Di Gregorio, A. (2017). 欧盟新成员国的法治危机. 冲突学/nota bene, 1, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2017.1.22979
This work focuses on one of the controversial topics of the constitutional debate in Europe, namely the deviations from democratic norms in the constitutions of several new EU member states. This issue is not yet studied in sufficient detail by Russian political science, as well as legal doctrine. Despite the fact that many international studies already addressed this issue, a general analysis of the political and constitutional causes of this apparent democratic decline is not well-developed. The author employs a cross-cultural method of legal study, which involves a historical approach with numerous political implications. The novelty of this article is based on the study of the particular traits of Central and Eastern European democratic transaction. The author examines the mechanisms of Law enforcement in EU member countries and points out the causes of their lack of efficiency, and shows that the prime reason of the said inefficiency is the immaturity of the democratic institutions. Another factor is the unevolved political culture, as well as a lack of outlined constitutional regulations of new EU member countries that do not have advanced constitutional engineering.
Constitutional debate, Eastern Europe, European Union, legal doctrines, democratic norms, political culture, law enforcement, democratic institutions, constitutional framework, constitutional engineering
Deych, T., Serikkalieva, A. (2017). 中国在非洲的"软实力":传统的遵守与发展. 冲突学/nota bene, 1, 15–31. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2017.1.22843
The object of this paper is Chinese policy in Africa. The subject of research is ‘soft power’ as a tool of this policy. Chinese researchers use a broad interpretation of this concept - they consider that the main source of 'soft power' of China should be viewed in the context of the Chinese model of development - the foreign policy of China, its national institutions and its international practices in all fields. Everything, excluding military and violent actions, is viewed by them as ‘soft power’: economic assistance, debt relief, cultural and scientific cooperation, etc. This article analyzes the implementation of this concept in Chinese African policy in the areas of education, health, cultural and scientific relations. The method of comparative political analysis and the implementation of new historical sources (primarily, documents of international organizations) allowed the authors to identify the role of 'soft power' instruments in the formation of African elites that are interested in "South-South" format of cooperation. The substantive content of the Chinese ‘soft power’ concept has not received enough attention, and the authors reach a conclusion that Beijing uses actively the means of ‘soft power’ to create the positive image of China in Africa as a friendly country, ready to provide assistance and support to Africans. ‘Soft power’ is a significant instrument for implementation of China’s foreign policy objectives in Africa.
scientific research, training professionals, people-to-people exchange, education, human resources, soft power, healthcare cooperation, cooperation, Africa, China
Brazhnikov, P.P., Kozhevnikov, V.V. (2017). 公共行政的竞争领域. 冲突学/nota bene, 1, 32–42. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2017.1.23284
本文探讨了发达国家控制领土的主要管理机制。 这项研究是基于对大型国际影响区竞争情况的历史分析。 结果,表明在自然条件下形成了一个国家,这是一个经济中心,并通过自由市场的金融工具以及其意识形态和物质吸引力影响了其他国家。 这些影响方法是主要的。 寻求在大型金融中心存在下独立发展的国家不得不使用保护方法。 表明,在正常情况下,处于比其邻国更有利条件的国家通常会施加不平等的合同。 随着时间的推移,这样的国家将成为一个主要的金融中心,经济接近自由。 有时,这种影响通过名义上独立的国际组织传播。 发展中国家在一个大型金融中心的存在下,为了能够与之竞争,必须首先限制外部影响,为此,国家领导人在其领土上的经济孤立或经济依赖。 在外交政策中,与其他国家建立在真正平等基础上的联盟被用作与大型金融中心竞争的主要工具。 一个对邻国经济依赖产生影响的国家不可能提供这样的条件。 然后,这些国家转向扩张主义政策并建立对所吞并领土的直接控制。
公共行政, 传播影响力, 金融中心, 民主, 自由贸易, 计划经济, 集中管理, 国际协定, 独立组织, 各国的竞争
Kochanova, T.V. (2017). 南苏丹共和国武装冲突动态的地缘政治和国内原因. 冲突学/nota bene, 1, 43–56. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2017.1.22864
该研究的主题是2011年南苏丹共和国从苏丹北部独立两年后发生的军事政治冲突。 分析美国另一个促进非洲大陆民主项目的失败,作者转向冲突的起源,分析了许多因素,这些因素不是促进年轻主权国家的经济增长,而是促进腐败,对抗, 在研究过程中,作者采用比较历史法和历史主义原则,以各方、意见和力量的冲突为冲突基础,将南苏丹共和国冲突的发展与非洲大陆其他国家"民主化"的 使用这些方法使作者能够找出军事政治冲突的性质。 "冲突"一词通常只被解释为"双方,意见,力量的冲突。"在这篇文章中,作者从这三个类别的角度探讨了南苏丹冲突的起源和性质,扩大了现代地缘政治条件下冲突出现和发展的所谓因素的范围,全面考虑了现有问题,同时特别关注非极化和势力范围再分配时代的一个重要方面,即"利益冲突"--它允许将来预测可能的冲突局势,从而减少世界各地区出现"热点"的风险。
南苏丹, 南苏丹, 种族间的矛盾, 种族间的矛盾, 独立性, 独立性, 主权, 主权, 权力的斗争, 权力的斗争, 维持和平部队, 维持和平部队, 军事-政治冲突, 军事-政治冲突, 人道主义灾难, 人道主义灾难, 全球主导, 全球主导, 伊希斯, 伊希斯
Bondarenko, D. (2017). 非洲裔美国人和非洲移民:不同的心态. 冲突学/nota bene, 1, 57–70. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0617.2017.1.22000
这项研究的主题是美国黑人的心理结构。 作者详细研究了这个主题的一个重要方面,即该国根深蒂固的居民(奴隶贸易时代带到美国大陆的奴隶后裔)与来自非洲国家的相对较新的移民的相互 特别注意为移民提供服务的网络社区,作为东道国社会更成功适应和保持自己的文化特征的手段,以及来自黑人大陆国家的移民的公共组织。 该文章基于2013-2015年在七个州的实地研究中收集的材料。 实地研究得出的结论是非洲裔美国人和非洲人的关系的特点是吸引和排斥。 两者都明白,在该国的所有种族和种族社区中,他们(以及安的列斯群岛的黑人土着人)彼此最接近。 (在非黑人美国人眼中,他们有时会合并为一个。). 美国皮肤黝黑的公民意识到在一个种族分裂至关重要的社会中存在共同的根源和部分相同的问题,但许多文化差异在试图相互吸引并"翻译"成另一种文化形象的"语言"时立即显现出来,导致相互排斥。
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