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We publish scientific journals. The articles must comply with the requirements for scientific publications and correspond with the theme of the particular Journal (please, see the full list of rubrics, aims and goals of the Journal in which you want to be published).

Recommended size of an article is 12,000 to 50,000 characters in total.

It is not encouraged when a researcher, interpreting various academic terms in an article, begins an absentee debate with authors of textbooks, tutorial manuals or dictionaries, which cannot substantiate their academic position in fragmented portions and end up in an unfavorable position from the start. For the sake of scholarly polemics, it would be much better if you would refer to the texts of your opponents’ monographs or dissertations.

Please, do not make your scientific article a journalist article; do not fill it with citations from newspapers and popular magazines, or references to statements made on TV. However, we accept references to scientific resources on the Internet.

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The article should present scientific novelty, as well as demonstrate good knowledge of the subject and works of the scholars who studied it before.

We do not accept for publication of parts of PhD's theses, books, and monographs, since they generally do not meet the requirements for the style of journal article. We also do not accept materials previously published in other journals.

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The Publisher does not consider articles without information about the author (co-authors). Please, provide your full legal name (we need it for further publication of information about the authors), your academic title and degree, place of work and position (please provide it in full without any abbreviations), your telephone number and work or school address.

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The list of sources is required at the end of your article, and should contain 10-15 sources (the more, the better).

The articles are provided in electronic form only through the publisher's website: https://printeden.e-notabene.ru/author_login.php

After the registration, you should add your article abstract (in Russian, 3-6 sentences), including three parts: object of study, method and methodology of study, novelty of study and conclusions.
Also, add 10 keywords.
Attach the article itself.
Please save your article as a Word file (any version of Word is acceptable) with .doc or .rtf extensions).
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Paragraphs are aligned with a “tab”.
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Font size should be size 12.
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When you put a date in the text of your article, please put: year 1920, 1920’s, 1540’s–1550’s and so on.
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Use a space, when you write initials or abbreviations. For example, please write M. N. Ivanov. Do not write: M.N. Ivanov, M.N.Ivanov, it is not correct.

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*Holders of a Doctorate Degree receive priority publishing in the Online Publishing Journals.

Detailed requirements for the peer reviews:

The review for an article in a periodic journal is a source of information on the contents of the article and the results of the studies discussed therein.

The review serves the following purposes: it allows determining the general content of the article and its relevance, and making a decision on whether the full text of the article is of interest.

The review of an article should be informing (contain specific information, no generalizations), original, content-based (reflecting upon the general contents of the article and results of the studies), and structured (follow the logic of description of the results in the article).

The review should include the following aspects of the content of the article:
Object and goal of the article;
Method or methodology of the article;
Results of the study;

The results of the study should be described clearly and be explicitly. The author should refer to the key theoretical and experimental results, factual data, uncovered interrelations and patterns. The preference is given to the novel results, and results of long-standing value, as well as important findings, conclusions contrary to existing theories, and to the data having practical importance in the opinion of the author.

The conclusions may be complemented by proposals, evaluations, recommendations, and hypotheses, as described in an article.

The information provided in the title of the article should not repeat in the text of the abstract. It is better to avoid extra introductory phrases, such as “the author of the article studies”, “the article concerns”.

Historical references, descriptions of previously published works and generally known information should not be included into the abstract, unless they are crucial to the article.

The text of an abstract should contain syntax constructions typical to scientific and technical articles; overly complicated grammar constructions should be avoided.

The remuneration is not paid for the articles in scientific journals.

Publications in the online journals are free of charge for all authors (postgraduate students, holders of Ph.D. or Doctorate Degrees, students).

The materials of online journals are included into the following systems:
the system of the Russian Science Citation Index;
the largest international periodicals database Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, which provides greater link popularity.

All of the articles are given a unique identification registration number of the DOI Registration Agency. We form and provide an original digital code for every article and every book in both, printed and electronic versions. The prefix and the suffix together form a digital object identifier (DOI), which is found, cited and indexed in the search engines.