Berezina, T.N., Balan, A., Zimina, A.A. (2023). 训练和使用神经网络预测生物年龄的有效性的评估。 . 现代教育, 2, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2023.2.68981
神经网络培训广泛应用于各种教育领域:员工培训,掌握学校和大学的课程,形成供受访者私人使用的建议,用于教授退休人员的健康储蓄技术。 分析神经网络的学习过程并评估其在各种模型上的有效性是相关的。 该研究选择了一个基于人的个性特征预测人的生物衰老指数的模型。 为了训练神经网络,编制了1,632名年龄在35至70岁之间的人的数据矩阵。 输出变量:生物老化指数;输入变量:性别,年龄,家庭和职业地位,居住地,体型,功能不对称的类型,与人的关系风格以及个人资源。 训练了四个神经网络:男性和女性,在职专业人员和养老金领取者。 结果:1)训练有素的神经网络为退休前和退休后年龄的男性和女性提供不同的建议。 2)使用神经网络预测生物衰老指数的有效性对于所有训练的程序来说都是显着高的。 3)神经网络可用于对各种社交情况进行建模,并确定这将导致输出变量的变化。 情况进行了建模:a)如果所有单身成年人结婚,b)如果所有家庭成年人分手,c)如果每个人都收到心理学家关于个人资源选择的建议,并将使用它们。 神经网络已经发布了一个预测:成年女性最好不要改变他们的家庭状况。 成年男性更好地改变他们的地位。 心理学家选择的个人资源的使用对每个人都有效。
培训课程, 自动神经网络, 神经网络训练, 预测, 个人资源, 诊断学, 建模, 社会状况, 成人教育, 抗衰老
Gelman, V. (2023). 大学生情感文化的形成. 现代教育, 2, 17–26. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2023.2.39930
本文将情感文化作为专家职业文化的一个组成部分. 值得注意的是,最近情感文化在专业活动中的重要性一直在增加。 然而,现代教育体系并没有规定有目的地在学生中形成情感文化作为研究生培养的重要组成部分。 因此,寻找形成学生情感文化的有效途径是专业培训的当务之急。 该研究的方法学基础是对科学出版物的分析以及确定学习过程中职业情感文化形成的主要趋势和问题的广义实践经验。 文章探讨了诊断人类情感文化水平的特点,其在专业活动中的作用以及在与学生的群体和个人交流中形成情感文化的可能途径。 与此同时,考虑到对学生情感文化的初始水平的评估,提出了一种单独的方法。 情绪刺激,鼓励学生专注于情绪表现,并提请他们注意正确和不正确的情绪行为的案例被认为是主要的教学手段。 所提出的方法将有可能实现形成一个专业有价值的和个人显着的一套规则的情绪行为。
情感文化, 成形;成形, 感情, 情绪, 感知, 情商, 理解情绪, 管理情绪, 学生, 大学
Starkin, S.V., Pripisnova, E.S. (2023). 研究欧洲国家青年"过渡"问题. 现代教育, 2, 27–33. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37564
This article analyzes the research on European youth policy. The subject of the study is the main trends, typology, and principles of functioning of youth "transitions" in European countries. The need to study the phenomenon of youth "transitions" is relevant and timely as today, there is no generally accepted view on the ways to study these processes. The methodological basis of the study was analysis and synthesis, as well as institutional, systemic, and comparative approaches. Based on the studied material, the authors conclude that when considering strategies for youth "transitions," it is necessary to consider several institutional areas, such as the type of socially-oriented state and the specifics of the transition from study to work. The interaction of these strategies provides different models of youth transitions. These studies highlight important interethnic differences depending on the modes of distribution of social assistance, types of capitalism, as well as growth strategies. Thus, we have considered various strategies for structuring the transition to adulthood: to explain the different models of youth "transitions," it is necessary to consider several institutional areas, such as the type of socially oriented state and the specifics of the transition from study to work. The interaction of these strategies gives different models of youth transitions. Although many European researchers argue that age policy is important in this regard due to the aging of society and the growth of "gray power," most of the works devoted to this issue actually refute the hypothesis of bias in favor of the elderly: these studies emphasize important interethnic differences depending on the modes of distribution of social assistance, types of capitalism, as well as growth strategies. As a result, we conclude that young people should be considered part of society as a whole, and, therefore, to understand how they move into adulthood, it is necessary to see the full institutional, political, and economic picture.
young people, social security, youth policy, youth transitions, European states, welfare state, typology of youth transitions, youth transition patterns, social citizenship, education system
Menzhulina, D. (2023). Lingvotrenager作为电子linguodidactics的手段:在RCT的学习过程中开发和实施视频教程周期"在滨海边疆区散步"的经验. 现代教育, 2, 34–43. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37584
The subject of this study is the linguodidactic and linguometodic potential of an interactive simulator as a means of electronic linguodidactics in teaching Russian as a foreign language. During the research, a set of methods is used: methodological modeling, questionnaires, expert evaluation, etc. The primary method of research is a pedagogical experiment. During the experiment, a model of the educational process was built using a language trainer as a means of electronic linguodidactics. The pedagogical experiment was conducted in three stages and was aimed at studying the features of the educational process when teaching Russian as a foreign language using electronic linguodidactics. The data for the analysis were collected by questioning the students who participated in the experiment. The relevance of the study of electronic linguodidactics in teaching RCT lies in the fact that during the pandemic and with a mass transition to distance learning, the needs of students in intensive foreign language acquisition courses continue to grow. RCT teachers must create and use electronic educational resources in language teaching and their multidisciplinary development. In addition, the idea of syncretism in educational technologies seems relevant. The study made it possible to formulate the theoretical foundations of the linguometodic simulator and to confirm its practical significance in teaching RCT. The theoretical and practical significance of the research lies in deepening and expanding scientific and methodological ideas about the place and role of an interactive language trainer in the environment of electronic means of teaching RCT, as well as in presenting opportunities to improve the effectiveness of the formation of language skills and speech skills in teaching RCT. The main conclusion of this study is the position on the relevance of the use of electronic linguodidactics in the teaching of RCT, in particular, an interactive language trainer.
Russian language, methods of teaching, language trainer, interactive teaching, language teaching, multimedia, linguodidactics, e-learning, electronic resources, modern technologies
Kiryanov, D.A. (2023). 基于可访问性和可用性标准形成大学网站界面的要求. 现代教育, 2, 44–59. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37503
The research subject is the methods of building the user interface of university websites based on the intended purpose, the needs of the audience, and user limitations, including sensory-motor and cognitive-psychological limitations. As a starting point for studying the target audience and compliance with accessibility standards, eight university websites are analyzed based on open-source data. The main violations that prevent users from using a university's website to varying degrees are considered, as well as the most well-known and often-used approaches to interface design and design that make interfaces more convenient without overloading the user's short-term memory and causing premature fatigue. As a result of the research, the basic requirements for designing the interface of the university's website are formed. According to the main conclusion of this study, to adapt the University's website to the limitations of users' capabilities, it is necessary to follow the main standards of usability and accessibility considered, such as GOST R 52872-2019, WCAG 2.1 and GOST R ISO 9241-20-2014, and also take into account the peculiarities of legislation that affect the formation of sections of the site and its accessibility for people with disabilities. It is necessary to adhere to such principles of interface organization and information presentation as Hick's Law, Gestalt Principles, Miller's Law, Jacob's Law, and Heuristics. The author's special contribution to the topic is the analysis of the verification of eight sites of Russian universities for compliance with accessibility standards. This analysis showed that even the visually impaired versions of the sites reviewed do not meet accessibility standards, which makes it difficult for people with disabilities to access information and emphasizes the importance of the study. The novelty of the research lies in the formation of the basic requirements for the user interface of university websites. The study's results can be further used in constructing such information systems.
cognitive impairment, motor disorders, Hick's law, short-term memory, Jakob's law, accessibility, usability, interface design, WCAG, usability heuristics