Nesterkin, S. (2021). 俄罗斯佛教形象的形成(十九世纪末-二十世纪初). 哲学思想, 12, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2021.12.37040
This article examines the sources of formation of the image of Buddhism in the Russian cultural environment and determine the degree of representativeness of this image. The author highlights the three main sources: 1) academic research works of the Western Schools of Buddhology (based on Pāli and Sanskrit material); 2) research conducted within the framework of the Russian School of Buddhology (based primarily on Tibetan- and Mongolian-language material); 3) research of the Orthodox Russian missionaries. It is determined that the fundamental theoretical position developed by the Anglo-Germanic School of Buddhology is the thesis on authenticity of Theravada Buddhism, which is considered as “initial”, and its other forms (such as Mahayana, Vajrayana) are considered as its later modifications that emerged under the influence of external factors. The key features of Buddhism in Buddhology imply that: 1) Buddha Shakyamuni was not a transcendent being; 2) his nirvana is understood nihilistically, as a complete cessation of the process of being; 3) Buddhism, denies the existence of soul; 4) the existence of God and the representation of the transcendent are also denied. Despite the fact that the studies of Mahayana and Vajrayana material indicated inadequacy of such assessment, these theses were reproduced over again. This is explained by the interest of significant social groups in such image of Buddhism: many Orthodox figures interpreted Buddhism as a philosophical-ethical, rather than religious system; atheistically-oriented scholars and scientifically-oriented public also supported such interpretation. The rational aspects of Buddhism, which give common grounds with science, were uncritically absolutized; Buddhism was viewed as an ally of scientific thinking, completely alien to faith.
Orthodox Buddhology, Theravāda, Mahāyāna, Russian Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Indian Buddhism, culture, Buddhology, missionary work, Buddhist culture
Lysenko, V. (2021). 以Vaisheshika的方式解放,或对Vaisheshika印度哲学学派的"消极soteriology"的尝试 . 哲学思想, 12, 8–14. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2021.12.37003
The article examines the original concept of the Vaisheshika school, criticized by other Indian philosophers, according to which Self (Atman), freed from the bonds of rebirth (saṃsāra), is a pure substance (dravya), devoid of consciousness, which is believed to be its impermanent quality (guna); the opponents compared the Vaisheshika's liberated Self with a stone or a log. The author proposes an explanation of the Vaisheshika liberation doctrine (soteriology) within the framework of its categoriology, in which consciousness and Atman belong to different categories, respectively, guna and dravya. Vaisheshika proclaims knowledge of the six categories to be the highest spiritual goal (nihshreyasa), which, in turn, comes from the pure Dharma (Merit). The reason why the Vaisheshikas felt obliged to add a pure Dharma as the final step towards liberation (which distinguishes Vaisheshika from other schools, emphasizing the soteriological value of knowledge) is explained by assuming the Dharma's capacity to overcome a dichotomy of merit-demerit (dharma-adharma) as the main factor responsible for the rebirth of an embodied ātman. The pure Dharma, due to all the positive karmic energy accumulated during countless reincarnations of the soul, arises at the very last moment in a person's life to purufy his/her true Atman from the law of karma and rebirth. Since nothing can be said about Atman's future, it is not a "liberation for", but a "liberation from", which can be called a "negative soteriology".
negative soteriology, merit, liberation, dharma-adharma, Dharma, pada-artha, Shridhara, moksha, Prashastapada, Vaisheshika
Katunin, A.V. (2021). 作为交际技术的不正确论点:类型,特征,反击方法。. 哲学思想, 12, 15–32. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2021.12.37197
本文致力于研究这种类型的通信技术作为不正确的论点。 特别注意研究主题"论证","正确性","不正确性","上下文"的关键概念的解释。 文章介绍了作者对不正确论证类型的分类;揭示了各类不正确论证使用的上下文特征;分析了不正确论证使用的具体情况,提出了应用不正确论证各变 作者支持使用不正确参数的具体例子,并链接到现场对话的记录。该研究采用意图分析和比较分析的方法进行。 在俄罗斯研究论证理论和实践的传统中,有许多研究解决了不正确论点的问题。 然而,对论点的研究通常只是整个各种通信技术的一部分。 这项研究的新颖之处在于集中,系统化地呈现了一组不正确论点的变体。 作者用文学、电影、文化历史、社会和政治领域的具体例子说明了错误论点的类型。 这项研究的结果可用于发展关于论证理论和实践的讲座课程,也可对哲学系的学生和对通讯技术领域的现代研究感兴趣的广泛读者有用。
修辞学, 修辞学, 论证理论, 争议, 论证理论, 争议, 争议, 定罪, 争议, 通讯, 定罪, 原始人的论点, 通讯, ad rem参数, 原始人的论点, 上下文环境, ad rem参数, 通讯科技, 上下文环境, 通讯科技
Stavitskiy, A.V. (2021). 非古典科学的认识论方法与神话的一般理论. 哲学思想, 12, 33–42. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2021.12.36503
文章的主题是在非古典神话的背景下,考虑非古典科学提出的关于神话本体论的认识论方法。 在其中,神话被认为是负责文化语义领域的基本文化普遍,神话的制造被视为一种财产和意识的重要功能。 文章的目的是确定在改变科学范式时,神话的研究人员可以获得哪些机会。 特别是,由于她,文化的神话空间不再被视为科学的拮抗剂,而是作为其生产功能所必需的重要补充。 在非经典科学中发展和采用的方法被用作方法论基础。 从非古典科学的角度考虑神话开辟了新的视角,使我们能够研究整个神话,而不会在单独的科学学科中将其分开。 与此同时,重要的是要考虑到神话在科学和社会中起着重要的作用,尽管并不总是积极的作用,在相互补充的原则下与科学互动。 特别是,神话有助于科学提出和证实科学假设,形成世界的科学图片,提供未来的图像。 反过来,非古典神话的方法使我们能够看到,在现代条件下,神话成为政治工具和解决社会问题的方式,作为国家安全因素和操纵机制。 然而,为了进一步研究它,有必要发展一个神话的一般理论,其基本先决条件已经被创造出来。
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Chechetkina, I.I. (2021). 理论化学的解释(以量子化学和经典结构理论为例) . 哲学思想, 12, 43–53. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2021.12.36840
研究的主题是理论化学的解释方法,作为一组认知程序和技术,以结构和量子化学的经典理论在其历史和发展逻辑的背景下相互作用的例子。 结果表明,解释的过程涵盖了量子化学发展的几个历史阶段,在这个过程中,从结构理论的有意义的符号概念到正式的逻辑量子化学术语的过渡以及这些理论的反向相互作用-将后者引入结构理论。 量子化学中的解释方法有助于构建日益复杂的数学方案,在该方案下总结自然-科学内容。 该方案包括各种近似和假设,理论家在选择数学方案时也存在任意性的元素,这降低了量子化学的解释和预测的准确性。研究的对象是理论化学的方法论,其中量子化学与结构的经典理论,它们的认知能力,结构和理论知识的动力学之间的相互作用进行。 这项研究的新颖之处在于没有充分研究自然科学中的解释,在科学哲学的建构主义方法的背景下考虑解释,可以确定解释的逻辑,方法和认识论方面。 研究成果有助于化学方法论,认识论和科学哲学。 结论是,解释的过程是日益复杂的数学方案的构建,这导致了概念的数学和自然-科学内容之间,数学描述,自然-科学理论概念和实验之间的差距。 这种差距伴随着量子化学新概念的诞生,这是由于各种知识领域的整合和经典结构理论概念的消失,以及对化学中数学方法的局限性的认识。
口译笔译, 逻辑推理, 化学方法学, 经典结构理论, 量子化学, 形式主义, 语义, 化学的数学化, 资料描述, 预测;预测