Druzhinin, A.V. (2024). 改革高等教育中的国家控制,以应对大流行后时期的挑战:俄罗斯的经验. 现代教育, 3, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2024.3.72953
拟议的研究解决了COVID-19大流行后俄罗斯高等教育国家控制系统转变的最重要问题。 我们努力了解国家与教育组织之间的关系如何发生变化,特别注意确保私立和公立大学的平等权利和机会。 我们的重点不仅在于评估教育质量的正式机制,而且还在于它们在新的大流行后条件下对学生,教师和大学管理人员生活的实际影响。 我们认为至关重要的是,在教育过程中找到所有参与者的利益平衡,以符合现代教育民主管理的原则。 与我们的工作特别相关的是,需要帮助大学适应大流行后的现实,同时保持高质量的教育,合理地减轻行政压力。 该研究使用了对2020-2022高等教育国家控制改革的比较法律分析,包括对初始目标和取得成果的评估。 这篇文章首次对高等教育国家控制体系的改革如何帮助大学适应大流行后的现实提供了一个整体的观点。 这项工作的结果表明,这些变化使教育组织的生活变得更加容易,使他们摆脱了不必要的官僚主义和行政障碍,这些障碍阻碍了大流行后的恢复。 我们很高兴地注意到,大学现在可以专注于真正提高教育质量,而不是正式遵守许多要求。 特别重要的是,新的控制系统要考虑到教育数字化转型的现代现实和大学的大流行后特征。 我们的经验可能对具有类似法律制度的其他国家有用,这些国家也在寻找改善大流行病后教育质量控制的方法。 我们深信,规划的发展道路导致建立一个更灵活的国家控制制度,能够敏感地应对高等教育领域的新挑战,并有效地支持教育组织的发展。
教育督导, Covid-19, 经济复苏, 质量评估, 高等教育, Postpandemic适应, 减轻官僚负担, 国家管制改革, 行业细节, 灵活的控制系统
Karabanova, E.N. (2024). 互动指南作为在导游课程框架内组织学习的手段(以"Maslenitsa传统"为主题的导游课程为例). 现代教育, 3, 14–34. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.71816
This article is devoted to using ICT to organize learning (using the example of a lesson tour) in groups of international students studying Russian at the B1 level. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the creation and introduction into the educational process of an interactive guide on the topic "Maslenitsa traditions," aimed at forming communicative, linguistic, and socio-cultural competencies of foreign students. The object of the study is the process of introducing ICT in the field of foreign language education. The subject of the study: changing the content of the teaching methodology of RCT by introducing ICT into the learning process. Research objectives: to identify the methodological potential of ICT as a means of organizing training in groups of foreign students, to develop a system of exercises within the framework of an interactive excursion on the topic "Maslenitsa traditions" for foreign students, to create worksheets and introduce an interactive guide on the topic "Maslenitsa traditions" into the process of experiential learning in groups of foreign students of non-philological profile at the B1 level of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba. The methods and materials correspond to the specified research objectives. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature on topical issues of the use of ICT in the teaching methodology of RCT was carried out. To prove the interactive guide's effectiveness, experimental training was conducted at the Department of Russian Language No. 5 of the IRA RUDN, as well as an analysis of the results. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the creation and introduction into the educational process of an interactive guide on the topic "Maslenitsa traditions," aimed at forming communicative, linguistic, and socio-cultural competencies of foreign students. As a result of the study, the methodological potential of using an interactive guide within the framework of a lesson/excursion was revealed, and the conclusions of experimental training were indicated, confirming the effectiveness of introducing the chosen learning tool into the RCT learning process. It is proved that the use of an interactive guide increases the effectiveness of the formation of communicative, linguistic, and socio-cultural competencies of international students studying the Russian language and culture of Russia. The study concludes that the active introduction of ICT, namely, developments in the field of creating an interactive guide to organize learning within the framework of a lesson tour, contributes to international students’ successful and comprehensive development of the Russian language.
Russian as a foreign language, sociocultural competence, communicative competence, language competence, Information and communication technologies, interactive guide, lesson-excursion, interactivity, modern technologies, Russian culture
Gur'yanchik, V.N. (2024). 潜在和互联网介导的越轨青年行为形式. 现代教育, 3, 35–44. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72780
This research aims to study latent and Internet-mediated forms of deviant behavior of young people in the digital environment. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the manifestation of hidden forms of deviation in the digital environment. The methodological basis of the study is the sociocultural approach, which considers the priority of generally accepted norms and patterns of behavior in a particular social group. An online survey questionnaire was used as the primary research method. The questionnaire included 23 questions aimed at studying young people's personal perception and understanding of manifestations of deviant behavior in the digital environment and the model of responding to such manifestations. The content, semantic, and behavioral aspects of the respondents' attitude to the object under study predetermined the structure of the questionnaire and the content of its questions: the degree of involvement of students in digital communications, the presence and characteristics of the target audience's experience. Three hundred fifty students from 19 universities in the country, located in 12 regions, participated in the survey. Among the respondents were 88 men (25.1%) and 262 women (74.9%). The average age of the survey participants was 20,136 years. Secondary data processing was obtained during the study using correlation analysis (the r-Spearman correlation criterion). The scientific significance of the results obtained lies in rethinking existing ideas about norms and deviations from them in the context of digitalization, which allows for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of formation of latent and Internet-mediated forms of deviant behavior in the digital space and its connection with changes in the social environment.
prevention, students, global childhood, youth, latent forms of deviation, Internet-mediated forms of deviation, deviant behavior, digital deviation, digital socialization, digital space
Makarova, A. (2024). 俄罗斯大学外语教学的激励因素. 现代教育, 3, 45–64. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.69219
The author proposes conceptual motivational strategies and methods that teachers can use to support and develop student motivation in the process of teaching foreign languages in the conditions of a modern post-industrial society interested in professionals, both in production resources and in methods of creative activity. Since students' motivation to learn is the engine of the educational process, teachers can provide personal information to all participants in the educational process and implement the maximum number of educational materials to increase the effectiveness of academic activities. The subject of this study is the motivational strategies and methods that teachers can use to support and develop student motivation in the process of learning a foreign language.
demotivation factor, motivation theory, professional skills, information society, effective teaching, motivation factors, foreign language teacher, professional translator, motivational component, carrying out survey
Kozlov, A.E. (2024). 研究外国学生作家传记:问题和解决方案. 现代教育, 3, 65–77. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72079
Based on the material of classical and modern works on the methodology of teaching literature and learning Russian as a foreign language, the specifics of teaching the biography of a writer in secondary and high schools are analyzed. At the beginning of the article, the primary methods and approaches to defining biographical material are described, and the problems arising during its study are identified. The key difference between courses representing the literary process concentrically and the study of literature designed for a semester (or two-semester) study is shown. In the latter case, each topic is mastered once, which makes it impossible to draw parallels and update previously studied contexts. Many students coming to Russia for internships are at the mercy of persistent stereotypes associated with the Modern and Post-Modern eras. The teacher's goal is to develop critical thinking skills during one semester or academic year. The practical part of the study describes the experience of studying the biography of a writer by international students from European and Chinese universities, with special emphasis on studying the literary heritage of the twentieth century. The options for using digital methods in classes on writer's biographies are presented, and the forms of work are described: literary portraits, comparative descriptions, source analysis, discourse, and content analysis. The novelty of the work lies in the study of methodological problems and approaches to their solution, as well as the selection of ways to update biographical material. Based on methodological experience and survey data, the author proceeds from the possibility of studying Russian culture and literature through the prism of biographies. Studying the biography of a writer involves a constant expansion of the context; it is necessary to talk about the writer or poet's contemporaries and describe the literary environment and life to create the impression of a continuous process. The task of the methodologist is to show the variety of assessments and the specifics of lifetime and posthumous assessments that affect the design of a biographical myth. As a result of mastering topics related to a writer's biography, foreign readers can become involved in the lives of outstanding personalities who are united not by geography or political views but by language as the primary tool of culture.
stereotype, comparative description, portraite, biographical myth, content-analysis, cultural competences, cultural studies, intercultural dialogue, intercultural communication, biography of a writer