Deych, T. (2018). 中国关于打击内外恐怖主义威胁的立场. 冲突学/nota bene, 1, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2018.1.25425
研究的对象是恐怖主义威胁。 这项研究的主题是中国在打击内外恐怖主义威胁问题上的立场。 这篇文章专门讨论了恐怖主义问题对中国构成的威胁。 这一威胁对新疆-维吾尔族激进分子(包括在IG中受过训练的激进分子)的境况来说都是真实的,在国外,特别是在中国公司活跃的非洲和阿拉伯东部,其雇员经常成为恐怖分子的目标。 研究的方法学基础是比较政治方法,分析和综合方法。 作者以历史主义原则为指导。 北京在反恐斗争中的政策尚未成为应有关注的对象。 本文的目的是评估威胁的规模以及北京为保护其公民和企业以及总体上打击恐怖主义威胁而采取的措施。 任务还在于分析北京在国际安全问题上的政策的新趋势。
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Mekhdiev, E.T. (2018). 在欧安组织明斯克小组框架内宪法解决纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫冲突的问题. 冲突学/nota bene, 1, 12–23. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2018.1.25789
The article examines one of the most complex international conflicts of the 21st century, which sparked in the late 1980s and turned into a military confrontation between the conflicting parties in the early 1990s. The process of establishing the OSCE Minsk Group and its mediation mission between the parties to the conflict is analyzed in this work. The so-called "step-by-step" and "package proposal" plans for conflict resolution are considered. It is noted that the parties to the conflict avoid compromise, as this will be regarded by the public as a loss.The methodological basis of the research was made by general academic and specific academic methods of cognition, including analysis and synthesis, generalization, comparison, historical method.The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the South Caucasus region is waiting for its solution, and there is a possibility of reignition of military conflict, which can lead to catastrophic consequences. In conclusion, it is pointed out that the prospects for resolving the conflict do not depend only on the positions of its parties, as the geopolitical, economic and military and strategic interests of Russia, Turkey, Iran, the United States and the EU influence the balance of forces in the region.
Geopolitics, South Caucasus, OSCE Minsk Group, OSCE, Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, Armenia, Azerbaijan, International Security, Principle of Territorial Integrity, UN Resolutions
Konstantinova, A.P. (2018). 分析现代俄罗斯和美国对西方国家孤立俄罗斯问题的方法. 冲突学/nota bene, 1, 24–35. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2018.1.25760
该研究的主题是西方和俄罗斯研究人员关于俄罗斯与西方隔离的概念方法。 特别关注的是俄罗斯和美国研究人员群体的类型化,他们在理解俄罗斯孤立的本质方面存在分歧,并关注这个或那个美国专家群体代表谁的利益。 在广泛的问题上孤立俄罗斯的支持者,包括进行经济,意识形态战争,政治制度的不稳定和其他措施,是最多的群体。 在研究过程中,作者使用了分析和综合方法,这是一种类型学方法,与分类和系统化相比,允许更高程度的概括。 该研究的科学新颖性在于分析政治和科学界对俄罗斯与欧洲-大西洋共同体关系问题的现代外国讨论。 对政治和科学界关于俄罗斯与西方关系问题的现代外国讨论的分析使我们得出结论,它们由基于北约潜力的威慑支持者主导。 对俄罗斯概念的分析表明,西方国家对俄罗斯孤立问题的态度模棱两可,并表明俄罗斯研究人员在这个问题上没有统一:当俄罗斯陷入孤立威胁和无法
俄罗斯的孤立, 俄美关系, 西区, 制裁, 地缘政治, 北约组织, 安全, 国家利益, 遏制政策, 国际关系
Zadora, A. (2018). 教学历史:法国的敏感问题与身份建构。. 冲突学/nota bene, 1, 36–50. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2018.1.25614
The author focuses attention on the particular traits of teaching history in France as part of secondary education. The point of focus are the "sensitive issues" of the history of the Fifth Republic which affect the formation of national identity of students, one way or another. These aspects of French history often spark social debate, which don't often end in agreement. The goal of this article is to analyze the didactic practices of the major actors in education - the teachers whose pedagogical practices are often limited by official instructions, curriculums, and the reactions of their students and their parents. During the study, the author used the ideographical method, basing on empirical data received during a specific sociological study. The study itself and the diligent interpretation of its statistical spread allowed the author to define a broad spectrum of the narratives which are the most "traumatizing" to the identity of young French citizens. The continuum of such problems includes scenarios that do not have definitive interpretations in the context of the Fifth Republic's history. The issues studied in this article aren't yet studied thoroughly enough in French social anthropology and political science, and Russian science still haven't made them an object of targeted research.
geopolitical choices, historical discourse, social debates, identity building, history teaching, social effect, France, actors of education, history, construction of identity
Banshchikova, A.A. (2018). "忘记学校,我的朋友":社交广告镜子中的非洲社会冲突. 冲突学/nota bene, 1, 51–74. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2018.1.25335
该研究的主题是非洲国家的社会广告以及它如何反映社会矛盾和冲突。 这篇文章介绍了关于公共生活的主要"紧张温床"的社会广告精选,其中包括作者和他的同事在考察一些非洲国家时拍摄的照片。 关注诸如家庭暴力和针对妇女的问题,腐败,艾滋病和埃博拉疫情,少女怀孕,"傍大款"现象等。 社会广告的赞助问题是分开考虑的。 该方法是基于这样一个事实,即社会广告反映了社会中的现实问题。 然而,在不同的文化中,同样的问题被不同地看待,需要对人们的心理采取不同的方法:非洲人的价值体系和社交广告为他们提供学习的东西之间的潜在 结论是,尽管这种广告无疑反映了真正的社会问题,但从西方价值观的角度来看,这种"反思"往往是通过西方观察家的眼睛发生的,因为大多数社会广告都是由国际组织赞助的,这些组织也提供了真正的援助。 在这方面,完全"原创"的广告部分(甚至没有由当地政府赞助)特别令人感兴趣-这是人们的私人倡议,他们决定提请同胞注意尖锐的问题,并以他们可用的方
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