Samashev, Z., Chotbaev, A.E., Kurganov, N.S., Pankin, D.V., Povolotskaya, A.V., Kurochkin, A.V., Kitov, E.P., Kitova, A.O. (2020). 哈萨克阿尔泰萨卡文化参考古迹研究的自然科学方法. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 4, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.4.33922
This article examines the ancient gold jewelry with inlay, which were discovered in the process of archeological excavations of grave sites located on the Eleke Sazy Plateau, Tarbagatay Ridge in the East of Kazakhstan in the burial of a notable young man, conducted in summer of 2018. It is attributed to Saka culture, and dates back to approximately VIII – VII centuries BC. Among the objects, were found garments embroidered with gold, quiver with arrows, and bronze dagger in gold scabbard. This work examines the golden scabbard for the dagger. The scabbard consists of several parts attached to the wooden base and decorated with gold seeds and inlay. The inlay did not survive in many of the discovered items, but the traces of it remain. In the process of degradation, some jewels have changed their color, and currently look grey. Micro-samples for the research were selected from the crumbling fragments of inlay, acquired during restoration of the artifact. Modern natural scientific methods give broader opportunities for studying the material component of the objects of cultural heritage. Determination of composition of the object with most damage substantiates the reconstruction. In some cases, despite severe damage, the identification procedure can be conducted on the basis of the remaining particles, the size of which does not exceed tens of microns. Within the framework this work, the author examined the possibility for selection of such micro-samples with subsequent identification. The use of the Raman spectroscopic technique allows further examination of the selected micro-samples. Complementary methods of research include the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for studying the organic substances the inlay was attached to.
Methods of Natural Science, Scythians, infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, lazurite, jewelry, inlay, Saka tribes, Kazakh Altai, anthropology
Nesterkin, S. (2020). 中亚佛教社会等级体系的发展. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 4, 11–17. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.4.34529
This article examines the hierarchical systems established in Buddhist communities of Central Asia. Hierarchies are viewed in the spiritual context: by level of taking of vows, educational attainment, level of practical implementation of knowledge, rank in the institution of “Reincarnated Lamas”; as well as hierarchies important in administrative context, such as levels of responsibility, governance of monasteries, rank within the structure of state administration, and interaction with government institutions. It is noted that genetically all of them ascend to Teacher – student hierarchy. This work explores the evolution of these hierarchies under the changing historical conditions, as well their complex interrelations. It is demonstrated that hierarchical system evolved depending on such factors, as the development of monastic education, increased role in the communities of “Reincarnated Lamas”, shift in the role of monasteries within state administration along with the role of government in regulation of the religious institutions. It is determined that hierarchies partially intersected, but also diverged due to the possibility of relatively autonomous practice of Sutra and Tantra, which formed different types of communities – sangha and ganachakra respectively. In Russia, Buddhist communities were integrated into the system of state-religious relations, which required centralization of religious community resulting in the fact that the administrative church structures took the central stage. Liberalization of state control of the religious activity in post-Soviet Russia led to the emergence of multiple secular Buddhist associations that practiced Mahayanist and tantric methods structured as ganachakra. The central place was held by the structure of religious hierarchy along with “Teacher – student” relations. The conclusion is made that such structural differentiation of Buddhist communities is the results of the natural course of self-determination of various traditions in the conditions of freedom of religion.
social dynamics, Mahayana, Russian Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Sangha, social structure, history of Buddhism, religious practice, hierarchy, Buddhist communities
Kirimov, T.N. (2020). A.Chergeev诗歌的符号学和语言风格方面"听死人说什么!","命运" . SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 4, 18–34. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.4.32886
This work examines the little-known facts from the life and creative heritage of one of most reputable Crimean Tatar populist poets of the XX century Hasan Chergeyev. For revealing the semantic and linguiso-stylistic peculiarities of his works, namely of the poems “Listen to What the Dead Man Says!” (“Eşit, mevta ne sevleyur!”, 1909) and “Fate” (“Taqdir”, 1917), the author carries out comparative typological, semiotic and textological analysis of the original texts. The strategic approaches towards depicting the authentic, dramatic episodes from life of the people and the clergy employed by the poet are analyzed. The phenomenon of the impact of the idea, theme and storyline upon the structure of his poems is revealed. Lateral thinking, specially selected methods for representation of life material turn the lyrist's poetic works into living canvases. They reflect the depth of inner emotional experiences of the title characters, reveal the natural flavor of ethnic language, and demonstrate the energy, power of his style. At the same time, the article outlines the prospects for studying publicistic activity during the prewar and wartime within the Crimean Tatar Soviet periodicals.
history, experiment, creative, awakening, cultural, period, poetry, prose-based, Crimean Tatar, literature
Danilova, V.A. (2020). 普希金小说《尤金*奥涅金》翻译成葡萄牙语中民族文化词汇的传播方法[基于达里奥*莫雷拉*卡斯特罗*阿尔维斯的翻译]. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 4, 35–42. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.4.32894
The subject of this research is the ethnocultural lexicon in translation of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” into Portuguese language. The author views the term realia as a lexicon with ethnocultural semantics, characteristic to a specific language community. The research is aimed at the analysis of the means of conveying realia in two non-cognate languages, as well as in determination of ethnocultural differences of the lexemes signifying similar notions. The author believes that understanding and accurate interpretation of culturally marked lexicon are essential for translating foreign literature, studying and teaching foreign languages. Methods of the research are contextual and comparative analysis of the Russian realia in translation, which allowed determining the distinctions in cognition of text among the Russian and Portuguese native speakers. The novelty of this work is defined by reference to the only translation of the novel “Eugene Onegin” into Portuguese language that has not previously been an object of a linguoculturological study. The research revealed that realia may contain cultural component in the meaning of words and their connotation. As a result, the author indicates the differences of linguistic means of conveying realia in the Russian and Portuguese languages, and established the ways of conveying ethnocultural lexicon in translation of the novel, such as correlation, hypo-hyperonymic translation, adaptation, periphrastic translation, and calquing.
correlation, comparative analysis, ethnolinguistics, linguoculturology, realia, ethnocultural lexicon, hypo-hyperonymic translation, adaptation, periphrasis, calque
Zhgun, D. (2020). 当情绪"不说话":英语散文中alexithymia案例的语用分析。. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 4, 43–51. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.4.34047
The article focuses on the analysis of cases of alexithymia in English fiction in order to reveal their pragmatic potential. Alexithymia is studied from a linguistic perspective and is defined as the inability or difficulty to express emotions verbally. Emotions are viewed as a type of language identity that functions within specific ways to exchange communicative information. Emotions are recognized as social phenomena that are embedded in social contexts. The article strives to provide a novel insight into the study of emotions in the field of linguistics. For the first time, alexithymia is addressed not as a psychological disorder, but as a linguistic attempt to create and increase a pragmatic effect on the reader by implying additional information and emotional and evaluative overtones. Research methods include definition, semantic and pragmatic analyses of emotional and evaluative utterances, expressing or implying alexithymia, and selected from English fiction by the continuous sampling method. The author comes to the conclusion that emotions can still be revealed and comprehended by the reader without being expressed or implied in the text. It is the context that helps to determine the emotion, its intensity and polarity, as well as its pragmatic potential.
pragmatic potential, pragmatics, appraisal, implication, alexithymia, emotional and evaluative utterance, emotion, pragmatic effect, context, English fiction