Кириченко Н.Р. —
К вопросу изучения американского массмедийного дискурса предметной области иммиграция
// Филология: научные исследования. – 2020. – № 1.
– 和。 142 - 152.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.1.28475
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/fmag/article_28475.html
注释,注释: Статья посвящена анализу дискурса современного американского масс-медийного коммуникативного пространства, посвященного предметной области иммиграция. В работе описаны существующие отношения СМИ и населения к проблеме миграции и иммигрантов, характеризующиеся контрадикторностью и поляризацией, а также показаны различные процессы стереотипизации представлений о миграционном дискурсе.
Предметом исследования является современный американский массмедийный дискурс, связанный с тематикой иммиграции. Основная цель работы – выявить, как американские СМИ и общество представляют иммигрантов, какими концептами они описываются и насколько представленные имиджи влияют на общественное восприятие такого сложного феномена, как иммиграция. Статья построена на основе текстовой интерпретации фактологического материала. Были использованы два метода дискурсивного анализа: был предпринят анализ лексических средств, с помощью которого были выявлены эксплицитные репрезентации. Анализ грамматических структур позволил выявить имплицитные значения. Материалом исследования послужили публикации 2017-2018 гг. Наше исследование показывает, что СМИ аккомодируют различные точки зрения и на настоящий момент в публичном пространстве американских СМИ можно обозначить разные типы дискурсов, раскрывающих полярное понимание иммиграции. Президент страны является одним из тех, чье негативное отношение к проблеме иммиграции и самим иммигрантам наиболее выражено. С другой стороны, неолиберальный дискурс представляется более нейтральным и даже сострадательным. Таким образом, тенденция описывания иммигрантов в негативных терминах снижается. Несмотря на попытки руководства страны создать отрицательный образ иммигранта, анализ контрадикторных отношений к ним доказывает, что роль СМИ в формировании общественного мнения не столь велика.
Abstract: This article is dedicated to the analysis of discourse of the modern American mass media communication space dedicated to the subject field of immigration. The work describes the existing attitudes of mass media and population to the problem of immigration and immigrants, characterized by contradiction and polarization, as well as demonstrates various processes of stereotypization of perceptions on the migration discourse. The subject of this research is the current American mass media discourse on the topic of immigration. The main goal lies in determination of attitudes developed by the American mass media and society on the immigrants, which concepts are used for their description, and how it affects the social perception of such complex phenomenon as immigration. The article is structures on the basis of text interpretation of factual material, with application of two methods of discursive analysis: analysis of lexical means for determining explicit representations; and analysis of grammar structures for determining implicit meanings. The research displays that mass media accommodate different points of view, and at the present moment, the public space of American mass media indicates different types of discourse revealing polar understanding of immigration, The President of the country is one of those, who vividly expresses negative attitude to the problem of immigration and immigrants. On the other hand, the neoliberal discourse seems more neutral and even compassionate. Therefore, the trend of describing immigrants in negative connotations is reducing. Despite the attempts of country’s leadership to create a negative image of an immigrant, the analysis of contradictory attitude to them proves that the role of mass media in formation of public opinion is not as significant.
Kirichenko N.R. —
Linguistic Manifestation of the concept of immigration in the English and American press
// SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2018. – № 1.
– 和。 44 - 50.
DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2018.1.23899
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/psen/article_23899.html
注释,注释: This article is aimed at examination of the concept of immigration, conceptual metaphors of the cognominal concept, as well as their manifestations in the English and American press. The subject of this research is the language means that verbalizes the concept of immigration in the English and American consciousness. The object of this research is the concept of immigration. The analysis of the language material alongside the description of metaphorical models allowed determining the attitude to immigration at the current state of social development. The work is based on the method of continuous sampling of examples from the English and American periodicals. The concept of immigration is one of the key concepts of the modern political discourse. Its conceptual content is revealed in the article. The author determines and provides description to the three metaphorical models that represent the concept at hand, namely: anthropomorphic model, model of nature, and artifactual model. The analysis of factual material demonstrates that the highlighted metaphorical models have negative connotation.
Kirichenko N.R. —
Linguistic Manifistation of the Concept of Immigration in the English and American Press
// Litera. – 2017. – № 3.
– 和。 106 - 114.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2017.3.23935
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/fil/article_23935.html
注释,注释: The article aims at examining the concept of immigration in the American and English linguistic consciousness, conceptual immigration metaphors and their manifistation in the English and American press. The subject of the work is linguistic means which verbalize the above mentioned concept in the English and American linguistic consciousness. The object of the work is the concept of immigration. The analysis of the concept has been carried out in the framework of the conceptual metaphor theory. By analyzing the language material and describing metaphoric models the author has defined attitudes to immigration at the modern state of society's development. The research is based on the continuous sampling method applied to English and American press examples. Kirichenko has also used the definition analysis method. Immigration is a key concept of a modern political discourse. The content analysis of the lexeme immigration, which verbalizes the discussed concept, has been made. Three models representing the concept of immigration have been described in the article, namely anthropomorphic model, the model of nature and artifactural model. The analysis reveals that these models have negative connotation.