Minzyanova D.F. —
Compliance with the Secrecy Regime During Online Training in Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs' Educational Organizations
// Ñîâðåìåííîå îáðàçîâàíèå. – 2023. – ¹ 3.
– 和。 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.38301
URL: https://e-notabene.ru/pp/article_69992.html
注释,注释: Strategic priorities for developing modern Russian society and ensuring law and order require establishing an effective continuous educational process in Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs’ universities. The author examines the issue of compliance with the secrecy regime in the online education of students in universities of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. The study's relevance is due to the scale of the spread of COVID-19 infection and the development of information and communication technologies. Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs’ universities have special disciplines that require secrecy during online learning. These disciplines include operational investigative activities, operational investigative psychology, record keeping and secrecy regime, and others. The study's object is the online educational process in Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs’ universities. The subject of the study is the methods of transmitting and exchanging information in educational organizations of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs within the framework of online distance learning. In the course of the study, the goal was achieved to substantiate the necessary and sufficient measures for the optimal implementation of educational programs of higher education, vocational training, and advanced training of police officers in the conditions of expanding the information space, communication capabilities, and limitations generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The author compared the relationship between "distance learning" and "online learning." The conclusion is made about the need to expand the ISOD of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs capabilities and develop a single departmental digital educational portal for Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs universities within this information space. The author suggests improving the information potential of Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs system for the possibility of teaching particular disciplines in the online education process.