Litvyakova, L.A. (2020). 柏拉图的爱神 . SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 3, 1–4. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.3.29239
This article gives a remarkable interpretation of the concept of “Eros” proposed by ancient philosophy. Special attention is turned to Plato’s theory of Eros. The author reviews the theoretical aspect of Eros within the system of the general world order from the perspective of philosophical teachings. The mythology of Eros is being traced. Plato’s writings “Feast", "Liquide", "Phaedrus” are subjected to analysis. The article reveals the ambivalence of Eros as lyrics and epos as cosmos, as well as understanding of the creative Eros. The essence of Eros is presented as the foundation of comprehension of life, an indispensable attribute of human existence and its nature. The research employs general philosophical methods, such as the historical and analytical, which allow giving a broader perspective on the topic. The uniqueness of this study consists in disclosure of the concept of Eros as it is viewed by ancient philosophy, and namely by Plato, as the founder of the concept of Eros. The article provides the most comprehensive definition of Eros as a way to understand being and the fundamentals of human existence.
eternity, truth, beauty, being, good, ancient philosophy, ethics, Eros, mind, morality
Kuznetsova, V., Kargovskaia, E. (2020). 西班牙和俄罗斯在西班牙公民收养俄罗斯儿童领域关系的法律规定。. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 3, 5–11. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.3.33255
This article analyzes the legal regulation of relations between the Kingdom of Spain and the Russian Federation in the field of adoption of Russian orphans by Spanish citizens. The authors examine the history of development of the bilateral Russia-Spain cooperation; normative legal framework and order of adoption of the Russian orphans in Russian and Spanish legislation. The article provides statistical data on the adoption trends of the orphans in the Russian Federation by the citizens of the Kingdom of Spain. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the fact that for many years Spain has demonstrated steady interest in this regard, holding a second place among the countries that adopt children from Russia. However, the legislative and bureaucratic framework for cooperation in this field requires improvements. The conclusion is formulated that despite the decrease in the number of adopted Russian orphans by Spanish citizens in recent years, it is necessary to continue developing cooperation in this area, as well as improve the existing normative legal framework.
Spain, state, citizen, child rights, international adoption, legislation, orphans, regulatory framework, international cooperation, Russia
Varakina, M.I., Trofimova, E.S., Levchenko, Y.A. (2020). 中国生态文化民族思想的形成. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 3, 12–19. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.3.32603
The article explores the formation of new environmental culture that promotes positive spiritual transformation of a person. The analysis of Chinese environmental culture demonstrates that in the center of environmental-ethical system of Confucianism is the social man, successor of the environmentally ethical behavior. China’s future is impossible without sustainable development of the society, where positive environmental imperatives play a substantial role. The paper describes the role of the Chinese leadership in formation of the new radical and global policy that imposes new demands upon social thinking, problems of environmental development of society, and new environmental strategy. The acquired results and data indicate that the problem of overcoming environmental crisis can be resolved through the formation of environmental culture, since it absorbs all material and spiritual values created by man in the process of socio-natural interactions.
ecological traditions, ecological unity, socio-natural interaction, ecological imperative, ecological culture, environmental development, ecological principles, Confucianism, eco-ethical system, ecological crisis
Tomyuk, O.N. (2020). 通过精神分析Z.弗洛伊德概念中无意识棱镜的创造力. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 3, 20–27. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.3.32937
The modernizing global world with new socio-cultural practices actualizes the study of creativity as a constitutive phenomenon of human personality in the context of challenges of the modern era. The object of this research is creativity as a cultural phenomenon, while the subject is creativity in the S. Freud's concept of psychoanalysis. In the era of transformations and uncertainty, when the role of creativity is growing, the ideas of S. Freud acquire special significance. The article considers the unconscious in the context of social, in conjunction with social factors and as the key position in creativity. The theoretical and methodological framework us comprised of the cultural-historical and comparative methods. Systemic approach allowed considering the phenomenon of creativity as a system in the assembly of elements. The author also applies the methods of analogy, analysis, comparison, generalization. Sublimation mechanism, discovered by Freud, is viewed in the context of creativity, as a method for redirection of energy displaced into the field of the unconscious by social factors, into the sphere of creativity. The concept of psychoanalysis serves as the methodological basis for explaination of creativity as a complex process of cumulation of conscious and unconscious.
constructive behavioral model, regulatory principle, pleasure principle, irrational, unconscious, conscious, psychoanalytic method, creativity, sublimation, impulse of creativity
Zhigaltsova, T. (2020). 绘制俄罗斯欧洲北极区一个小型农村定居点的老年居民的情绪 . SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 3, 28–42. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.3.33698
Recent urban studies give particular attention to the concept of place attachment. A modern settlement, first and foremost, represents a space that is emotionally comfortable for the local residents. The goal of this research consists in the analysis of emotional attachment and/or rejection to specific places in a small rural locality of Komsomolsky of Velsky District of the Arkhangelsk Region, situated in the Euro-Arctic Zone of Russia, and formed in the middle of the XX century as a place deprived of a long and rich history and traditions. The research results are based on the survey conducted among 40 residents of the locality aged 50 years and older. It demonstrated that the residents experienced various emotions of joy, interest, comfort, sorrow, pride, anxiety, shame, and disgust towards public places in the locality. At the same time, a single place (for example, a hospital, an abandoned school, gym, etc.) may incorporate both positive and negative emotions. The detected emotions were placed on a physical map and revealed the diversity of emotional perceptions of residents, with concentration of emotions in the center and suburbs of the locality. The interactive map is presented on the Internet resource http://emogeography.com/emotional-maps.html. The map exceeded the geographical boundaries of the locality and included several kilometers of the neighboring area. The research has vast implications for the improvement of emotional well-being of the residents of small rural settlements. Some recommendations on the reconstruction of center of the locality and engagement of population into social and cultural events are given.
emotional attachment, elderly population, emotopia, mapping, euro-arctic zone, rural community, emotional geography, emotional rejection, interactive map, anonymous survey
Vechkanova, E. (2020). 从英文翻译成俄文时,专题进展及其复制. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 3, 43–50. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.3.31691
This article is dedicated to studying thematic progression as a text-forming and discourse-forming phenomenon. The notion of thematic progression is analyzed in terms of the functional sentence perspective theory, theory of actual division of the sentence, and discourse linguistics. Thematic progression contributes to the cohesive development of discourse, distribution of given and new information that needs to follow certain patterns. That is why the article also dwells on the thematic progression patterns and peculiar characteristics of their themeatic-rhematic organization. Basic thematic progression patterns are: simple linear thematic progression, thematic progression with a continuous (constant) theme, thematic progression with derived themes and thematic progression with a split rheme. They are considered to be universal, peculiar to many languages. That is why thematic progression patterns of English discourse units translated into Russian language often remain the same. Their high informativity, grammatical complexity, as well as differences in grammatical systems of English and Russian languages, necessity to adapt these units to the norms and rules of the Russian language can cause changes in thematic progression patterns of the translated units. The abovementioned facts can also lead to compression / decompression of information, changes of the word order in Russian translations.
decompression, compression, translation, patterns, rheme, theme, discours, tex, Thematic Progression, discourse forming phenomenon
Kirimov, T.N. (2020). 穆罕默德*努扎特艺术思维的特点. SENTENTIA。 欧洲人文社会科学杂志, 3, 51–59. https://doi.org/10.25136/1339-3057.2020.3.32246
The goal of this work is determine the peculiarities and origins of artistic thinking of the Crimean Tatar writer of the XX century Mehmet Nuzhet. The methodological and theoretical framework of this research is comprised of the works of U. Ipchi, E. Shemizade, J. Bekirov, A. Altanly, I. Kerimov, Y. Kandymov and others. The aforementioned authors made an indisputable contribution to the development of Crimean Tatar literature and literary criticism. The artistic heritage of M. Nuzhet is diverse and unique. His poetic, prosaic and translation works are fused with national spirit. The actions and feelings of the protagonists of the artist’s lyrical works are a direct reflection of his psychological state. This article pays special attention to the psychological type of the lyricist. Using comparative, textual analysis, the author examines the published and original handwritten texts by M. Nuzhet. The conclusion is made that the writer systematically worked on the study of the depth feelings, emotions and ways their expression. The application of traditional folk poetic forms, genres, images allows creating the new patterns of influence upon the audience. Conveying the eternal anthropological topics, he transforms into a wise folk storyteller and preacher. For depicting the life realities, he disguises an old poor man or a street drunkard. Poetic alliterations and assonances enliven these images. In the process of declamation of such poems, the audience is captivated by the text and uses various mimic emotions intended by the context.
Mehmet, literature, classic, Tatar, Crimean, type, psychological, thinkin, artistic, Nuzhet