of China, the European Union, and the Russia Federation with regards to the Republic of Serbia during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Description is given to the Serbia's participation in the own vaccine diplomacy on the global scale. The novelty of this research consists in comparative analysis of the efforts of "vaccine diplomacy" of the EU, China, and Russia towards Serbia. The research provides the latest results of the survey on the topic of Serbian citizens and their perceptions of foreign aid received during the COVID-19 pandemic. The conclusion is made that medical aid rendered by China and Russia to Serbia was well received by the Serbian government, government-aligned mass media, and society. However, the financial and medical aid provided by the European Union was neither significantly advertised by the media, nor changed the attitudes of Serbian society towards the EU. At the same time, the Serbian government has engaged in the own vaccine diplomacy in order to strengthen ties with the former allies of Yugoslavia from the Non-Aligned Movement.
Euroscepticism, Балканы, European Union, China, Russia, Serbia, global pandemic, Coronavirus, vaccine diplomacy, mask diplomacy
Malashevskaya, M.N. (2022). 冷战结束后俄日对话积极双边合作模式的形成:20世纪90年代谈判战术分析。. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 1, 17–31. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2022.1.36943
This article analyzes the establishment of mutually beneficial model of the dialogue between Russia and Japan in the context of implementation of new negotiation tactics on the bilateral level in the late XX century. Particular attention is given namely to the tactics that are considered as the basis for the formation of partnership between the countries since the end of the 1980s. Intensification of the dialogue between Russia and Japan in the 1990s contributed to alignment of the parties in seeking the grounds for the development of mutually advantageous relations. The application of the instruments of face-to-face negotiations and informal meetings can be viewed as an indicator of alignment of the parties, a desire to propel the bilateral cooperation to a fundamentally new level, which is proven by the provisions of the “Moscow Declaration on the establishment of a constructive partnership between the Russian Federation and Japan” of 1998, which has become the framework for collaborative actions in the new century. The article discusses the most common tactics and methods applied in the negotiations between Russia and Japan, although its it not an exhaustive list of all possible techniques. The scientific novelty consists in systematization and description of the tactics of Japan’s diplomacy that were practically implemented in Russian in the 1990s and remain relevant to the present day. Personal contribution of the politicians and diplomats into creation of the foundation for multidimensional cooperation between Russia and Japan was of crucial importance. Analysis is conducted on the activity of Japanese diplomats Tamba Minoru, Edamura Sumio, Togo Kazuhiko, as well as politicians Nakayama Taro, Hashimoto Ryutaro, Obuchi Keizo, and Mori Yoshiro, who played the role of the political architects in Tokyo with regards to Russia. The works published by them are a valuable source for the analysis of the events under review.
face to face diplomacy, Tamba Minoru, Togo Kazuhiko, Edamura Sumio, leaders talks, ‘no-necktie meetings’, MOFA ‘Russian school’, Russian-Japanese negotiations, informal negotiations, Japan’s diplomacy
Kovalevskaia, N.V., Tikhotskaia , M.A., Shevchenko, Y.N. (2022). 区域背景下的"数字地缘政治":欧盟在信息主权道路上的一些问题和前景. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 1, 32–44. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2022.1.37196
The COVID-19 pandemic and coronacrisis have clearly exposed the strong dependence of modern companies on the approaches towards data management, stability of information networks and digitalization, as well as significantly strengthened the assertion of the Europeans in the need to achieve strategic autonomy with regards to development of the own digital solutions. The article aims to determine the place of the European Union in the international information and communication space in the context of global data management policy. Research methodology leans on the principles of the multi-paradigm method used for extrapolating some provisions of Robert Gilpin’s hegemonic stability theory on the modern technological competition among the countries on the international arena within the framework of regional approach. The article examines the term “information sovereignty” based on the principles of international law in a constantly changing international environment. The research addresses such documents as “New Industrial Strategy for Europe”, “European Data Strategy”, and the decision of the European Court of Justice concerning the Transatlantic Privacy Shield Agreement. As an example of the European digital policy, the author examines the ambitious GAIA-X project intended to create an open digital ecosystem and develop common requirements for the European data infrastructure. The article formulates the recommendations aimed at ensuring effective management in the digital sector, and offers the model of multilateral participation, which would allow reaching information sovereignty based on the European values and ideals.
information sovereignty, digital sovereignty, data sovereignty, European Union, information security, digitalization, digital geopolitics, global governance, digital transformation, personal data
Nesterkin, S. (2022). 俄罗斯佛教形象的形成(十九世纪末-二十世纪初). SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 1, 45–50. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2022.1.37082
The goal of this work is to examine the sources of establishment of the image of Buddhism in the Russian cultural environment, as well as determine the degree of representativeness of this image. The author outlines the three primary sources: 1) academic research works of the Western Schools of Buddhism (based on Pali and Sanskrit material); 2) research carried out within the framework of the Russian School of Buddhology (mainly based on Tibetan and Mongolian material); 3) research of the Russian Orthodox missionaries. It is determined that the key theoretical provision developed in the Anglo-Germanic School of Buddhology is the thesis on the authenticity of Theravāda Buddhism, which is considered as the "original,” and its other forms such as Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna) are its later modifications that emerged under the influence of external factors. The main features of Buddhism in Western Buddhology include: 1) Buddha Shakyamuni was not a transcendental being; 2) his nirvana is understood nihilistically, as the complete cessation of the process of existence; 3) Buddhism denies the existence of soul; 4) the existence of God alongside the idea of the transcendental are also denied. Despite the fact that the research based on Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna material demonstrate the failure of such assessments, the aforementioned theses continued to be reproduced. This is explained by the interest of certain significant social groups in such image of Buddhism. Firstly, this view was supported by many Orthodox figures. The interpretation of Buddhism as a philosophical-ethical rather than religious system propelled Buddhism beyond the boundaries of the religious search for people who find foothold in faith. Secondly, similar interpretation entailed the antagonistic attitudes of scholars and scientifically oriented society. Rational aspects of Buddhism that align it with science were uncritically overemphasized. Buddhism was viewed as an ally of the scientific way of thinking, completely alien to faith.
Orthodox Buddhology, Theravāda, Mahāyāna, Russian Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Indian Buddhism, culture, Buddhology, missionary work, Buddhist culture
Potekhina, A.E., Kvashnina, T.I. (2022). 中国民歌创作的特点--以河北和贵州的旋律为例. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 1, 51–58. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2022.1.35691
This article examines the melodies of the northern province of Hebei and the southern province of Guizhou as an example for considering the features of Chinese folk songwriting. This work can serve as a reference material for those who study culture, in particular the musical art of China, as well as the translation of Chinese folk art materials. The author focuses on the influence of cultural and social features of the development of society on the folk art of China, and notes that it is very diverse. The first song of Hebei is called "Little cabbage" and tells the sad story of a little girl who lost her mother. The second song "Sun is shining on Baiyan" first appeared in the southern province of Guizhou and depicts the development of the relationship between a man and a woman through symbols and images. This article is first to provides commented translations of the two Chinese folk songs in Russian and English. Based on the analysis of the melodies and lyrics of "Little cabbage" and "Sun is shining on Baiyan", the author draws the following conclusions: natural and socio-cultural realities strongly influence the tunes of songs; symbolism and the use of metaphors are a specific feature of the Chinese folk songwriting; folk songs, as well as musical art overall in China, are built on a pentatonic scale; Chinese folk songs are characterized by unison singing.
Sociocultural influence, Natural influence, Metaphorical nature, Symbolism, Pentatonic scale, Guizhou, Hebei, China, Folk songs, Unison singing